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English VIII, Group _________ Unit 1 –vocabulary building worksheet

Teacher _____________________________ Date: ______________

Name ____________________________________________

Degrees of Emotions and Sensations

slightly x basic emotion very x extremely x

fine happy joyful Marvelous
Unhappy sad discouraged Depressed
Bland Bored tedious jaded
Nervous Scary Fearful Terrified
Tender Touched Amazed Impressed
Tired Sleepy bewildered exhausted
Uncomfortable annoy disgusted Unbearable
Worried Stressed Distressed exhausted
understanding Pity sorrow misery
sweet Love mellow passionate
jealous Envy resentful selfish
Agitated Energetic excited Powerful
grumpy Furious angered violent
observant Curious snoop gossip
disappointed Pessimistic outrage Depressant
Confident Secure steadfast Empowered
Frustrated melancholic upset weepy
salubrious healthy Benign Vigorous
grieved ashamed Overwhelmed Humiliated

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