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Alycia Tran

Professor Calhoun

ENG 1201

17 March 2019

The Online Casebook

My essay will be evaluating all the factors of stress to determine how harmful it really is.

I want to know how dangerous certain levels of it can be, and I think it will be very interesting to

see how harmful stress actually can be. I think this topic will raise a lot of questions about certain

stress factors, and I also think it may have people questioning if they are in too much stress or

not. I believe this topic will make people wonder if they should take any precautions when it

comes to stress and how to deal with it. I know that there can be many different causes of stress,

and every person deals with their stress in their own way.

Crestani, Belinda. "The Harmful Effects Of Stress." ACUITY. N.p., 2019. Web. 17 Mar. 2019.

There are several things people should know about stress. When people think of stress,

they associate it with a bad feeling. Stress can lead to several unwanted health conditions.

Although having a certain level of stress can actually motivate you and help you perform.

Everybody feels stressed some time in their lives. Stress can affect you physically, mentally, and

it can affect your wellbeing. Many feel stressed on a day to day basis, or constantly. Being able

to manage or deal with your stress can help you live a happier, healthier and longer life.

Dhabhar, Firdaus. "Good Stress, Bad Stress - Stanford Medicine Newsletter - Stanford

University School Of Medicine." N.p., 2019. Web. 17 Mar. 2019.

An article written by Firdaus Dhabhar, PhD, associate professor of psychiatry and

behavioral sciences and director of research at the Stanford Center on Stress & Health, also

discusses both good and bad stress. According to the article, good stress is considered to be a

part of our survival system. Natural stress can actually protect our immune functions during

surgeries. An article like this one could be used to show that there is such thing as good stress.

When people think of stress, they relate it to something negative because stress isn’t exactly the

greatest feeling. This article goes to show that there can be benefits to stress and that not all

stress has negative effects. Even with the small benefits of stress, there are still negative effects

that can come from stress, specifically chronic stress.

Gincherman, Gene. "Is Stress Harmful? It's All In The Way You Think About It - Kaiser

Permanenete Kpproud Mid-Atlantic States." Kaiser Permanenete KPproud Mid-Atlantic

States. N.p., 2019. Web. 17 Mar. 2019.

Anything can cause you to be stressed. There are several causes and factors that come

into play when you are stressed. According to an article written by Gene Gincherman, MD, stress

can be harmful physically and psychologically. It has been linked to heart disease, cancer, high

blood pressure, diabetes, skin problems, obesity, and depression. Not all stress is bad though.

Gincherman talks about the fight or flight response that is given off when our stress comes into

play. The energy that our bodies produce from the stress causes us to either face it or run away

from it, hence the fight or flight response. This response is good, but we don’t want to always be

in the fight or flight stage all the time. When you are constantly stressed, or if you get like that

frequently, it can strain your heart and immune system. This will interfere with your sleep and

make you exhausted all the time. Our mindsets on stress can also affect how harmful it can be.
Gincherman states that stress is a fact of life, and how we approach it can make a huge

difference. Trying positive approaches can be really helpful.

"Good Stress, Bad Stress - Ulifeline". Ulifeline.Org, 2019,

This article talks about both good and bad stress. It defines good stress as beneficial and

motivational, and it defines bad stress as anxiety and health problems. Getting stressed over

certain things gives your body a boost of energy that ends up making a decision for you. In the

article it’s described as the fight or flight response, meaning that the boost of energy you get

controls/affects the way you react to specific events. Stress can also have little health benefits.

According to the article, researchers say that small amounts of stress can be beneficial to our

immune systems. Stress affects your blood pressure and heart rate. Having stress can improve the

way our hearts work and can protect our bodies from infection. There are different kinds of stress

and certain ones can stay around for weeks or months. Those that stay for awhile can actually

weaken your immune system and cause high blood pressure, fatigue, depression, anxiety and

even heart disease.

"How Stress Affects Your Body And Behavior". Mayo Clinic, 2019,

ms/art-2 0050987. Accessed 3 Mar 2019.

This article talks about the effects of stress on your body and behavior. It also discusses ways to

manage your stress, and when to seek help. Just like the previous source listed, this article also

says that stress contributes to several health problems. The article states that stress that’s left
unchecked can lead to high blood pressure, heart disease, obesity and diabetes. Being active can

help with your stress a lot. Inactive activities, such as watching tv, sounds relaxing, but it can

actually make your stress worse.

Krantz, David, Beverly Thorn, and Janice Kiecolt-Glaser. "How Stress Affects Your Health." N.p., 2019. Web.

Stress is a natural thing. Anyone can get stress, and there are many different ways people

can develop stress. There can be good stress and bad stress. This article talks about how stress is

normal, but if you’re stressed for long periods of time, it can become chronic. The longer you are

stressed, the worse it can be for your mind and body. In the article, it states that prolonged

periods of stress may make you feel fatigued, make it harder to concentrate, and it can make you

irritable for no reason. Stress is considered to be dangerous when it starts affecting your ability to

live a normal life.

Robinson, Jennifer. "The Effects Of Stress On Your Body." WebMD. N.p., 2019. Web. 17 Mar.


Our bodies react to stress with physical, mental, and emotional responses. Stress is a

common thing. It’s normal to get stressed. There are good forms and bad forms of stress.

Jennifer Robinson, MD, says that our bodies are designed to experience stress and to react to it.

Good stress keeps us alert and aware for danger, so that we can avoid it. Stress can be bad when

it becomes continuous, and there is no relief or relaxation at all. Because it is ongoing and there

no no breaks of relief, this causes our bodies to be overworked and stress-related tensions can


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