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VOCRIDER 1.3 - Freeware.


* Bypass.
* Meters on/off.
* Ride enhance knob.
* Output level knob.
* Input, processing, ride and sidechain meters.
* Auto input/sidechain detectors.
* 2-bands equalizer.
* Deharsh processor with Stereo/Mid/Side modes.

Based on the Diy Vocalrider workflow from SOS but instead of 3 auxes it uses only

Connection info:
(Cubase Mono example)
Create a new Stereo Groupchannel.
Goto Devices menu -> VST Connections.
Rightclick on new bus and click "Add all new Mono child busses..."
Insert VocRider as effect in this groupchannel.
Send (not route) the sidechain track(s) to this group as "Right".
Route (not send) vocaltrack(s) to this group as "Left".

(Cubase Stereo example):

Goto Devices menu -> VST Connections.
Create a quad channel in groups and insert two stereo sub-channels.
The first stereo channel (named L/R) are the signal to duck,
the second stereo channel (named SL/SR) is for the sidechain signal.
Insert VocRider on the new created Groupchannel.
Send (not route) all audio/midi channels to (SL/SR) for sidechain.
Route (not send) all vocaltracks to (L/R).

Email: - -

All right reserved - 2015 Terry West Productions - The Netherlands.

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