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This is a collection of writing mistakes found in past assignments.

In groups 2-3 people, try to

identify and correct them going from the most general to the most specific aspects.

1. “For a long time, we can saw that we have problems in our country, consequently, lot of people is trying to fight
againts who they think is the enemy: the Goverment.”

2. “The problems will still happening as long as we don’t do nothing about it.”

3. “Other way to help is recycle the paper and plant some trees.”

4. “One of this places is the beauty Patio Bellavista, a nice place, where you will find the same thinks that I
mencioned before, although is too expensive, but in the friday to sunday afternoon you could find good offers.”

5. “Moreover, there are several singles that I love for example, ‘I Get Around,’ ‘Fun, Fun, Fun,’ ‘Kokomo,’ and ‘She
Believes in Love Again,’ are my favourites.

6. “The tobacco is a substance that affect the functions and structures of a human’s body.”

7. “Although will appear a law that will prohibit smoking in the street, the people continue doing any way.”

8. “Among people aged 15 and 16 Tobacco is the most popular drug; nevertheless, alcohol have increased it’s
consumption in the last decade.”

9. “The pasta have been one of the most popular dishes although there are people which didn’t like it, this is other
thing of interest to tourists. To people who loves of music, can visite many traditional events that currently on tour in

10. “Many woman want to be mothers; although, she decide to have an abortion to prevent the born of child with
defects or several medical problems, but other reasons why the woman decide to have abortion is when the
pregnancy was a result from rape or same type of violence against woman or simply the woman decide to have an
abortion as the pregnancy represent a problem in their life such as medical, psychological or economy problem.”

11. “Exist many places in Chile to travel could be south area, central area and north area, which are very attractive;
Chile have central turism very famous to travel as isla de Pascua, valle del elqui, cerro santa lucia and many others,
which give many profits for Chile, although the best area in … when we take the desition what we want do for
example trekking, surfing, sailing or simply know the country; the north are is famous for huge desert and her dry
weather in other hand the central area have the most famous place, which have the “moais” isla de Pascua, wich is
known worldwide, finally…”

12. “Childrens between 6 to 18 year old prefer to eat fast food in Santiago City, and obesity caused by it. Chilean
people especially in Stgo City is characterized by prefer fast food; consequently, many children suffers of obesity, and
can increase the risk of heart disease especially to kids between 6 to 8 years old. Although children’s mather knows
about this serious problem, they don’t do it nothing to change it. Children’s mather who are working, and leave his
son or she don’t live with the children’s father.”

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