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Why it is important to be computer literate

To be computer literate is the knowing and the understanding of computer concepts,

limitations and ability to use computers in a technologically effective way. Computer literacy

also refer to the comfort and advance level someone has with using computer programs and other

applications that are associated with computers. The use of computers has become a way of life

in the modern world, making it important for just about everyone to learn basic computer skills.

Computer literacy is important for many reasons. Your ability to use a variety of computer

programmes is an important skill to put on your CV.

Not only does computer literacy help in applying for jobs, but it may also increase your

salary as you are able to take on more responsibilities. As you take on these additional

responsibilities, it can lead to a promotion within your company, leading you to more exciting,

challenging and rewarding work. Certain computer programmes also help you organize your

thoughts, helping you to perform tasks more efficiently.

Another very important skill that helps when one is computer literate is communication.

Knowledge of how to access and use the internet opens up a variety of possibilities to

communicate with both your coworkers and people in supervisory positions. Instant messaging,

email and social media are all computer-based ways to communicate with people instantly.

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