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Posi�ve Affirma�ons
from here and here

72 Posi�ve Affirma�ons for

Anxiety and Depression
Here are some of my favorite Amazing 72 Positive
affirmations for Anxiety and Depression. Try them:

1. Through the power of my thoughts and words,

positive changes are happening in me and in my
life now
2. I am constantly growing and evolving into a better
3. I’m freeing myself from all destructive doubt and
4. I accept myself and create peace in mine mind and
5. I’m rising above the thoughts that are trying to
make me angry or frightened.
6. I am in the process of positive change.
7. I accept myself.
8. I am willing to get rid of tension, fear, and stress.
9. I am now willing to see only his greatness.
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10. I have the power to make changes.

11. I am always divinely protected.
12. Any reason to live no matter how small that reason
it is good enough.
13. It’s going to be okay.
14. I’m stronger than where I’m currently stuck at. I’m
going to find my way out of this.
15. My depression does not control my life.
16. I have the power to defeat my depression.
17. Even if I fall back one day, I won’t be stuck
18. I will and I am always positive.
19. I believe in myself here and now!
20. I have still come so far, and I believe in myself.
21. I am not afraid to keep on living.
22. I am healing.
23. I’m going to forgive and free myself. I deserve to
forgive and be forgiven.
24. I am healing every day. I will continue to heal. I
will let myself heal.
25. I have such a bright future.
26. I am going to get myself out of this mess, I believe
in my strength to know that I will be okay.
27. Depression will not defeat me. I am more than this.
28. I’ve made it through hard times before I’m going to
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make it through this.

29. I’m not going to waste my entire day in bed. I’m
going to get up and get out of the house. Today I’m
going to do something for me.
30. I have to remember that I have the power in me to
walk away when a person or a situation isn’t
healthy for me.
31. I do belong in the world, there are people that care
about me.
32. My past may be ugly, but I am still beautiful.
33. I have made mistakes, but I will not let them define
34. I am under construction, but I am strong.
35. I get angry sometimes, but I am full of love.
36. I love myself.
37. I deserve to be happy.
38. I deserve to be healthy.
39. I decide how my story is told.
40. This isn’t it. There is more to life out there.
41. I make the decisions. My depression does not make
decisions for me.
42. I refuse to give in to these feelings of defeat.
43. Ending my life is not a solution. It’s not going to
make life better for anyone.
44. I accept compliments with ease because I know I
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am worthy of them.
45. I’m becoming a better version of myself with every
passing day.
46. I let go of the fear of making mistakes and feeling
like a failure.
47. My actions are intentional, and I do everything with
a purpose.
48. I’m worthy of good things, and so is everybody
49. I accept myself for who I am, in my current state.
50. I respect myself and treat myself with kindness and
51. I’m allowed to express pain.
52. The only approval I’ll ever need is my own. I love
my body and all it does for me.
53. I let go of people who do not have my best interests
at heart.
54. I’m proud of all I have accomplished.
55. My life is a place of happiness and love.
56. I have so much to celebrate myself. I’ve got my
57. I stay balanced when other people are unbalanced.
58. I see my struggles as opportunities to learn and
59. I am my best source of motivation.
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60. There are no obstacles I can’t overcome.

61. I deeply love and approve of myself.
62. I cherish the unique person I am.
63. I’m blessed to have a wonderful soul.
64. My soul radiates from the inside and warms the
souls of others.
65. I appreciate my life.
66. Nothing stands in the way of me loving myself.
67. Today, I chose my happiness.
68. I’ve been through worse than this and survived.
This will not break me.
69. I believe in my ability to get through tough times.
Whatever I manage to do today will be enough.
70. I’m not going to run away from my problems and
leave a mess for my family to clean up.
71. I’m going to keep living and I will figure this out.
72. These tough times will be behind me one day.

Depression lies, and you are every bit as deserving

of love and affec�on as anyone else.

Posi�ve Affirma�on Examples

Based on this definition, here are some examples of
positive affirmations:
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I believe in myself, and trust my own wisdom;

I am a successful person; and
I am confident and capable at what I do.
Below we have more affirmation examples,
focused on specific areas.

9 Posi�ve Affirma�ons for Women

Looking for some ideas to create your own affirmations?

Here are some nice examples:

1. I choose to be happy.
2. My life is taking place right here, right now.
3. I’m gifted with and surrounded by amazing friends
and family.
4. I opt to rise above negative feelings and ditch
negative thoughts.
5. I am resilient, strong, brave, and can’t be destroyed.
6. Nobody but me decides how I feel.
7. When I lie down to sleep, everything is as it should
be, and I rest content.
8. I am in charge of my thoughts, and I don’t judge
9. I accept and love myself, thoroughly and
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These are adapted from a bigger list of 110 affirmations,

written by certified self-development coach Barrie

9 Posi�ve Affirma�ons for Men

Here are some affirmations for men, including

affirmations of self-acceptance and positive self-talk
about body image. These affirmations are based on a
larger list of 30 and adapted using CBT ‘Negative Core
Beliefs‘ themes that can be found at TherapistAid.

1. I am responsible for looking after me.

2. By being myself, I bring happiness to other people.
3. My goals and desires are as worthwhile as
everybody else’s.
4. Through courage and hard work, I can achieve
anything that I set my mind to.
5. I’m fine with who I am, and I love who I am
6. Through my contributions, I make positive changes
to the world.
7. My body is amazing just the way it is and I accept
myself this way.
8. I choose only to surround myself with supportive
and good people.
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9. Whenever I fall down, I get back up again.

9 Posi�ve Affirma�ons to Help Relieve


Most people who have suffered from anxiety will know

how important it can be to cut off negative thought
patterns before they begin to spiral. These affirmations
can be used at any time, and even those who don’t
typically feel anxious may find them useful during
stressful moments.

During times of anxiety or depression, this list of 72

positive affirmations can be used for reassuring yourself.
A few examples inspired by this resource include:

1. I am liberating myself from fear, judgment, and

2. I choose only to think good thoughts.
3. My anxiety does not control my life. I do.

Some other affirmations related to non-judgment and

mindfulness for anxiety can be found on this list. Here
are some that draw inspiration from the list:

1. I breathe, I am collected, and I am calm.

2. I am safe, and everything is good in my world.
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3. Inside me, I feel calm, and nobody can disturb this


Another 52 mantras can be found at Anxiety Gone. Here

are some based on these principles:

1. I recognize that my negative thoughts are irrational,

and I am now going to stop these fears.
2. This is just one moment in time.
3. I’m not going to be scared by a feeling.

While practicing these affirmations, try to take deep,

slow, soothing breaths. As you become more attuned to
the flow of your breath in and out, try not to let your
feelings distract you. Focus on the affirmation that you’ve
put time into creating for yourself, and each time you
practice, it will feel more natural.

20 Calming & Posi�ve Affirma�ons

For When An Anxiety A�ack
1. I am cool, calm, and collected.
2. This is only temporary.
3. Every breath I inhale calms me and every breath I
exhale takes away tension.
4. You are not your thoughts and feelings, and they
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don’t have to bring you down.

5. Every cell in my body is relaxed and oozes
6. Smile, breathe, and go slowly.
7. I love myself deeply and unconditionally.
8. Within me is a peacefulness that cannot be
9. I transcend stress of any kind. I live in peace.
10. Breathing in I calm my body, breathing out I smile.
11. All is well in my world and I am safe.
12. This too shall pass and I can stand this.
13. With every breath, I release the anxiety within me
and I become more and more calm.
14. Feelings come and go like clouds in a windy sky.
Conscious breathing is my anchor.
15. I overcome my fear of anything and everything and
live life courageously.
16. Understand this and be free: we are not in our
bodies; our bodies are inside us.
17. I acknowledge that the only constant in life is
change and I am prepared for it.
18. You’re exactly where you are right now because
that’s where you need to be.
19. I am free of anxiety and continue to be so.
20. Act the way that you want to feel.
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52 Mantras for Anxiety

1. Handshake your fear.

2. This too shall pass.
3. Feel the fear but do it anyway.
4. Anxiety is just a feeling.
5. Other people feel this way too.
6. Release all worry and celebrate what could go
7. My desires are on their way to me.
8. There are no wrong decisions because I learn from
every choice.
9. Just keep swimming.
10. Within me is a peacefulness that cannot be
11. I will release what I cannot change.
12. Breathing in I calm my body, breathing out I smile.
13. I might not feel ok right now, but I will feel ok soon
14. I am bigger than my fear.
15. This is only temporary.
16. I have survived and I will continue to survive.
17. Don’t go in your mind where your body is not.
18. I’ve gotten through worse.
19. Worrying is a waste of my energy.
20. I am stronger than I think.
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21. Look how far I’ve come.

22. I have enough, I do enough, I am enough.
23. It’s just a bad day, not a bad life.
24. I am peace. I am calm.
25. I am cool, calm, and collection.
26. Anxiety goes in one ear and out the other.
27. Every breath I take calms me and every breath I
exhale takes away tension.
28. I am stopping my negative thoughts because these
fears are irrational.
29. I am fine. I am going to continue doing what I am
30. It’s only a moment.
31. I’ve stopped these negative thoughts before and I
can do it again.
32. Just like all the rest, this anxiety attack will soon
33. I love myself deeply and unconditionally.
34. I am free of anxiety.
35. My anxiety doesn’t define me.
36. Anxiety is not going to get the best of me.
37. I have anxiety; anxiety doesn’t have me.
38. I live in peace.
39. I will not fear the unexpected.
40. All is well in my world.
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41. I am safe.
42. Everything will be okay.
43. With every breath, I release the anxiety within me
and I become more and more calm.
44. I won’t be fearful of a feeling.
45. Help me face my fear.
46. I can overcome this.
47. I will calm my mind and overcome this feeling.
48. I am going to be all right.
49. I am not my anxiety.
50. What I’m feeling is just a feeling.
51. Anxiety is not dangerous; it’s just uncomfortable.
52. My breathing will set me free; just breathe.

5 Daily Affirma�ons for Depression

As with anxiety, depression is often linked closely to—if

not underpinned significantly by—thought processes such
as overgeneralization and cognitive distortions (Beck,

Selective abstraction is a common distortion that is

associated with depression and describes the tendency to
overexaggerate negative things while underemphasizing
the positive. Affirmations can help us to try and correct
this balance by acknowledging and focusing on more
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positive aspects of both ourselves and our lives.

Here are 5 daily affirmations you can adapt, as we have.

You can also view them at their original source.

1. I am not afraid to keep going, I believe in myself.

2. I have come this far, and I am proud of myself.
3. This is just one moment in my life, and it does not
define who I am.
4. This is one isolated moment, not my entire life.
Things will get better.
5. These are just thoughts. Only I determine the way I
choose to feel.

5 Posi�ve Affirma�ons to Help Build Self-


As promised, here are five positive affirmations that are

designed to help you increase your self-esteem:

1. I release negative feelings and thoughts about

2. I always see the best in others.
3. I believe in who I am.
4. I am on a journey, ever growing and developing.
5. I am consistent in the things that I say and do.

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