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Theme: Sacrifice

Title: Pringles
Potata- a great potato with great ambitions
Patotie – a sweet and loving potato
Potete- an idiot and a dumb potato
Patotoy – an ambulance driver
Pototo- Father of Potata, Patotie and Potete
Patata – Mother of Potata, Patotie and Potete
Dr. Potot – a doctor potato
Pototka- nurse

In the dark cold night wherein the triplets (Potata, Patotie and Potete) were playing inside their house
while their parents we’re still out to buy food for dinner when suddenly, Potata was hit by a stray
camoteque stick and got hit at the heart
Patotie: Omaghad omaghad what are we gon do? ( asking worriedly)
Potete: Call an ambulance sis!
(Moments after the incidents, their parents have arrived)
Pototo: Are u okay son?
Potata: What do you think dad?
Pototo: I think not
(Few moments afterwards, the ambulance arrived then took Potata to the nearest hospital
Patotoy: We’ve arrived
Patata: Doc, please take good care of my son
Dr. Potot: Aye aye captain!
Patata: I can’t hear youuu!
Dr. Potot: Aye aye captain!
(After checking the patient)
Dr. Potot: I’m sorry ma’am but he may need to have a donor for his heart. ASAP
Pototo: I’m ready anytime doc
Potete: Wait dad! Let’s cry first huhuhu
Pototo: Bye son!
(They were fried and got their hearts transferred)
Pototka: It’s finally done
Potete: (Sighs) Thanks G!
Potata: Mom? Where’s dad?
Potete: At your side
Ghost Pototo: Hey kids, put me in a French fries coffin (with a smile on his face)
Potata, Patotie and Potete: Yes dad
( And then their mother put Pototo into a French fries coffin and they lived happily ever after)

This story shows how underrated a father’s love is. Sometimes you have to sacrifice especially for the
ones you love and sometimes no one can sacrifice more than our fathers.

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