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Thesis Writing Atty, Jack Andrew O. Miranda 1113/2018 Writing thesis proposal: The Big Picture Proposal describes your proposed plan of work “What you intend to study (scope and research questions] How you intend to study your topic (methodology "Why this topic needs to be studied (significance) When will you complete the work (timeline) Where you will conduct the study (occasionally) Proposal Writing and Anxiety: General Advice + Establish a writing schedule * Begin by free-writing + Keep a notebook with you where you to write down your thoughts (relevant) + Create different files in your computed or on different index cards as you start to compose «Start with a more ‘clear cut” section first Proposal Writing and Anxiety "Understand that the proposal will be negotiated - be prepared to revisel!! "Think of the proposal as an introduction to your thesis ‘Remember that the proposal is not a binding contract + Remember that your proposal is not meant to limit ideas, but to help you think practically = Talk to your advisoritit 1113/2018 Thesis writing ‘It introduces students to research, the ‘most scientific way of solving problems. "Tt is a part of higher learning intended to identify significant problems, investigate them, analyze the findings, relate them to important concepts or issues, and convey conclusions and Implications to others in clear, objective prose. Law Thesis + always requires clear-cut assessment of the details. with reference to the legal structure in which they take a seat +A reasonable and convincing legal argument should be developed in a way to underpin your final conchusion. You will achieve this by analyzing all relevant legislations. + Compare different case laws, and legal commentaries, to recognize and evaluate the possible counter arguments. Purpose/ objective * first, it allows the proponent to make a contribution fo the field of study; second, it shares with the academic community - not only of the institution but of institutions world-wide as well ~ the output of one’s research; + third, it provides the faculty a chance of assessing the competence of a stucient at independent research and at artculatin hris mature seflections i afield of study 11/13/2018 Initial Pages + Title page + Approval sheet + Abstract = Bri summary ofthe nas Aim = bre provide reader we the most important ‘nowmationtromtneertite ext, + Acknowledgment + Dedication | + Table of Contents Title Page ‘faeaties vid Vis ie UNESCO WoRuD HERTTAGE ‘W paRTIAL FOLTELLAEx OF THEE RDQUIREHEENTS FOR

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