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Q1. Why do want to work in US?

Ans. I worked in different parts India as well as abroad, earlier in Dubai and
presently in Bahrain. I am interested in studying different cultures. I am running
my own tuition centers in India and Bahrain and I want introduce the teaching
technics, which I am going to apply in USA, in my study centers and I said this
program itself is called cultural exchange program.

Q2. How do you face class room problems in USA, because there is a lot of
difference. ?
Ans. Mathematics is a global subject. Class room Problems are same in any part
of the world for a mathematics teacher. I continued as “ problem is
understanding the language of Mathematics. Most of the students they don’t
learn the language of Mathematic and I know how to make them perfect in this
language, I have my own technics which I applied in India I am applying here
Bahrain and I am finding the results.
Q3. Do you read English books?
Ans. Frankly speaking no, but I do a read lot of books related to Mathematics
which are published in English language and also read books related to
psychology to understand students behavior.

Q4.A part teaching in which cultural activities you involve

Ans. My self is drama artist, I play one act plays and I do direct mythological
dramas and I play some the roles.

Q5. Any questions from your side?

Ans. What is the job location urban or rural and she told we have mixed options
thorough out the lands near by seashore(this word was not clear to me)
My Question. When I can bring my wife.
Her Ans. Not immediately after one or two months you can bring.
My Q. How is my English language
Her Ans. I don’t have any is perfect.

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