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(nhớ hàng trăm cụm từ theo chủ đề theo cách đơn giản & hiệu quả)
(11/10/2018) Individuals can do nothing to improve the environment; only governments and large companies can make a
difference. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Essay Plan:

 Introduction: (1) governments and big companies have an important role (2) totally disagree – individuals can take
many actions to improve the environment
 Paragraph 2: (1) governments can adopt policies – animal/habitat protection/energy sources (2) business can pollute
less and produce goods sustainably.
 Paragraph 3: individuals can (1) buy green products, and buy locally (2) they can join the green movement
 Conclusion: totally disagree – individuals as well as governments and companies can do many things.

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It is true that governments and big business have a critical role to play in environmental degradation: the process or fact of the environment
improving the environment. While some argue that individuals are becoming worse
therefore powerless to help combat environmental degradation, I completely
disagree with this view. ecological crisis: a serious situation which occurs when the
environment of a species or a population changes in a way that
On the one hand, both governments and large enterprises can and should threatens or endangers its continued survival.
take steps to prevent an ecological crisis. From a government perspective, to enact [verb]: to put something into practice
policies must be enacted and enforced internationally. These must cover a
wide range of issues, such as the protection of endangered species, a halt to to enforce [verb]: to make sure that people obey a particular law or rule
habitat destruction, and funding research into alternative energy sources, to endangered species: plants or animals that only exist in very small
reduce our dependence on fossil fuels. In terms of corporate responsibility, numbers, so that in future they may disappear forever.
producers should not discharge toxic chemical waste into rivers or the sea
and they must cut down on emissions from factories to fight climate change. habitat destruction: the process that occurs when a natural habitat, like
They should also aim to achieve sustainable development by not depleting a forest or wetland, is changed so dramatically by humans that plants
natural resources, for example by deforestation. and animals which live there die.
alternative energy sources: refers to any energy source that is an
alternative to fossil fuels
reduce our dependence on fossil fuels: to decrease people’s
consumption of fossil fuels, like oil, coal or gas
corporate responsibility [noun]: the idea that a large company has a
duty to treat people fairly and to play a positive part in society
to discharge toxic chemical waste: to dispose of poisonous waste
products from chemical processes by putting them into rivers or oceans

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to cut down on emissions: to reduce the amount of gases sent out into
the air

to fight climate change: To try to prevent harmful changes in climate

patterns, such as rainfall, temperature and winds.
to achieve sustainable development: economic development that is
achieved without depleting natural resources
to deplete natural resources: to reduce the amount of natural

patterns of consumption [expression]: the process by which

individuals identify, buy and consume products to fit all their needs

to be environmentally friendly: this refers to products or behaviour

that do not harm the environment
On the other hand, there are many actions that individuals can take to care
for the environment. These include changing patterns of consumption. For detergent [noun]: liquids or powders that remove dirt, from clothes or
instance, products which are environmentally friendly, such as green dishes, for example
detergent brands, are widely available in the shops, so that it is easy to
change buying habits. Buying local products is another option, reducing food miles: the distance that food has to travel between where it is
food miles. A different type of action is to join one of the organisations in grown or made and where it is consumed
the green movement, like Greepeace. Individuals can help these groups to
the green movement: all the organisations concerned with the
raise funds to protect plants and animals on the brink of extinction and to
protection of the environment
strengthen campaigns for government interventions and initiatives.
on the brink of extinction: an animal or plant which has almost
disappeared from the planet

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intervention [noun]: action that is taken to help or improve a situation

initiative [noun]: a new plan for dealing with a problem or for

achieving a particular purpose

to alleviate environmental problems: to make bad environmental

problems less severe

In conclusion, while governments and corporations carry a great

responsibility for alleviating environmental problems, individuals have a
significant role to play. I therefore totally disagree that individuals are
powerless to contribute towards saving the planet.

287 words

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