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Biology Ch 9

1. Mitosis maintains chromosomes numbers, whereas meiosis decreases the

chromosomes number of the daughter cells.
2. A human cell contains 1 pair of sex chromosomes
3. A cleavage furrow forms, resulting in a haploid nucleus. Each chromosome contains two
chromatids D
4. Tetrads form, and crossing-over occurs. A
5. Dyads align at the spindle equator. F
6. Four haploid daughter cells are created. H
7. Homologous chromosomes separate and move to opposites poles. C
8. Sisters chromatids separate. G
9. Tetrads align on the spindle equator. B
10. Chromosomes in haploid nucleid. E
11. Crossing-over. C
12. Produces daughter cells with different genetic combinations B
13. Produces haploid daughter cells. B
14. Consists of prophase, metaphases, anaphase and telophase. C
15. Nondisjunction can result in. B both A and C are correct
16. An individual with Turner syndrome is conceived when a normal gamete. C. Either A or B
is correct.

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