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interpersonal traits

express oneselves opinion, and express theirselves, how to comunicate

Social skills
Double standard
Learning is not a one-time process. It’s a lifetime course wherein you get to let yourself keep
growing, physically and emotionally, and academically and socially. Everyday is a learning
We are just like a pyramid. Each and everyone of us trying to compete to the highest position, for
what? Fame, money, status?
I wishes we would just be like a cube, consistent from down to way up.
Without the people supporting the lowest level, the ones up surely won’t hold on for too long. It
is a conjunction of the higher and lower classes
It’s not even a matter of pointing fingers who is to blame, but to know who always takes the blow.
Expectations were not met or we were a little behind
Have the guts to stand up again. It’s not a matter of falling down but the nerve to get up again??

Being raised in a reserved family, I think my demeanor is considered old enough for me to
have old-fashioned manners, grooming and communication. However, this is not the case for every
student in every home as we are raised differently and families are really the people who teaches
us basic manners. Consider a student who is well off but doesn’t get to bond with her family,
especially parents, then who do we expect to teach her to be prim and proper? Is it safe to say that
the family is at fault for not raising their children to the standards of employers who was raised

I don’t see a problem with three different generations working together. Being able to have those
ever-so-advancing technology skills are sure advantageous for the millennials, but knowing the
old techniques is also important.

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