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Project report is a part of curriculum in partial fulfillment of Master Degree in Business

Administration (M.B.A), Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad. The aim of the
project is to enhance the practical experience of the student as they get an opportunity to gain
knowledge from the field work and also to learn the opinion on the basis of responses received to
the questionnaire that has been administered, this study is undertaken as the part of practical
training for specified period, which is compulsory for M.B.A scholars.

Out of the fundamental areas in management, MARKETING is adjudged as the most important
area. MARKETING plays a very important role in the organization. The marketing is the main
strength of any organization and this source contribute maximum to the success of any
organization.This study is conducted on one of the important functions in marketing, that is,
Consumers buying behavior towards TATA. The study signifies the importance of Consumers
buying behavior towards TATA in an organization. In the market it is very essential to know the
buying behavior of the consumer. Information on buyers behavior is generally used to predict or
diagnose buyers action in the markets. Prediction involves anticipating what buyers will do at
some future time. Probably the most common kind of buyer’s behavior prediction is the sales
forecast, which estimates purchase choice of buyer in the market.

Every organization should have or know the Consumers buying behavior made in the
perspectives of both the organization and as well as the employees to accomplish the objectives
and have a successful performance in order to achieve competitive advantage. The Indian
competition in the market is very volatile and the trend of the market is very much uncertain and
it is very difficult to take decision about particular scrip and the decision taken today is not valid
for tomorrow. Therefore, the research problem I selected is evaluation in the consumers buying
behavior based on Research Analysis and then I have gone for the analysis of the consumers
buying behavior with the help of Questionnaires data and then after complete study on the
project I have given the information in a much easier way through charts. The study is carried
with an objective to guide the customer and speculators based on the Research design and
Analysis. The project that is carried out by me, will definitely help the Marketer and Customer in
going according to the buying behavior in order to sustain the competition in the market.
The term consumer behavior is defined as the behavior that the consumers display in searching
for purchasing, using, evaluating and disposing of products and services that they expect will
satisfy their needs.
Observable activities chosen to maximize satisfaction through the attainment of economic goods
and services such as choice of retail outlet, preference for particular brands and so on.The buying
behaviors of final consumers are the individual and households who buy goods and services for
their personal consumption.
Consumers make many buying decisions every day. Most large companies research consumers
buying behavior decision in great detail to discover
What consumers buy?
Where they buy?
How much they buy?
When they buy?
And when they buy?
Marketers can study actual consumer purchase, but learning about the whys of consumers buying
behavior is not so easy – the answers are often locked deep within the consumer head.
The central question for marketers is: How do consumers respond to various marketing efforts
the company might use? The companies that really understand how consumers will respond to
different product feature, prices and advertising apples has a great advantage over its
competitors. The starting point is the stimulus – response model behavior. Marketing and stimuli
enter the consumer’s black box and produce certain responses. Marketers must figure out what is
in the buyer’s black box.
Buying behavior differs greatly for a tube of toothpaste, a tennis racket, an expensive
camera and a new Four-wheeler. More complex decisions usually involve more buying
participants and more deliberation.
Complex consumers buying behavior in situation is characterized by high consumer involvement
in a purchase and significant perceived difference among brands.
Dissonance-reducing consumers buying behavior in situations is characterized by high
involvement but few perceived differences among brands.
Habitual consumers buying behavior in situations are characterized by low consumers
involvement and few significant perceived brand differences.
Variety-seeking consumers buying behavior in situation is characterized by low consumer
involvement but significant perceived brand differences.
Factors influencing the behavior of buyers.
Consumer behavior is affected by many uncontrollable factors. Just think, what
influences you before you buy a product or service? Your friends, your upbringing, your culture,
the media, a role model or influences from certain groups?
Culture is one factor that influences behavior. Simply culture is defined as our attitudes
and beliefs. But how are these attitudes and beliefs developed? As an individual growing up, a
child is influenced by their parents, brothers, sister and other family member who may teach
them what is wrong or right. They learn about their religion and culture, which helps them
develop these opinions, attitudes and beliefs (AIO) . These factors will influence their purchase
behavior however other factors like groups of friends, or people they look up to may influence
their choices of purchasing a particular product or service. Reference groups are particular
groups of people some people may look up towards to that have an impact on consumer
behavior. So they can be simply a band like the Spice Girls or your immediate family members.
Opinion leaders are those people that you look up to because your respect their views and
judgments and these views may influence consumer decisions. So it maybe a friend who works
with the IT trade who may influence your decision on what computer to buy. The economical
environment also has an impact on consumer behavior; do consumers have a secure job and a
regular income to spend on goods? Marketing and advertising obviously influence consumers in
trying to evoke them to purchase a particular product or service.
People’s social status will also impact their behavior. What is their role within society?
Are they Actors? Doctors? Office worker? And mothers and fathers also? Clearly being parents
affects your buying habits depending on the age of the children, the type of job may mean you
need to purchase formal clothes; the income which is earned has an impact. The lifestyle of
someone who earns £250000 would clearly be different from someone who earns £25000. Also
characters have an influence on buying decision. Whether the person is extrovert (out going and
spends on entertainment) or introvert (keeps to themselves and purchases via online or mail
order) again has an impact on the types of purchases made.

• For academic purpose, as it is a part of the curriculum, in partial fulfillment of Master

degree in Business Administration, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University.
• In this era of high competition and rapid changes, the Consumer buying behavior are
known to be one of the main factors to contribute for a successful performance and to
attain competitive advantage.
• The main purpose of the study is to gain practically knowledge on the role of Consumers
buying behavior in an organization.
• The purpose of the project is to study the importance of the Consumers buying behavior
in the organization.
• To study and analyze the various Consumers buying behavior in the organization.


• The area of the study has been confined to its topic – Consumers buying behavior.
• The study was made in the organization.
• The main scope of the study is limited to Dhilsukhnagar area.
• It also analysis the benefits accruing to the company as a result of those service.
• This study has been made to find the level of satisfaction the customer has regarding the
service provider by Car place.
• The study has sole reference from the customers of Concorde showroom.
• The study was for duration of 45 days.

• To study the consumers satisfaction towards TATA Cars

• To study the importance of the Consumers buying behavior in the organization.
• To study and to analyze the various Consumer buying behavior in the organization.
• To identify if the Consumers buying behavior are appropriate to the organization and to
the employees.
• To study and analyze if the Consumer buying behavior are mutually benefited to both,
the organization and as well as to the employees.
• To know market position of TATA Cars in the market.
• To know consumer behavior for purchase of Four Wheeler car.
• To study the consumers satisfaction towards price of TATA.
• To study the consumers opinion of TATA.
• To analyze if Consumers buying behavior are reviewed and modified on timely basis.

The study is descriptive in nature, as it deals with employees for better analysis of the facts.

The focus on the study was to obtain information to find out the effects of Consumer buying
behavior towards TATA in the organization.
 Plan
 Analyze the Consumer buying behavior
 Prepare questionnaire
 Analyze the data gather preliminary data.
 Collected
 Prepare the report

The survey method used to collect the relevant data for the assessment is the questionnaire

The data collection involves primary and secondary data for the study of Consumers buying


The primary data was collected through questionnaire survey. Data is gathered by distributing
the questionnaires to the customers of the company.
The questionnaire is prepared to gather the information pertaining to gather information on the
Consumers buying behavior.

The questionnaire contains 20 questions covering the aspects of Consumers buying behavior
towards TATA of the organization.
The type of questions used was Open-ended type and Dichotomous type and Multiple-choice
The employees were given a three days time to allow the respondents to have time to think and
the respondent was assured of anonymity so that they can feel free to give their desired response.

The secondary data was collected from the organization.
Most of the data was collected from
- Magazines
- Newspapers’
- References
- Books


The population of the study consists of customers of TATA showroom.
The population includes
- Businessman
- Servicemen
- Students
- Employees.

The sample size taken for the study included 100 customers from TATA showroom with
duration of 45 days.
The accuracy of the analysis and conclusion entirely depends upon the reliability of the
information provided by the customers.


 The duration of the study was for 45 days in Concorde Motors.

 The study was conducted on the customers of Concorde Motors.

 The tools used for collection of information from the customers were in the form of
questionnaires, as the respondents will have confidence of anonymity in questionnaire
than in that of interviews.



The birth of the car as we know it today

occurred over a period of years. It was only in 1885
that the first real car rolled down on to the streets. The
earlier attempts, though successful, were steam
powered road-vehicles.
The first self-propelled car was built by Nicolas Cugnot in 1769 which could attain
speeds of upto 6 kms/hour. In 1771 he again designed another steam-driven engine which ran so
fast that it rammed into a wall, recording the world’s first accident.

In 1807 Francois Isaac de Rivaz designed the first internal combustion engine. This was
subsequently used by him to develop the world’s first vehicle to run on such an engine, one that
used a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen to generate energy.

This spawned the birth of a number of designs based on the internal combustion engine in
the early nineteenth century with little or no degree of commercial success. In 1860 thereafter,
Jean Joseph Etienne Lenoir built the first successful two-stroke gas driven engine. In 1862 he
again built an experimental vehicle driven by his gas-engine, which ran at a speed of 3 kms/hour.
These cars became popular and by 1865 could be frequently espied on the roads.

The next major leap forward occurred in 1885 when the four stroke engine was devised.
Gottileb Damlier and Nicolas Otto worked together on the mission till they fell apart. Daimler
created his own engines which he used both for cars and for the first four wheel horseless
carriage. In the meanwhile, unknown to them, Karl Benz, was in the process of creating his own
advanced tri-cycle which proved to be the first true car. This car first saw the light of the day in

The season of experiments continued across the seas in the United States where Henry
Ford began work on a horseless carriage in 1890. He went several steps forward and in 1896,
completed his first car, the Quadricycle in 1896. This was an automobile powered by a two
cylinder gasoline engine. The Ford Motor Company was launched in 1903 and in 1908 he
catapulted his vehicle, Model T Ford to the pinnacle of fame. Continuing with his innovations,
he produced this model on a moving assembly line, thus introducing the modern mass production
techniques of the automobile industry.

The modern car, therefore comes from a long list of venerated ancestors, and its lineage
will, hopefully


From the singsong rhythm of the bullock cart to the

jet-age, India has traveled a long way. An average Indian’s
dream car may not be the design-savvy Honda or the stately
limousine, but he sure can dream, and afford, the Maruti now.

It was in 1898 that the first motorcar rode down India’s roads.
From then till the First World War, about 4,000 cars were
directly imported to India from foreign manufacturers. The
growing demand for these cars established the inherent requirements of the Indian market that
these merchants were quick to pounce upon.

The Hindustan Motors (HM) was set up in 1942 and in 1944, Premier Autobackmobile
(PAL) was established to manufacture automobiles in India. However, it was PAL who produced
the first car in India in 1946, as HM concentrated on auto components and could produce their
first car only in 1949.

It was left to another company, Mahindra and Mahindra (M&M) to manufacture sturdier
utility vehicles, namely the American Jeep.
In the 50s, the Government of India granted approval to only 7 car dealers to operate in
India - HM, API, ALL, SMPIL, PAL, M&M and Telco. he protectionist policies continued to
remain in place. The 60s witnessed the establishment of the two-three wheeler industry in India
and in the 70s, things remained much the same.

Since the 80s, the Indian car Industry has seen a major resurgence with the opening up of
Indian shores to foreign manufacturers and collaborators.

The 90s have become the melting point for the car industry in India. The consumer is king. He
is being constantly wooed by both the Indian and foreign manufacturers. Though sales had taken
a dip in the first few months of 1999, it is back to boom time. New models like Maruti’s Classic,
Alto, Station Wagon, Ford’s Ikon, the new look Mitsubishi Lancer are all being launched with an
eye on the emerging market.

In these last years of the millennium, suffice it is to say that Indian cars will only grow from
strength to strength.


India had its date with this wonderful vehicle first time in 1898. Then for the
next fifty years, cars were imported to satisfy domestic demand. Between 1910 and 20's
theautomobile industry made a humble beginning by setting up assembly plants in
Mumbai,Calcutta and Chennai. The import/assembly of vehicles grew consistently after the
1920's, crossing the 30,000 mark in 1930. In 1946, Premier Automobile Ltd (PAL) earned
thedistinction of manufacturing the first car in the country by assembling 'Dodge DeSoto'
and'Plymouth' cars at its Kurla plant. Hindustan Motors (HM), which started as a
manufacturer of auto components graduated to manufacture cars in 1949. Thanks to the Licence
Raj whichrestricted foreign competitors to enter the Indian car market, Indian roads were ruled
byAmbassador Car from Hindustan Motors and the Fiat from Premier Auto Ltd. for many of
theinitial years.In 1952, the GOI set up a tariff commission to devise regulations to develop
anindigenous automobile industry in the country.

After the commission submitted itsrecommendations, the GOI asked assembly plants, which did
not have plans to set upmanufacturing facilities, to shut operations. As a result General Motors,
Ford and other assemblers closed operations in the country. The year was 1954 and this decision
of thegovernment marked a turning point in the history of the Indian car industry. The GOI
alsohad a say in what type of vehicle each manufacturer should make. Therefore, each
productwas safely cocooned in its own segment with no fears of any impending competition.
Also,no new entrant was allowed even though they had plans of a full-fledged
manufacturing program. The restrictive set of policies was chiefly aimed at building an
indigenous autoindustry. However, the restrictions on foreign collaborations led to limitations
on import of technology through technical agreements.



The Indian Automobile industry can be broadly classified into :

• 2/3 wheelers

• Passenger cars

• Commercial vehicles (LCV/MCV/HCV)

• UV (Utility Vehicles)

• Tractors

The models in the car market can be fitted to different segments as given below:

Category Models

Economy segment (up to Rs 0.25 mn) Maruti Omni, Maruti 800 etc

Mid size segment (Rs 0.25-0.45 mn) Fiat Uno, Hyundai Santro, Maruti Alto, Tata Indica
Luxury Car Segment (0.45-1mn) Tata Indigo, Honda City,etc

Super luxury segment (above Rs 1mn) Mercedes Benz & other imported models


A behind- the- scenes look into the making of one of

India's most vibrant industries. The landmarks along the way...

1928- The first imported car was seen on Indian roads

1942- Hindustan Motors incorporated

1944- Premier automobiles started

1948- First car manufactured in India

1953- The Government of India decreed that only those firms which have a manufacturing
program should be allowed to operate

1955- Only seven firms, namely, HM, API, ALL, SMPIL, PAL, M& M and TELCO received

1960 - 1970 - The two, three wheeler industry established a foothold in the Indian scenario.

1970 - 1980 - Not much change was witnessed during this period. The major factors affecting the
industry were the implementation of the MRTP Act( Monopolies and Trade Restrictive Practices
Act), FERA (Foreign Exchange Regulation Act) and the Oil Shock of 1973 and 1979.

1980 - 1990 - The first phase of liberalization was announced by the Govt. -With the
liberalization of the Government's protectionist policies, the advantages hitherto enjoyed by the
Indian car manufacturers like monopoly, oligopoly, slowly began to disappear.
This period is also marked by the entry of a large number of firms in the market. 4
Japanese manufacturers entered the Commercial Vehicle and Two- Wheeler market. The
Government agreed to the demand for allowing foreign collaboration in the automobile sector
The industry witnessed a resurgence due to major policy changes like relaxation in MRTP and
FERA, delicensing of some ancillary products, broad banding of the products and modification
in the licensing policy. Also, the concessions it gave to the private sector and the new foreign
collaboration policy, all resulted in higher growth and better performance of the industry than in
the earlier decades.

The Government of India tied up with Suzuki Inc. of Japan which produced India's most
successful car- the Maruti.

1991 - Under the Govt.'s new National Industrial Policy, the license raj was dispensed with, and
the automobile industries were allowed to expand freely.

1993 - With the winds of liberalization sweeping the Indian car market, many multinationals like
Daewoo, Peugeot, general Motors, Mercedes-Benz and Fiat came into the Indian car market.

1997 - The National Highway Policy was announced which will hopefully have a positive impact
on the automobile industry. The Government also laid down the emission standards to be met by
car manufacturers in India in the coming millennium. There were two successively stringent
emission levels to be met by April 2000 and April 2005, respectively. These norms were
benchmarked on the basis of those already adopted in Europe, hence the names Euro I
(equivalent to India 2000) and the Indian equivalent of Euro II.

1999 - The Hon’ble Supreme Court passed an order directing all car manufacturers to comply
with Euro I emission norms (India 2000 norms) by the 1st of May, 1999 in National Capital
Region(NCR) of Delhi. The deadline was later extended to 1st June, 1999.


The Indian automobile component industry has finally begun to emerge on its own. It has
begun to take major steps towards making world class Quality Systems by imbibing the ISO
9000/QS 9000 Quality Systems. Exports have been to the tune of 10% of output in the last
decade. Exports grew from US$296 in 1995-96 to US$311 in 1996-97. The principal export items
included tractor parts, motorcycle parts, piston rings, fuel injection parts, radiators, headlamps, auto bulbs
etc. However, this section has been long neglected and does not get the due it deserves. We end
these lacunae by putting up a whole segment on this important industry. read on about details on
the major auto parts, their dealers, the places they are manufactured..


Concorde Motors – A Brief History

• Commenced Business in 1997-98

• A Joint Venture between the TATA Group & Jardine International Motors with presence
in 9 cities across India

• Dealer for Tata Passenger Cars as well as Mercedes Benz

• Became 100% subsidiary of TML after Jardine exited the business in 2002

• Company exited West & North Regions, consolidating its presence in the three major
cities in south i.e., Bangalore, Chennai & Hyderabad

Concorde Motors-Today
• Concorde has succeeded in establishing a network standard that has been a benchmark
amongst all Automobile dealerships
• Caters to Sales, Service & Spare parts of Tata Cars

• 14 show rooms, 12 workshops with a show room + workshop area in excess of 5 lakhs
sq.ft in 5 cities

• Corporate dealership-100% subsidiary of TML

• An ISO 9001:2008 company

• Turnover of 794 crore last fiscal, workforce of 1300 +

• Completed more than 10 years of successful operations –experience & expertise in
customer care-100000+ customers

• Began its journey towards excellence by submitting its first Tata Business Excellence
Model Application and underwent the TBEM Assessment in 2009

• CMIL has been consistently winning numerous awards from Tata Motors since its

• The trend continued last fiscal with the company bagging the Top Awards

Concorde Motors - All India Awards 2009-2010

• JDP CSI External Survey: No.1 Dealer - Bangalore Business Unit
• Tata UV Sales : No.1 Dealer - Chennai Business Unit

• Accessories Sales : No.1 Dealer - Chennai Business Unit

• Overall Vehicle Sales :No.2 Dealer - Chennai Business Unit

• Tata Indica Sales : No.2 Dealer - Chennai Business Unit

Concorde Motors – What We Stand For

Concorde Motors - Vision Statement

To be the most admired auto retail company in the country, by delighting our customers. To be
the industry benchmark - in terms of customer satisfaction, business processes and performance
results, thereby adding value and prosperity to all our stakeholders.

Concorde Motors – Mission Statement

To consistently delight our customers and other stakeholders and build lasting relationships by
our business processes which are driven by motivated and empowered team of employees. To
create a seamless organization that encourages listening, learning, innovation and employee
growth in line with TATA core values.
Concorde Motors – Values

Customer Focus in all our processes & decisions. Integrity at all times, whenever & wherever we
operate. Disciplined team work. Agility to sustain leadership. Welcome to Concorde Motors - a
fully owned subsidiary of Tata Motors Ltd with state of the art infrastructure and an ISO
9001:2008 company!! Established in 1997, Concorde Motors India Ltd has completed more than
a decade of operations as a pioneer dealership.It has succeeded in setting a network standard that
has been a benchmark amongst all automobile dealerships. Concorde Motors employs 1300+
employees and had a turnover of 794 crores last fiscal year. Geographically located in 6 prime
locations - Hyderabad, Bangalore, Chennai, Cochin, Delhi & Mumbai, we at Concorde believe in
giving you the best in terms of Service Quality & Customer experience. With 14 showrooms &
12 workshops, we provide our valued customers a wide choice of cars ranging from a small car
to a Lifestyle vehicle in the TATA portfolio.We have commenced the "Tata Motors Assured"
used car business in the last fiscal year.

Making the right choice is crucial to buying a new car.Explore our website to help you with a
wise car buying decision! Right from selecting the car, taking a test drive and all related
information about making your choice for accessories, insurance, extended warranty, we will
guide you through the complete car buying process. Taking forward our relationship with our
customers, we extend the best after sales & service and we continually strive for customer
satisfaction. We also assist you in exchanging your old car at the best price and upgrading to a
new car. You may now ask for a test drive, get a quote for a car or do a booking for a service
schedule online and give us your valuable feedback on the same.

We wish you a wholesome car buying experience at Concorde Motors India Ltd!! Join our
family of 1 lakh plus customers!

Concorde Motors retails the entire range of TATA cars available in India. A vast selection of
models and variants are available to suit every taste and budget. Click on the category which
interests you to learn more about the latest TATA cars on offer

Concorde Motors is pleased to bring you Tata Motors Assured – the pre owned vehicle brand
from Tata Motors Ltd. Concorde Used Car Division will help you to :
• Buy Certified Pre-owned Tata cars
• Sell your existing car

• Exchange your existing car for a new Tata car

You can sell or exchange any brand of used car with Concorde Motors, subject to standard terms
& conditions. This facility is available at all the cities we operate in – Bangalore, Chennai,
Hyderabad, Cochin, Delhi and Mumbai.

Customer care

The Best Standard of Service

• State-of-the-art world class pneumatically automated workshops
• Qualified and trained Technicians, Service Advisors and Customer Relationships

• Use of special tools and quality parameters for repairs.

• Best in industry labour charges.

• 24 hours helpline and a breakdown help line vehicle.

• 100% assurance of usage of genuine Tata Motors spare parts.

• Usage of specially blended lubricants and long lasting paints.

Other Services
• Comprehensive AC repairs conducted using modern AC charging machines.
• Comprehensive accidental repairs done by experts in Body and Paint shop Technology.

• Value Added Services - Car Care Treatments, Anti Rust Applications, 18 + 18 / 18 + 30

extended Warranty benefits, fuel additives, engine decarbonizing, etc.

• Service Packages - Gold club member ship, Annual Maintenance contract, Annual
Scheduled Service contract, Vehicle Health checkup plan, etc.
• Availability of "Value for Money" Reconditioned aggregates like engines, power
steering, AC compressors (Reconditioned by OEMs).

Winning awards & applause consistently for a job well done is an immense feeling. But, it raises
the bar of expectations of those around you constantly. And at Concorde, we realize it too well.
For us, excellence is not an end in itself but an ongoing journey which began a decade ago. It is a
means to customer satisfaction and long term growth. Winning awards & applause consistently
for a job well done is an immense feeling. Therefore, we continually strive to give a cherishable
and pleasant ownership experience of a Tata car to our customers.
Concorde Motors has been a consistent winner, bagging top honours at the annual dealer meet
conducted by Tata Motors. This is in addition to the awards given by our vendors and other
associates. A sample of the recent awards won by us is categorised year-wise below. Click on the
category to see all our awards.
All India Awards 2006-07
• Overall vehicle Sales: : No.3 Dealer - Bangalore Business Unit
• Accessories Sales : No.1 Dealer - Bangalore Business Unit

• Indica Sales : No.1 Dealer - Hyderabad Business Unit

All India Awards 2007-08

• Overall vehicle Sales : No.1 Dealer -Chennai Business Unit
• Tata UV Sales : No.1 Dealer -Chennai Business Unit

• Indica Sales : No.1 Dealer - Hyderabad Business Unit

• Tata Car Sales : No.1 Dealer - Hyderabad Business Unit

• Accessories Sales : No.1 Dealer - Bangalore Business Unit

All India Awards 2008-09

• JDP CSI External Survey : No.1 Dealer - Hyderabad Business Unit
• JDP CSI External Survey : No.2 Dealer - Bangalore Business Unit
• JDP SSI External Survey : No.2 Dealer - Bangalore Business Unit

• JDP SSI External Survey : No.3 Dealer - Hyderabad Business Unit

• Overall Vehicle Sales : No.1 Dealer -Chennai Business Unit

• Overall Vehicle Sales : No.3 Dealer - Hyderabad Business Unit

• Tata Car Sales : No.1 Dealer - Hyderabad Business Unit

• Tata UV Sales : No.1 Dealer -Chennai Business Unit

• Spare Part Sales : No.2 Dealer - Bangalore Business Unit

• Spare Part Sales : No.3 Dealer - Hyderabad Business Unit

• Accessories Sales : No.1 Dealer - Hyderabad Business Unit

• Indica Sales : No.1 Dealer - Hyderabad Business Unit


Believe what others have experienced!!!
Thank you for taking the time to visit our Testimonials section. Our customers have chosen us
among others for reasons you will discover in this exclusive section. These testimonials from
customers are spontaneous feedbacks received by us through emails.
At Concorde, we invite our customers to believe only facts. Facts about Tata Cars, the Sales &
Service experience at Concorde Motors and much more.


Factors Respondents
18-20 yrs 8
21-25 yrs 38
26-30 yrs 24
31-35 yrs 12
36-40 yrs 8
Above 40 yrs 10

From the above graph it is analyzed as follows;
• 8 customers falling under the group of 18-20 years.
• 38 customers falling under the group of 21-25years.
• 24customers falling under the group of 26-30years.
• 12 customers falling under the group of 31-35years.
• 8 customers falling under the group of 36-40years.
• 10 customers falling under the group of above 40 years.
It is observed from the graph that majority of the customers fall under the age group of 21-25
What is your Occupation?

Factors No of Respondents
Servicemen 4
Businessman 16
Student 24
Employee 56

From the above graph it is analyzed as follows;
• 56 customers’ works as Employee.
• 24 customers are students.
• 16 customers are Businessmen.
• 4 customers are Servicemen.

What is your monthly income?

Income No of Respondents
5,000 - 10,000 18
10,001 - 15,000 12
15,001 - 20,000 20
Above 20,000 26
From the above graph it is analyzed as followed,
• 18 customers fall under the category of 5,000 – 10,000.
• 12 customers fall under the category of 10,001 – 15,000
• 20 customers fall under the category of 15,001 – 20,000.
• 26 customers fall under the category of above 20,000.

If you opt a Car from TATA, what type of Car would you go for?

Factors No of Respondents
Indica 48
Safari 20
Manza 10
Nano 22

From the above graph it is analyzed as followed,

• 48 customers prefer Indica.
• 20 customers prefer Safari.
• 10 customers prefer Manza.
• 22 customers prefer Nano.

What sort of a Car were you looking for?

Factors No of Respondents
Fuel Efficient 61
High Pickup 5
Trendy 14
Cost Efficient 20
From the above graph it is analyzed as followed:
• 61 customers have opted for fuel efficient.
• 5 customers have opted for high pick up.
• 14 customers have opted for Trendy.
• 20 customers have opted for Cost efficient.
• It is been clearly observed that most of the customers preferred for Fuel Efficient.

Do you own a Car?

Factors No of Respondents
Yes 98
No 2

From the above graph it is analyzed as followed:

• 98 customers own a Car.
• Only 2 customers do not own a Car.

What lead you to opt for a TATA Car?

Factors No of Respondents
Family 30
Media 14
Friends 50
Others 6
From the above graph it is analyzed as followed:
• 30 customers have taken the opinion from their family before purchasing the Car.
• 14 customers are influenced from media for the purchase of the Car.
• 50 customers have taken the opinion from their friends, before purchasing the Car.
• 6 customers were not influenced with the options provided before the purchase of the
• It is clearly seen that majority of the customers have taken the opinion from their friends
in regard to the purchase of the Car.

What Car did you opt in TATA?

Factors No of Respondents
Nano 4
Safari 14
Indigo 10
Indica 38
Sumo 8
Manza 2
Indica ev2 14
Xenon 2
Sumo gold 4
Safari storme 4

From the above graph it is analyzed that two customers are having Nano; fourteen customers are
having Safari; ten customers are having Indigo; thirty-eight customers are having indica; eight
customers are having Sumo; two customers are having Manza; fourteen customers are having
Indica ev2; two customers are having Xenon; Four customers are having Sumo gold; four
customers are having Safari Storme.

Rank your Car in the following category (based on the above question)

Factors No of Respondents
1st 89
2nd 7
3rd 4

From the above graph it is analyzed that as follows:

• 89 customers have given first rank to their Car.
• 7 customers have given second rank to their Car.
• 4 customers have ranked third.
• It is observed that 89 customers are satisfied with their Car.

What is the best feature of your Car?

Factors No of Respondents
Mileage 62
Trendy 20
Resale value 12
Comfortable 6
From the above graph it is analyzed that as follows:
• 62 customers have told that Mileage is the best feature of their Car.
• 20 customers have told that Trendy is the best feature of their Car.
• 12 customers have told that Resale value is the best feature of their Car.
• 6 customers have told that Comfortable is the best feature of their Car.
• It is seen that 62 customers have given the option for Mileage as the best feature of their

What still more do you want to improve in your Car?

Factors No of Respondents
High pickup 48
Trendy 14
Mileage 34
Durability 4
From the above graph it is analyzed that as follows:
• 48 customers wanted improvement in the Pickup.
• 14 customers wanted improvement in the trendy looks of the Car.
• 34 customers want improve with the Mileage.
• 4 customers wanted improvements with the Durability of the Car.
It is that majority of the customers wanted improvement in regard to the Mileage.

Rank your show room in the following categories.

A) Vehicle Availability

Factors No of Respondents
1st 88
2nd 8
3rd 2
4th 2
From the above graph it is analyzed that as follows;
• 88 customers have give 1st rank for the vehicle availability.
• 8 customers have give 2nd rank for the vehicle availability.
• 2 customers have give 3rdrank for the vehicle availability.
• 2 customers have give 4th rank for the vehicle availability.
• It is seen that 88 customers are satisfied with the availability of the vehicle on time.

B) Infrastructure:
Factors No of Respondents

From the above graph it is analyzed that as follows;
• 86 customers have give 1st rank for the Infrastructure.
• 6 customers have give 2nd rank for the Infrastructure.
• 8 customers have give 3rdrank for the Infrastructure
• It is seen that 86 customers are satisfied with the availability of the Infrastructure.

c) Service:
Factors No of Respondents
1st 86
2nd 10
3rd 4
From the above graph it is analyzed that as follows;
• 86 customers have give 1st rank for the Service.
• 10 customers have give 2nd rank for the Service.
• 4 customers have give 3rdrank for the Service.
• It is seen that 86 customers are satisfied with the availability of the Service.

What trait made TATA edges over other Cars?

Factors No of Respondents
High Performance 23
Fuel Efficiency 42
High resale value 33
Low Maintenance 2

From the above graph it is analyzed that as follows;
• 23 customers has opted for High performance.
• 42 customers opted for Fuel efficiency.
• 33 customers opted for High resale value.
• 2 customers opted for Low maintains.

What more services you require from Concorde Motors.

Factors No of Respondents
Infrastructure 27
Schemes 22
More of loan availability 51
From the above graph it is analyzed that as follows;
• It is seen that 27 customers wanted more service in regard to the Infrastructure.
• It is seen that 22 customers wanted more service in regard to the Schemes.
• It is seen that 51 customers wanted more service in regard to the More of loan

Is Concorde Motors available to your connivance?

Factors No of Respondents
Yes 98
No 2
From the above graph it is analyzed that as follows;
• 98 customers agree that Concorde Motors is to their connivance.
• 2 customers agree that Concorde Motors is to their connivance.
• It is seen that 98 customers agree that Concorde Motors to their connivance.

How was your experience with TATA Service center?

Factors No of Respondents
Excellent 56
Good 34
Satisfactory 10
Bad 0
From the above graph it is analyzed that as follows;
• 56 customers found their experience to be Excellent with the service center.
• 34 customers found their experience to be Good with the service center.
• 10 customers found their experience to be Satisfactory with the service center.
• None of the customers had a bad experience with the service center.

How are the services provided by TATA Service center?

Factors No of Respondents
Excellent 56
Good 34
Satisfactory 10
Bad 0
From the above graph it is analyzed that as follows;
• 56 customers found the service to be Excellent .
• 34 customers found the service to be Good.
• 10 customers found the service to be Satisfactory.
• None of the customers found the services provided to be bad.

Are you satisfied, with the services provided by the Concorde Motors?

Factors No of Respondents
Yes 100
No 0
From the above graph it is analyzed that as follows;
• All the customers are satisfied with the services provided with Concorde Motors.

Would you recommend your Car to your family friends, etc?

Factors No of Respondents
Yes 100
No 0
From the above graph it is analyzed that as follows;
• All the customers would recommend their Car to their family and friends.

Would you recommend TATA Car or Maruti Car to your friends/family?

Factors No of Respondents
Tata 100
Maruti 0
From the above graph it is analyzed that as follows;
• All the customers would recommend TATA to their family and friends.

Where do you rank TATA, among all motors Car companies in India?

Factors No of Respondents
1st 94
2nd 6
3rd 0
4th 0

From the above graph it is analyzed that as follows;

• 98 customers have given first place to TATA.
• 6 customers have given second place to TATA.

Basing on the data gathered from the customers, which was analyzed, the Following
observations are made.
➢ Concorde Motors is providing quality products to the customers.
➢ By finding TATA Car as a family vehicle, majority of the customers preferred it.
➢ TATA has an ability to give total value to the customers.
➢ Majority of the customers are really satisfied with the TATA price. TATA is very
reasonable when compared to the other Four-wheeler vehicles.
➢ Most of the customers are really satisfied with TATA.
➢ Now a day’s family members are playing a major role in buying pattern and especially
youngsters are playing a vital role in deciding the color of the Four-wheeler vehicles.
Apart from that, majority of the customers are taking their own decision in buying TATA
➢ Most of the customers are attracted to purchase TATA Cars through the TV
advertisements. Also print media like magazines and newspapers played a major role in
the sale of TATA.
➢ 79% customers have gone through the finance. Now it could be a great opportunity for
those banks, which are providing auto finance to the customers.
➢ Large amount of customers believe that TV advertisements are really helpful in
decision making. But some customers thought that, TV advertisement is not so much
helpful in decision making.
➢ Almost 86% customers are satisfied with the after sale services.
➢ The spare parts of the TATA are easily available in the market.
➢ Customers are really satisfied with and TATA the majority of the customers would
suggest to their friends or family members to buy TATA in future.

After analyzing the findings, the following suggestions have been prepared. Great care has been
taken in making these suggestions for improvement of customer satisfaction:

➢ A constant urge to upgrade and keep pace with the changing times gives organization
the competitive advantages or cutting edge over the competition.
➢ The service centre must be ready with all type of spare parts all over the time.
➢ Improve the cooling system in base model.
➢ The after sale service has to be improved and make availability at service centres even
in rural areas so as to face the competition existing in the SUV segments.
➢ Introduce new multicolor graphics, which would be attracting more people, especially
➢ There is very less advertising for. The advertising has to be done repeatedly so that the
brand awareness could be maintained and new customers are attracted, which helps in
improving the market share.
➢ Introduce low installments and low down payment schemes to attract more people.
➢ Satisfied existing customers by giving more values and attractive offers.
➢ Company has to contact the customers more and more frequently.
➢ There is a heavy demand for TATA in the market, so the supply has to be improved to
meet the demand of the customers.
➢ Inspect the servicing centre continuously so that they try to follow rules and
regulations strictly, and will serve the vehicle on time.
➢ Try to maintain reasonable price of the TATA, as this is the key factor in customer
buying decision.
➢ All the vehicles of TATA must be available at the each and every showroom.
➢ Company must try to tap the rural areas with the help of print media and hoardings.


It needs to be emphasized at the very outset that there is no unified, tested and universally
established theory buying behavior. What we have today are certain ideas on buying behavior.
Some of these ideas are taken their cue from economics, others from psychology, and yet others
is drawn simultaneously from several of the social sciences. Professional researchers as well as
business firms have studied the subject extensively, contributing to a large assortment of
knowledge on buyer’s behavior. However, a universally accepted theory on the subject is yet to
emerge. It is with understanding of the limitations of buyers behavior studies that we have to
precede further.
Buying behavior concerned with the activities and actions of people and organizations that
purchase and use economic goods and services, including the influences on these activities and

Their many environmental influences combine to form a total life setting for consumers.
Purchasing and using products and services are among the ways in which people respond to and
interact with the world about them. Marketing manager must understand the live setting of
consumers to fully appreciate what consumers are trying to accomplish with particular purchase.
Only then can a company demonstrate the relevance of its marketing offer to consumers by
showing how it will help them deal with their life setting. Ultimately, convincing customers of
the product offers relevance is crucial to sales growth in markets.
Marketing stimuli consist of the four Ps:
• Product
• Price
• Place
• Promotion
Other stimuli include major forces and events in the buyers environment: economic,
technological, political and cultural. All these inputs enter the buyers black box where they are
turned into a set of observable buyer responses: product choice, brand choice, dealer choice,
purchase timing and purchase amount.
The marketer wants to understand how the stimuli are changed into response inside the
consumer’s black box, which has two parts: first, the buyer’s characteristics influence how he or
she perceives and reacts to the stimuli; second, the buyers decision process itself affects the
buyers behavior.



1. Name :
2. Address :
3. Phone No. :
4. Age : <18-20> <21-25> <26-30> <31-35> <36-40> <40-Above>




1. What is your Occupation?

Supervisor [ ] Businessman [ ]

Student [ ] Employee [ ]

2. What is your monthly income ?

5,000 - 10,000 [ ] 10,000 – 15,000 [ ]

15,000 - 20,000 [ ] Above 20,000 [ ]

3. If you opt a Car from TATA, what type of Car would you go for?
Indica [ ] Safari [ ]
Manza [ ] NANO [ ]
4. What sort of a Car were you looking for?
Fuel Efficient [ ] High Pickup [ ]
Trendy [ ] Cost Efficient [ ]
5. Do you own a Car?
Yes [ ] No [ ]

6 .What lead you to opt for a TATA car?

Family [ ] Media [ ]

Friends [ ] Others [ ]

7. What Car did you opt in TATA? (Open end question)

8. Rank your Car in the following category (based on the above question)
1 2 3 4 5 6

9. What is the best feature of your Car (Open end question)

10. What still more do you want to improve in your Car?

High pickup [ ] Trendy [ ]

Mileage [ ] Durability [ ]

11. Rank your show room in the following categories.

1 2 3 4

Vehicle Availability



Loan Availability

12. What trait made TATA edges over other Cars?

High Performance [ ] Fuel Efficiency [ ]

High resale value [ ] Low Maintenance [ ]

13. What more services you require from Concorde Motors. (Open ended question)

14. Is Concorde Motors available to your connivance?

Yes [ ] No [ ]

15. How was your experience with TATA service center?

Excellent [ ] Good [ ]
Satisfactory [ ] Bad [ ]
16. How are the services provided by TATA service center?
Excellent [ ] Good [ ]
Satisfactory [ ] Bad [ ]
17. Are you satisfied, with the services provided by the Concorde motors?
Yes [ ] No [ ]

18. Would you recommend your Car to your family friends, etc?
Yes [ ] No [ ]

19. Would you recommend TATA cars or Maruti Suzuki cars to your friends/family?
TATA cars [ ] Maruti Suzuki [ ]

20. Where do you rank TATA, among all motors Car companies in India?
Rank 1 [ ] 2 [ ] 3 [ ] 4 [ ]


1. David L Loundon and Albert J Della Bitta, Consumer Behavior, 4/e, TMH, New Delhi,
2. Phillip Kotler : Marketing Management, 11/e, Pearson, 2007.
3. Phillip Kotler and Kelvin Lane Marketing Management 12th Ed Pearson Education 2007.
4. Schiffman, L.G and Kanuk L.L Consumer Behavior, 8/e, Pearson Education, 2007.
5. V.S. Ramaswamy and S.Namakumari : Marketing Management, 2007.
4. What consumers Really think, 2004, white paper,

1. Indian Journal of MARKETING, Volume: 40; June 2010; Number 6; page no. 40.
2. Journal of Management Research. Volume 8; December 2008; Number 3; page no.162.

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