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A = excuseme
R = Yes ,please come in
A = Thank you
R = How are you today ?
A = I was very good today
R = Oh ok are you ready for interview?
A = I am ready sir
R = Ok please introduce yourself ?
A = My Name is Anjas Sari I was born in Indramayu on August 24, 2001. I stayed with my parents and
with my two brother
R = How is your education background?
A =I am a graduate of Vocational High School Country 1 Lelea with the major of computer Engineering
and network and I also get the graduation certificate of the department of LSP
R = Oh ok, where are you working experience ?
A = I practices industry in PT.Dirgantara Indonesia
R = How long is your work experience?
A = 3 months sir
R = When you are accepted here,you want to
in the place in which field?
A = I want to be placed in the field of junior programmer
R = Give me the reason,why i accept you?
A = I workers who are enterprising and focused in the work I also will not disappoint you about my ability.
R = ok interview is finish, if you are accepted I will contact you further, thanks you very much, and see
A = your welcome and see you to

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