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Draft 1 : Mind Map

Plastic surgery is not good for people Maind idea

Plastic surgery makes people less gratefull on

what god has given to them argument

Someone who perform

plastic surgery will fell Plastic surgery will leave Will cause new problems after
addicted to continually scars and even death. the surgery and the side effects of
change the shape of the body. surgery.
Draft 2 : main idea & details

1. Plastic surgery can help change the shape of their face or body better.
2. The plastic surgery is not good for people.
3. The plastic surgery is not good because it makes people less grateful for what god has
4. Have adverse effects for our body.
5. Addictive to continue to change the shape of the body.
6. Plastic surgery makes us not being yourself
7. Plastic surgery made us spend a lot of money.
8. Plastic surgery will cause new problems after surgery.
9. Plastic surgery will leave scars and even death
10. Plastic surgery is always to make people see the weakness in the form of body.
11. There are other way that you can do to make a change within ourselves other than
plastic surgery.
Draft 3 : conecting sentences

Plastic surgery is not good for peope

Plastic surgery can help change the shape of the face or body better, but plastic surgey
is not good for people, because it makes people less grateful for what god we’re not being
yourself then plastic surgery has a bad effect the shape of the body, making us spend a lot
of money, it will create new problems after surgery, such as prolonged allergies, will
leave scars and even death. In summary plastic surgery always makes people see the
flaws in body shape and will continue to make changes. in conclusion there are other
ways that you can do to make a change within ourselves other than plastic surgery.

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