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Civil Rights Movement

Terms and Concepts List


1. Booker T. Washington
2. National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)
3. W.E.B. Du Bois
4. “Double V” Campaign

5. Thurgood Marshall
6. Little Rock Nine

7. Civil Disobedience
8. Martin Luther King, Jr.
9. Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC)
10. Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC)
11. Sit-ins

12. Rosa Parks

13. March on Washington
14. Freedom Riders
15. Freedom Summer

16. Malcolm X
17. Nation of Islam
18. Black Panther Party
19. Stokely Carmichael
20. Affirmative Action


1. Brown v. Board of Education

a. Decision (Warren’s Opinion)
b. Reaction

2. Letters from Birmingham Jail

a. King’s philosophy of nonviolent protest and civil disobedience
3. Montgomery Bus Boycott
4. Impact of Civil Rights Acts of the 1960s
. Civil Rights Act of 1964
a. Voting Rights Act of 1965

5. De facto v. de jure segregation

a. Examples
6. Impact of Civil Rights Acts of the 1960s
. Civil Rights Act of 1968

7. Black Power Movement

a. Frustration of young African American population
8. Violence against African Americans
. Birmingham

Primary Source Analysis: I will be pulling an excerpt, photograph, or political cartoon from the
slides on Google Classroom. Using the excerpt, you will be writing a 3-5 sentence explanation
of what the primary source means/ represents.

Essay Prompts

1. How did African American life change from the Era of Reconstruction to the decades
following the end of Reconstruction in 1877? Provide at least three examples of how
their liberties either improved or declined and relate this to the Civil Rights Movement
during the 20th century.

2. During class we observed the court’s opinion from Brown v. Board of Education and the
dissenting opinion from Plessy v. Ferguson. In 3-5 sentences, give at least one similarity and
one difference between the two opinions. Additionally, explain what piece of legislation was
used to support their opinion?

3. Martin Luther King, Jr. believed in the philosophy of civil disobedience and the use of
nonviolent protest to achieve his goals of desegregation and equality among races. Malcolm X,
possessed a very different viewpoint. In 3-5 sentences, explain King’s views of civil
disobedience and nonviolent protest, the views of Malcolm X, and how Malcolm’s views
conflicted with Dr. King’s philosophy.

4. Many of the aspects of the Civil Rights Movement have not evaporated from history.
Today, we still see aspects of racism, inequality among races, and programs that exist to shrink
the gaps between the white and black population. Create a 3-5 sentence argument in which you
relate events from the Civil Rights Movement to our current day situation.
Civil Rights Movement
Unit Exam

DIRECTIONS: Please answer all the questions to the best of your ability based upon your
knowledge obtained throughout the Civil Rights Unit. You have the entire period to complete this
exam, if you have any questions please raise your hand for assistance. If you need to use the
restroom during the exam, you must turn in your phone and exam before leaving the classroom.
GOOD LUCK! (60 pts.)

Section I. Multiple Choice

For the following questions, please circle the best answer to complete the statement or answer
the question. There will only be ONE correct answer. (1 point each)

1. ______________ was the President of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference

a. Malcolm X
b. W.E.B. Du Bois
c. Stokely Carmichael
d. Martin Luther King, Jr.

2. These types of laws were used to segregate facilities in the southern states between
white and colored individuals.
a. Sam Cro Laws
b. Sam Rice Laws
c. Jim Crow Laws
d. Bob Jones Laws

3. The Little Rock Nine were the original nine students to begin gradual ____________ into
the desegregated school system following Brown v. Board of Education.
a. Segregation
b. Integration
c. Interrogation
d. Emancipation

4. Stokely Carmichael started the Black Power Movement which worked towards
a. Racial Pride
b. Black Separatism
c. Self-defense in discrimination and racism
d. All of the above
5. This political party believed in African American pride and felt black men should be
exempt from military service due to the huge demographic of African Americans enlisted
in Vietnam.
a. Black Panther Party
b. Democratic Party
c. Bull Moose Party
d. Republican Party

6. The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People was founded in what
a. 1896
b. 1954
c. 1901
d. 1909

7. _____________ was the head of the NAACP legal team in the early 1950s and Brown v.
Board of Education.
a. John Marshall Harlan
b. Martin Luther King, Jr.
c. Thurgood Marshall
d. Jackie Robinson

8. The “separate, but equal” precedent was established in what Supreme Court case?
a. Marbury v. Madison
b. Plessy v. Ferguson
c. Brown v. Board of Education
d. Tinker v. Des Moines

9. This organization was established during Reconstruction, re-emerged in the 1920s, and
had their final gasp of power following Brown v. Board of Education.
c. KKK

10. _____________ was a black separatist and Islamic minister who felt that change would
only occur if we separated from the white community.
a. Mahatma Gandhi
b. Martin Luther King, Jr.
c. A. Philip Randolph
d. Malcolm X

Section II. True or False

Please respond with a T for true and an F for false on the line provided below. In addition, you
must correct the underlined portion of the statement if the answer is false. (2 points each)

11. ____ Booker T. Washington was known for his militant philosophy and call for an
immediate end to segregation.

12. ____ The Civil Rights Act of the 1964 made it illegal to discriminate on the basis of race,
religion, national origin, and gender.

13. ____ In 1965, the city of Detroit exploded into the worst race riot in American History
where 34 people died and over $100,000,000 of property damage was done.

14. ____ Segregation based on legislation is known as de facto segregation.

15. ____ The March on Washington in which Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. gave his famous “I
Have a Dream” speech occurred in August of 1963.

Section III. Short Answer (10 pts.)

For each of the following questions, please answer everything in the writing prompt.

21. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. gained a lot of support in the earlier years of the Civil Rights
Movement; however, his support started to waiver in the second half of the 1960s. Why
did people start to turn from his nonviolent tactics? What was the alternative and who
supported this change? Please answer in 2-3 sentences.
22. Please list two changes that each of the following Civil Rights Acts achieved.

Civil Rights Act of 1964:

Civil Rights Act of 1965:

Civil Rights Act of 1968:

Section IV. Primary Source Analysis (10 pts.)
For the following section, use the picture below to answer the following question.

23. After Brown v. Board of Education, segregation in schools was found to be

unconstitutional; however, school integration still finds its challenges today. How does
this political cartoon explain the issue school integration faces? Explain ‘white flight’ and
de facto segregation in your answer.
Section V. Essay (20 pts.)
Please answer ONE of the following questions to the best of your ability.

24. During class we observed the court’s opinion from Brown v. Board of Education and the
dissenting opinion from Plessy v. Ferguson. In 3-5 sentences, give at least one similarity
and one difference between the two opinions. Additionally, explain what piece of
legislation was used to support their opinion?
25. Martin Luther King, Jr. believed in the philosophy of civil disobedience and the use of
nonviolent protest to achieve his goals of desegregation and equality among races.
Malcolm X, possessed a very different viewpoint. In 3-5 sentences, explain King’s views
of civil disobedience and nonviolent protest, the views of Malcolm X, and how Malcolm’s
views conflicted with Dr. King’s philosophy.

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