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We all know the cliché saying that “nobody is perfect”, may it be as an individual or on a

As an individual, you may have everything you need, maybe in terms wealth, fame,
power or the fact that you have the means and capability of doing whatever you want to do
and you may be in a relationship with someone who promises everything you’ve dreamed of,
but as portrayed and proven by the experience and life of countless man and woman, if there is
no glimpse of love, to this “everything”, it is nothing.


Raising a family is no easy task. Being a Parent requires great measure of sacrifice,
passion and love to your spouse and to your children. But in today’s families, even if you are the
most loving, sacrificial and passionate Parent it does not guarantee that your family would be
united, accountable, sympathetic or even together in the long run. There are so many factors
that could affect individual family members that may cause conflict, misunderstanding, fights or
worst, separation. There might be an over-jealous wife, uncontrolled children, an unfaithful
husband or even extreme external events that may momentously lead to family break ups.
These realities help us embrace the fact that no one is perfect let alone a family. Moreover, I
submit that finding solutions internally or resolving these concerns within ourselves would be
futile and foolish. There must be an external help, an outside force that could help us not just
temporarily fix these problems but offer eternal solutions as well. First, we must know and
embrace what is God’s design for families according to His Word.


God not only formed male and female as an individual but He unites them through
marriage and family to accomplish his overall purposes. Family plays a vital role in
accomplishing God’s plan on earth. Family should be seen as a means of Gods communication
in preserving and expands His Holy influence. Therefore, a family following God’s design should
manifest God’s goodness, love, order, communion, provision and law, and be evident for those
who see it.
With this in mind, placing God as the centre of the family is not only important, but
rather the main thing. Since God designed the family, we ought to follow that design and
pursue His standards. If we are planning to raise our own family or if we already have one, we
must be careful to observe the statutes of God’s word. What does God require for a husband, a
wife, a son, a daughter? These questions must be answered by each individual family members
from God’s word, and live it out if we are to build our families by God’s design.


Nevertheless, everything we did mention above will be useless or nothing if we do not

have the Love of God in us. God loves us first, by giving His son Jesus, laid His life on the cross,
died and was buried for our sins and rose on the third day that we may have eternal life and
to be adopted as His sons, to be part of God’s family. I do believe that a family who have faith
in Jesus Christ can truly love because God first loved us. (1 John4:19) The peace of Christ will
rule in our hearts for we are one body called to peace, that what God joined together no one
can separate. (Mark 10:9)

Looking at my family, me and my husband, were blessed with three children, my eldest
is now on his last semester in his study of law, the middle is a graduate of Cross Cultural
Mission as Pastor at FEBIAS and currently having mission in Naga city, and the youngest is at
grade 10 and is moving –up with awards . I can say that the family I have is in accordance to
God’s design, for we are united in faith with Jesus believing that the He is our saviour, the
source of love and love itself.

As a wife, I can say that I am submissive to my husband, though he has no permanent

income to support us in our daily needs, I can say that I am more than satisfied and loved, when
he willingly take my role at home since I work and with that I can say that to be a good father is
not only confine to being a good provider, but also in finding joy and love in spending time,
effort and care. I am proud to say and thank the Lord that we have prayer time together every
morning before I live the house for work. My eldest has no vices; he plays as worship leader in
our service once a month, and has joined our church discipleship ministry while my second son
is being trained in mission now in Naga city developing house church. In Partner with SEND
international sending mission and my youngest is also active in youth for Christ ministry in our
church, also one of the worship leaders in the church.

I am glad and grateful to God for giving me a responsible and loving husband and God fearing
and all grown up children.
Aside like any other families we’ve gone through many problems, difficulties, conflicts,
trials, struggles miscommunication and misunderstanding but we see it in every situations we
face, there is a lesson from it. That makes us to be a strong person

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