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A photograph of the crime scene is a factual reproduction and accurate record of the
crime scene because it captures time, space and ___.

A. person C. thing
B. event D. crime scene

2. In police photography it can be used as demonstration enlargements, individual photos,

projection slides, motion pictures during

A. Court proceedings C. Educational tour

B. Court exhibits D. Crime prevention

3. In photography, the light writes when it strikes minute crystal of light sensitive surfaces
(films and photographic papers) thru the use of a mechanical device called

A. Camera C. Film and accessories

B. Photograph device D. Flashlight

4. ___ is a mechanical result of photography.

A. Camera C. Photograph
B. Picture D. Film

5. The bending of light around an object gives rise to the phenomenon called ___. This
phenomenon is responsible for the partial illumination of object parts not directly in the
path of the light.

A. detraction C. diffraction
B. retraction D. defragmentation

6. What is the approximate wavelength of the primary color red?

A. 700 mu C. 550 mu
B. 450 mu D. 590 mu

7. In photography, which one is not a primary color?

A. All of these C. Magenta

B. Cyan D. Yellow

8. Refers to the taking in of light by the material. Following the law of conservation of
energy, such light taken in is not lost but merely transformed into heat.

A. Diffraction C. Absorption
B. Somnambulism D. Convection

9. Mediums that merely slow down the speed of light but allow to pass freely in other
respects, transmit 90% or more of the incident light.

A. Translucent objects C. Transparent objects

B. Opaque objects D. None of these

10. The simplest camera is a ___, which consists of a box with a small hole in one of its sides.

A. Camera obscura D. Nikkon

B. Fixed focus camera camera
C. Pinhole camera

11. What changes the size of the aperture of the lens and regulates the amount of light
reaching the film?

A. diaphragm C. lens
B. shutter D. film
12. What part of the camera controls the opening and closing of the shutter, regulates the
quantity of light that reaches and affects the sensitized material, a dial which sets the
length of time in which the light is allowed to enter the camera?

A. Shutter speed C. Shutter release button

B. Focusing mechanism D. Shutter speed dial

13. The lens is as important a part of a camera as the body. Lenses are referred to in generic
terms as wide-angle, normal, and telephoto. The three terms refer to the focal length of the
lens, which is customarily measured in ____

A. Millimeters C. Centimeters
B. Inches D. Mile per second

14. What kind of lens causes light rays to converge, or come together, and is called a
positive lens. A positive lens focuses light form a distant source into visible image that
appears on the side of the lens to the object.

A. Concave C. Reflex
B. Convex D. converge

15. The process of changing the distance between the centers the lens to the focal plane. It
is the technique of adjusting the focal length to get the sharp image of the object or scene to
be photographed.

A. Infinity C. Focusing
B. Lens change D. Shutting

16. It is important to have the lens at the right distance from the film otherwise the image
of an object point will be seen as a circle which is

A. clear in appearance C. no photo

B. blurred in appearance D. all of these

17. What part of the film consists of silver compounds which are light sensitive and

A. Top layer C. Film base

B. Emulsion layer D. Film surface

18. It is defined as the product of illumination and time. The unit of it is usually in meter
candle second which is equivalent to exposure produced by a light source of one
candlepower, in the second at a distance of one meter from the surface of the sensitive

A. Photographic exposure C. Photographic speed

B. None of these D. Light

19. These are used to control the relative tone values in which colors are rendered by the
photographic process, to lighten or darkened particular colors or to obtain color separation
records for color photography works.

A. Viewing Filter C. Filtering

B. Color Filter D. None of these

20.Because of the fact that all negative do not print best on one kind of paper, and in order
to permit printing for special effects, photographic papers is made in several different
grades of contrast and surface texture. What is the paper made by Kodak that offers six
degrees of contrast and glossy surface?

A. Glossy paper C. Velox paper

B. Manila paper D. Bond paper
Answers: Police Photography
1. B
2. B
3. A
4. C
5. C
6. A
7. A
8. C
9. C
10. C
11. A
12. D
13. A
14. B
15. C
16. B
17. B
18. A
19. B
20. C

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