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Issue 6, 2011 2011年第6期

The Airport Authority releases

the HKIA Master Plan 2030
We unveiled long-term demand for air traffic, 《香港國際機場2030 規劃大綱》已於2011年
the Hong Kong strengthen Hong Kong’s position as 6月2日正式公布。這份規劃大綱闡述了機場未
International Airport a leading aviation hub and the city’s 來20 年的發展願景,有助我們促進香港未來
(HKIA) Master Plan overall competitiveness. 數十年的持續增長。
2030, or simply put, The airport’s future is closely 大家都明白,機場的未來發展與香港的經
MP2030, on 2 June linked to that of Hong Kong. We 濟前景息息相關,對於香港的整體競爭力當然
2011. It articulates therefore rolled out a three-month 亦非常重要。亞太地區一直推動區域及環球經
our vision for HKIA’s public consultation exercise on 濟增長,影響力與日俱增,尤以內地的影響力
development over MP2030 starting from 3 June 2011. 為甚。在這前所未有的經濟增長勢頭下,我們
the next 20 years, This includes a series of events 站在最前線,因此《2030 規劃大綱》所載的策
and it underpins our including roving exhibitions, public 略藍圖實在至關重要。
commitment to Hong forums and stakeholder briefings. 經濟增長帶來種種機遇,香港定會因而受
Kong’s sustainable Copies of MP2030 in various levels 惠。我們同時深知香港國際機場必須具備一
growth in the of detail, as well as a wide range 切所需設施,才能應付不斷增加的航空交通需
decades ahead. of materials developed to facilitate 求。我們要未雨綢繆,及早規劃,方可確保香港
We all appreciate that the future understanding of MP2030 are also 能保持整體的營商優勢,尤其是維持航空服務
of the airport is closely linked to the available at our dedicated website, 的競爭力。考慮到以上因素,我們於2008年展
future of Hong Kong’s economy, and We will 開了深入的研究,探討香港國際機場的長遠發
very importantly of course, Hong listen carefully to the public’s and 展需要,並於日前向持份者及公眾提出兩個不
Kong’s overall competitiveness. our stakeholders’ views, and we will 同的機場發展方案。
Asia Pacific, and in particular the address them in an open, transparent, 方案1是維持現有雙跑道系統,這個方案可
Mainland, is increasingly driving professional and responsible manner. 應付到2020 年左右的航空交通需求。方案2是
regional and global economic growth. HKIA is the world’s busiest cargo 興建一條新跑道以提升容量,使機場可應付直
Therefore, the strategic roadmap airport, and it ranks number three 至2030 年甚或以後的航空交通需求。
that we have outlined in MP2030 is in terms of international passenger 方案1的投資額為234億港元,所需的資
vital as we stand at the forefront of volume. Over the last decade, our 金較少,對環境的影響也相對輕微,但到了
unprecedented economic expansion. airport has been named the world’s 2020 年,機場將無法應付新增的航空需求。這
While we are fully confident finest nearly 40 times. I don’t believe 將導致香港的航空網絡縮小,樞紐地位削弱,
that Hong Kong is well positioned there is another airport anywhere 旅客亦要付出更高昂的旅費。
to capture the opportunities that in the world like the one we enjoy 方案2約需862億港元,涉及較大的投資,
this growth presents, we also are in Hong Kong. HKIA belongs to the 對環境的影響較大。然而,這個方案將能滿足
well aware that HKIA must have all people of Hong Kong – past, present 香港國際機場的長遠航空交通需求,鞏固香
the necessary facilities to cope with and future. If we are to maintain 港的領先航空樞紐地位,並加強香港的整體
rising traffic demand. By planning and strengthen this very critical 競爭力。
ahead, we can ensure that Hong competitive edge, then we need to 機場的未來發展與香港的發展關係密切,
Kong can sustain its competitiveness ask ourselves this critical question: 因此我們於2011年6月3日起,就《2030 規劃
in the wider business context, and What is the best way forward for 大綱》展開為期三個月的公眾諮詢,並於諮詢
more specifically, the aviation sector. HKIA? The “path we choose” is of 期內舉行連串活動,包括巡迴展覽、公眾論壇
With this consideration, we began critical importance for all of us. We 及持份者簡報會。我們亦設有專題網站
an intensive study to review HKIA’s all appreciate that any infrastructure,網站載有詳簡程度
long-term development needs in project is always focused on building 不同的規劃大綱文件及其他相關資料,有助公
2008. We are now putting forward to for the future. We must remember 眾了解規劃大綱的詳細內容。我們會細心聆聽
our stakeholders and the people of that what is at stake is the future of 公眾及持份者的意見,並以公開、具透明度的
Hong Kong two different options for our children and their children. 方式,以及專業、盡責的態度回應各種訴求。
our airport’s future expansion. Through this consultation 香港國際機場是全球最繁忙的貨運機場,
The first option is to maintain process, we are inviting the 國際客運量亦高踞全球第三位,在過去十多
the existing two-runway system, community to join us on this 年更獲選為「全球最佳機場」近40次,相信這
which would meet Hong Kong’s important journey to examine all 是其他機場無可比擬的。無論過去、現在或將
aviation demand up to about 2020. aspects of MP2030. We sincerely 來,香港國際機場都是香港人的機場。如果要
The second option is to build a new hope to work closely together with 維持並增強這項至為關鍵的競爭優勢,我們便
runway to increase capacity. This the public and our stakeholders to 須審慎考慮:怎樣才是機場的最佳發展路向?
would enable our airport to meet air reach a timely decision that best 我們作出的抉擇,將會是關鍵所在。推行基建
traffic demand up to and possibly serves the future of Hong Kong. We 項目,往往是為未來發展鋪路,這亦關乎我們
beyond 2030. call upon everyone in the community 子子孫孫的長遠利益。
Option 1 will require a smaller to spend time to better understand 我們廣邀社會各界人士參與這個諮詢過
investment of $23.4 billion and have MP2030 and send us your comments. 程,一起探討《2030 規劃大綱》各個範疇。我
less environmental impact. However, Together we can ensure that Hong 們熱切期望與公眾及持份者緊密合作,及時選
we won’t be able to handle additional Kong remains a vibrant, competitive 定發展方案,為香港的未來謀求福祉,亦籲請
air traffic by 2020. This will cause Hong and culturally diverse world city for 廣大市民細閱《2030 規劃大綱》並踴躍提出
Kong’s air network to shrink, its hub the next generation and well beyond. 意見。讓我們同心協力,確保香港這個國際都
status to diminish, and passengers to 會繼續蓬勃發展,維持競爭優勢,並保持多元
pay higher travelling costs. 文化的特色,為下一代建設更美好的將來。
Option 2 will require a larger
investment of $86.2 billion and have
a greater environmental impact. We Dr Marvin Cheung Kin-tung
will, nevertheless, be able to meet Chairman 主席張建東博士

2 hkia News 翱翔天地 ︱ Issue 6, 2011 2011年第6期

Airport development options unveiled 機管局公布機場發展方案

T 機
he Airport Authority (AA) released its 20-year development blueprint for 場管理局於2011年6月2日公布香港國際機
HKIA on 2 June 2011 to solicit stakeholder and public feedback on the 場的20 年發展藍圖,並邀請持份者及公眾就
direction of the airport’s future development. 機場未來的發展方向發表意見。
The HKIA Master Plan 2030 outlines two development options for public 《香港國際機場2030 規劃大綱》提出兩個方案,
consultation. The first option is for maintaining the existing two-runway 徵詢公眾意見。第一個方案是維持現有雙跑道系統,
system, which would help meet Hong Kong’s aviation demand in the medium 這個方案只能應付香港的中期航空交通需求。第二個
term only. The second option is to build a new runway to increase capacity, 方案是興建一條新跑道以提升容量,使機場可應付香
which would enable HKIA to meet the city’s air traffic demand up to and 港直至2030 年甚或以後的航空交通需求,並進一步
possibly beyond 2030 while further strengthening its position as a leading
regional and international aviation hub.
AA CEO Stanley Hui said, “If HKIA does not expand, or fails to expand in
a timely manner, there will be adverse consequences. The immediate impact
would be on HKIA’s connectivity with the world, because with constrained 容量不足,客貨運量將會流失,並可能導致機場的航
capacity, HKIA would have to turn away traffic, possibly resulting in the airport 點減少。」
serving fewer destinations.” 公眾諮詢由2011年6月3日起,為期三個月。機管局
During the three-month public consultation exercise that started on 3 June 將於諮詢期內舉行連串活動,包括巡迴展覽和公眾論
2011, a series of events including roving exhibitions and public forums will 壇。公眾亦可到《香港國際機場2030規劃大綱》的專
be rolled out. Details of the HKIA Master Plan 2030 are also available on the 題網站,瀏覽規劃大綱的詳細
AA’s dedicated website at Members of the public are 內容。機管局歡迎市民大眾在網上或展覽場地填寫問
welcome to express their opinions by answering questionnaires online and 卷,發表對機場未來發展的意見。
during the exhibitions.

T he AA held the industry seminar on 10 June 2011 to gather feedback from the aviation, (from left) AA CEO Stanley Hui, Secretary for Transport and Housing Eva Cheng,
logistics and tourism sectors. AA Chairman Dr Marvin Cheung and Director-General of Civil Aviation Norman Lo
機管局於2011年6月10日舉行業界座談會,聽取航空業、物流業及旅遊業界的意見。 officiate at the launching ceremony for the HKIA Master Plan 2030.

 A Chairman Dr Marvin Cheung and CEO Stanley Hui introduce the exhibition to Secretary
A The first roving exhibition of HKIA Master Plan 2030 is held at Hong Kong Convention &
for Transport and Housing Eva Cheng. Exhibition Centre.
機管局主席張建東博士及行政總裁許漢忠向運輸及房屋局局長鄭汝樺介紹展覽的內容。 《 香港國際機場2030規劃大綱 》巡迴展覽的首站是香港會議展覽中心。

Issue 6, 2011 2011年第6期 ︱ hkia News 翱翔天地 3

Comparing the Option 1:
two options Maintaining the existing two-runway system 維持現有雙跑道系統
To maintain Hong Kong International
Airport's (HKIA) position as a leading
international and regional aviation
hub, the Airport Authority (AA)
prepares a 20-year master plan that is
reviewed and updated every five years.
Over the past three years, the AA
has commissioned nine professional
consultants together with the AA
management team to research into
development plans for HKIA. As a
result, two different options have been
presented, one for maintaining the existing
two-runway system and the other for
expanding into a three-runway system.
The two options in the master plan
have been fully evaluated against a full
spectrum of considerations, including
air connectivity, economic benefits,
construction costs, funding, and
environmental impact.

Option 2:
兩個方案的比較 Expanding into a three-runway system 擴建成為三跑道系統

4 hkia News 翱翔天地 ︱ Issue 6, 2011 2011年第6期

Capital investment (in 2010 dollars) HK$23.4 billion
資本投資額(按2010年價格) 234億港元

Expand existing terminal and midfield apron facilities. Enhance Automated People Mover and
Baggage Handling System.

Direct/ Indirect and induced

101,000 jobs/ 143,000 jobs
employment (in 2030)
101,000個/ 143,000個
直接職位/ 間接及連帶職位(2030年)

Runway design capacity (annual) 420,000 air traffic movements. Runway capacity expected to reach its limit around 2020.
跑道設計容量(每年) 42萬架次,預計會於2020年前後飽和。

Economic Net Present Value

HK$432 billion
(ENPV) (in 2009 dollars)

Capital investment (in 2010 dollars) HK$86.2 billion

資本投資額(按2010年價格) 862億港元

Reclaim land to develop a third runway and related taxiway systems, aircraft parking stands and new
Enhancements passenger concourse. Expand Automated People Mover and Baggage Handling System. Reconfigure
增建項目 Passenger Terminal 2.

Direct/ Indirect and induced

employment (in 2030) 141,000 jobs/ 199,000 jobs
141,000 個/ 199,000 個
直接職位/ 間接及連帶職位(2030年)

620,000 air traffic movements. Capable of meeting Hong Kong’s unconstrained traffic demand up to
Runway design capacity (annual)
and possibly beyond 2030.

Economic Net Present Value

HK$912 billion
(ENPV) (in 2009 dollars)

Issue 6, 2011 2011年第6期 ︱ hkia News 翱翔天地 5

Chau Chuen-heung Leung Fu-wah
Vice Chairman, Islands District Vice President,
Council The Hong Kong
Federation of Trade
I hope the airport can 香港工會聯合會副會長
further develop. This will
help the economies of If we can build
the surrounding areas to a third runway,
take flight, increase local we will create
employment opportunities many more job
and make Tung Chung a opportunities.
bridge to the world and a gateway of Hong Kong. This is very important for the future economic
development of Hong Kong. We feel it is very
我很希望國際機場能夠大幅發展,令我們周邊經濟都能夠起飛,既帶動就業, worthwhile to support this issue.

Dr Victor Fung Aarif Rahman

Chairman, The Greater Pearl River Actor and Singer
Delta Business Council, Honorary
Chairman, International Chamber
of Commerce, Former Chairman,
Airport Authority Hong Kong I think that
Hong Kong
馮國經博士 is one of the
大珠三角商務委員會主席、國際商會榮譽 world’s top
主席、前機場管理局主席 cities – there’s
no doubt about
it. This is mostly
Hong Kong is the heart of
because of what
Asia – connected to all four
the previous
corners of the region – attracting many global enterprises to
generation did to lay the foundations for us. If
establish regional offices and headquarters in Hong Kong.
we drop the ball, it would waste the hard work
If Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA) cannot meet
of the last generation.
the transportation needs of these enterprises, they will
definitely leave.

Allen Lee Peng-fei, J.P. Prof Francis Lui

Public Affairs Commentator Head, Department
of Economics, Hong
Kong University
of Science &
I hope the Government will
quickly make a decision to
assist Hong Kong’s future 香港科技大學經濟學
economic development by 系主任
expanding the airport, and I
hope the public will support We all must
this too. understand that
construction of a runway will involve high costs
我希望香港政府盡快作決定,幫助香港將來的經濟發展。不擴建赤鱲角機場 – frequently up to several tens of billion dollars.
是不行的,希望各位市民支持。 Even though the cost is high, it doesn’t mean we
should not build it.


6 hkia News 翱翔天地 ︱ Issue 6, 2011 2011年第6期

John Slosar John Woo
Chief Executive, Cathay Pacific Director
史樂山 導演
... the majority of
We have confidence Hong Kong films are
that the opportunities shot and produced
that will arrive with us in China, Taiwan,
being here in Asia and or other countries
Greater China are worth around the world.
investing in. At the Our development
same time, to make this trend is increasingly
investment work, we will need capacity at HKIA. outwards. Therefore, there is a great need for
convenient, simple and smooth transportation.
資發展。要確保這些投資成功,我們須要香港國際機場有足夠的運力。 ......目前香港電影大部分的製作都在中國內地、台灣或世界其他國

Mark Whitehead Miriam Yeung

Managing Director, Hong Kong Actress and Singer
Air Cargo Terminals Limited
I know that the
... without the third airport has to
runway, there is a expand and I
limit on the number of fully support this,
aircraft that can arrive because good things
and depart from Hong should be cherished.
Kong, and therefore it
follows directly there is a limit that air cargo can 我知道香港機場須要擴大
be carried. 容量,我非常支持,因為好的東西,值得珍惜。


Wong Po-yan, GBM Dr Allan Zeman

Former Chairman, Airport Chairman, Ocean Park
Authority Hong Kong Hong Kong

黃保欣大紫荊勳賢 盛智文博士
前機場管理局主席 香港海洋公園主席

We have no problem ... it is very, very

regarding facilities important that we
and human talent. In expand the airport,
particular, we have that we continue
extensive experience in with the great
airport management. service that we
For many years, we have provide today with
come out on top amongst fellow airports, so this is not a the great quality that the airport gives to Hong Kong.
cause for concern.
我認為工程及人才方面都沒有問題。特別是我們的經驗,我們有很好的機 提供優質的機場服務。

Apart from the 12 stakeholders above, other stakeholders will give us their views on HKIA's future
development in the coming issues.

Issue 6, 2011 2011年第6期 ︱ hkia News 翱翔天地 7

Welcome on Board 歡迎委任董事會成員

T 機
he Airport Authority (AA) welcomed the 場管理局歡迎主席及五名董事會成員獲再度委任,以及六名新任董事會
reappointment of the Chairman and five members, 成員加入,所有委任均於2011年6月1日生效。
and the appointment of six new members to the 張建東博士再次獲委任為機管局主席,這是他擔當主席的第二任期,
Board, effective 1 June 2011. 為期三年。張博士向五名即將離任的董事會成員致謝,感謝他們的指導和支持,他
Dr Marvin Cheung, who was reappointed as Chairman 們分別是方剛議員、梁廣灝先生、廖長城先生、羅嘉瑞醫生及王英偉先生。
for a second term of three years, expressed his gratitude for 獲再度委任的五名董事會成員為何鍾泰議員、洪丕正先生、運輸及房屋局局
five outgoing members - the Hon Vincent Fang, Ir Edmund 長、財經事務及庫務局
Leung, Andrew Liao, Dr Lo Ka-shui and Wilfred Wong - for 局長,以及民航處處長。
their guidance and support. 六名新委任的董事會成
The five reappointed Board members are Ir Dr the Hon 員為鄭維新先生、林健
Raymond Ho, Benjamin Hung, Secretary for Transport 鋒議員、劉健儀議員、李
and Housing, Secretary for Financial Services and the 承仕先生、麥瑞琼女士
Treasury, and Director-General of Civil Aviation. The six 及王桂壎先生。張博士
new members are Edward Cheng, the Hon Jeffrey Lam, 說:「這些委任及續任
the Hon Miriam Lau, Lee Shing-see, Caroline Mak and 安排,將確保機管局董
Albert Wong. “These appointments and reappointments 事會得以繼續致力鞏固
will ensure that the AA Board is best placed to 香港的國際及區域航空
strengthen Hong Kong’s position as a leading regional 中心地位。」
and international aviation hub”, said Dr Cheung. 由2011年6月1日起,
From 1 June 2011, the AA Board comprises 機管局董事會由17名成 Dr Marvin Cheung, Chairman of the Airport Authority
17 members. 員組成。 機場管理局主席張建東博士

A year to remember 難忘的一年

H 在
ong Kong International Airport’s (HKIA) annual 第21屆國際 Astrid Awards
report for the year 2009/2010, entitled “Our Green 中,香港國際機場憑着主題
Airport”, has won the Gold Award in the Annual 為「環保機場 綠意飛揚」
Report-Corporations-Traditional: Between 101-160 Pages 的2009/2010 年度年報,在「年報-企
category at the 21st International Astrid Awards. The 業-傳統:101至160頁」類別中獲得金
awards honour excellence and innovation in design, 獎。獎項旨在嘉許設計傑出的創意作品,
and received nearly 500 submissions this year from 今年的參賽年報有近500 份,分別來自全
14 countries all around the world. Entries were judged 球14個國家。評審團根據作品的整體概
based on overall concept, creativity, message clarity and 念、創意、信息清晰度,以及製作質素進
production quality. 行評分。
This award is yet another in a string of awards won 機場的2009/2010年度年報屢獲殊
by HKIA’s 2009/2010 annual report, which has already 榮,自刊發以來已贏得五個獎項。
garnered five accolades since its release.

ACE performance

ong Kong International Airport has won
the Air Cargo Excellence (ACE) Award
2011, making this the sixth time in a
row since 2006 that the airport has earned
this accolade. HKIA received a particularly
significant score in the category of “Airports
Asia – 1,000,000 or more tonnes annually” in
the annual ACE Airport Survey, which is based
on feedback from airlines across four segments,
including performance, value, facilities and
regulatory operations.


香港國際機場在「亞洲機場-年貨運量逾100 萬公噸」

8 hkia News 翱翔天地 ︱ Issue 6, 2011 2011年第6期

Weathering the storm 應變惡劣天氣

R 香
olling up their sleeves to prepare 港國際機場於2011
for the typhoon season, more than 年4月15日凌晨舉
600 participants from about 20 行一年一度的綜合
organisations and government departments 颱風演習,為風季來臨做好準
went through a comprehensive annual exercise 備,約20 家機構及政府部門
staged by HKIA on the early morning of 超過600 名人員參加。這次演
15 April 2011. The exercise simulated various 習模擬天氣惡劣時的多個情
weather-related scenarios to test the airport’s 景,以測試機場的應變能力,
response capability, in areas including 包括控制人群、處理過多行
crowd management, baggage handling, flight 李、重編航班時間表及發放
rescheduling and information dissemination. 信息等。

Entertaining the elderly

n addition to sponsoring a spring tea gathering
for Tuen Mun elderly and a spring dinner for
Tung Chung senior citizens in February, the AA
also hosted a similar event for the elderly in Tuen
Mun on 5 May 2011, working hand in hand with the
Tuen Mun Respect for the Aged Association. This
was the third year hosting of the “Banquet for elders
in Tuen Mun”, and over 1,000 elderly residents and
community members in this district participated.
In his speech, AA CEO Stanley Hui described the
event as “fruitful” and restated that the AA would
continue to support community events in Tuen Mun.

T his is the third year of the "Banquet for elders

in Tuen Mun" hosted by the AA and the Tuen 為長者獻上歡樂
Mun Respect for the Aged Association.

機管局與屯門敬老會第三年攜手合辦「屯門敬老聯歡 於2011年2月分別為屯門及東涌長者贊助舉行茶聚及
 A CEO Stanley Hui sings the famous
A 春茗後,機管局再於5月5日舉行同類活動,與屯門敬老
television drama opening theme "The Bund” 會第三年攜手合辦「屯門敬老聯歡晚宴」,共有超過
for the elderly, bringing joy and laughter to all 1 000 名區內長者及社區人士參加。
participants of the wonderful night.
《上海灘》,讓參加晚宴的長者歡度了一個難忘的晚上。 富」,並重申機管局會繼續全力支持屯門的社區活動。

New members to the family

Monthly throughput

wo new airlines have initiated services at HKIA
recently. The first is Air Busan, a passenger 每月客貨運量
carrier based in Korea. Beginning 19 May 2011,
it has been providing three flights per week between Passenger traffic
Hong Kong and Busan. 客運量‘000
( passengers 千人次)

The other airline is MIAT Mongolian Airlines

who kicked off operations at HKIA from 2 June 2011. 04/2011 4505
MIAT Mongolian Airlines offers direct flights twice
a week from Hong Kong to Mongolia’s capital, Ulan
04/2010 4150
Bator. This provides greater convenience to local
passengers, as previously a transit flight to Beijing or
Korean cities was necessary. 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000

Korean food 韓國食品

Cargo traffic
歡迎新成員加入機場 貨運量‘000
( tonnes 千公噸)

提供航線服務。韓國客運航空公司釜山航空自 04/2011 330

周三班。 04/2010 353
此外,蒙古航空亦由2011年 6月2日起在香港國際機場開
辦航線,營運往來香港及蒙古首都烏蘭巴托的直航服務,每 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
機,新航班服務令本地旅客更加方便。 Mongolia 蒙古

Issue 6, 2011 2011年第6期 ︱ hkia News 翱翔天地 9

Adding value through reuse

n exhibition titled “From Trash to Treasure”
featuring art pieces created with the
concept of “upcycling” is on display on
Level 5 of Terminal 2 at Hong Kong International
Airport (HKIA) from now until July. Upcycling is a
new sustainability concept that involves changing
old materials into new products – instead of merely
recycling the disposed materials, upcycling aims to
increase their value.
Co-organised by the Airport Authority (AA)
and the Hong Kong Institute of Contemporary
Culture, the exhibition showcases product designs
and artworks by a group of young designers, who
explore the possibilities of turning trash into useful
items through re-composition and re-installation.
T he exhibition titled "From Trash to Treasure” features art pieces created with the concept
Converting the upholstery and seatbelt of an old taxi of "upcycling”.
seat into a handbag, and turning abandoned wood 該名為「垃圾變寶─系統升級再造」的藝術展覽以「升級再造」概念打造。
into a coffee table are just two examples.
The public is welcome to visit the exhibition
to find out more about the world of creativity and
upcycling. Admission is free. We hope that the visit
can persuade you to buy fewer disposable products
and think twice before throwing things away.

廢物利用 增添價值  group of young designers turn trash into useful

items through re-composition and re-installation.

即日起至7月,香港國際機場與香港當代文化中心 一群年青設計師以重新組合及裝置的手法,將廢棄物料大
攜手合作,於香港國際機場二號客運大樓第五層舉 變身,製成有用物品。
想知道更多來自升級再造的無窮創意,便不要錯過這個 T he hanger furniture set is transformed from T he leather flower chair is made from
費用全免的精采展覽!希望這個展覽能令大家減少購買用完 hangers that are unwanted by bouquets and after discarded leather strips and an old
large-scale fashion trade shows. chair frame.
即棄的產品,並在掉棄物品前三思而行。 時裝店鋪或大型時裝展覽棄置的衣架,可以變成不同類型 由皮革碎料及舊椅支架製成的「皮花椅子」。

Seeds of hope 播下希望種子

A 於
bout 40 participants, including Island District Council, the event aimed 2011年5月7日,約40 名機場員工與親友參
HKIA staff and their families to enhance the awareness of protecting 加「離島區健康城市植樹節-綠色大嶼」植
and friends, spent a meaningful nature and building a greener future for 樹活動,在大嶼山昂坪歡度了別具意義的周
Saturday by planting trees in the "Island the city. As a supporting organisation, 末。活動由離島區議會舉辦,目的是提高公眾保護大
District Healthy City Tree Planting the AA sponsored $50,000 to promote 自然的意識,共建更綠色的未來。機管局是這次活動
Festival – Green Lantau” event in Ngong environmental conservation in Lantau, the 的支持機構,贊助了合共50,000 港元,支持大嶼山這
Ping Lantau on 7 May 2011. Held by the airport’s closest neighbouring community. 個機場最鄰近社區的環保推廣工作。

Monthly safety
Injury rate (per million passengers)

 bout 40 participants from the
7 6.66 6.22
AA and its business partners,
such as DHL Aviation (HK) Ltd, 6
Hong Kong Business Aviation 5
Centre, Cathay Pacific Airways, 4
DAS Aviation Services Group 3
and AFSC, take part in the tree 2
planting event.
約40名來自機管局及敦豪空運(香 1
港)有限公司、香港商用航空中心、 0
國泰航空、DAS Aviation Services 3月 Mar 4月 Apr
Group及香港航煤供應公司等業務夥伴 2011 2011

10 hkia News 翱翔天地 ︱ Issue 6, 2011 2011年第6期

At Your Service 服務至上

The A-teams of customer service

顧客服務 卓越出色
L 上
ast month, we shared stories the 10th Customer Service Excellence 個月,我們介紹了個人組別的得獎機場員工,
about the outstanding Programme (CSEP) and their 細說他們的優秀服務故事。在今期,我們會介
individual service efforts of teamwork in helping visitors – prime 紹第十屆優質顧客服務計劃的三個團隊獎得
airport personnel. In this issue, we examples of service that goes above 主,看看他們如何在緊守工作崗位之餘,還同心協力幫
look at the three team awardees of and beyond. 助旅客,樹立良好的服務榜樣。

Hong Kong Tourism Board 香港旅遊發展局

Miki Tung – Visitor Services Officer 童美琼 ── 旅客服務助理主任
Ray Cheung – Visitor Services Officer 張慶偉 ── 旅客服務助理主任

On 5 September escort. Ray helped out by contacting the 2010年9月5日,童美琼遇上一名滿臉疑惑

2010, a puzzled passenger’s travel agent at Shekou, and 的歐洲旅客。雖然該名旅客不諳英語,但童
European passenger arranged a pick-up service for the visitor in 美琼仍嘗試與他溝通,最終得悉他正要前往
approached Miki. Hong Kong. 內地蛇口,再由當地旅行社接待。
Despite the This was not all – a chat with the 童美琼擔心該名旅客不諳中、英兩語,
passenger speaking passenger revealed that it was his 可能會遇到溝通障礙,甚至迷路,同事張慶
very little English, 60 th birthday, so Miki and Ray arranged 偉便幫忙聯絡蛇口的旅行社,並為該名旅客
Miki discovered that he was asking for surprise birthday presents and a cake. 在香港安排接送服務。
directions to Shekou in mainland China, Impressed and touched, the birthday 在閒談期間,童美琼及張慶偉得知那天
where his travel agent would pick him up. star returned the favour with a box of 剛巧是該名旅客的60歲生日,二人便即時
Miki was concerned that the visitor, chocolates – bringing the tale to a sweet 預備生日蛋糕及禮物,為他帶來驚喜。該名
unfamiliar with both English and Chinese, and happy conclusion. 旅客深受感動,並回贈了一盒巧克力以表謝
would easily lose his way without a proper 意,為故事寫上溫馨愉快的句號。

The Atrium – Nuance-Watson (HK) Limited 2011年1月2日,梁芷英與同事遇上特別經

May Leung – Assistant Store Manager 梁芷英 ── 助理店鋪經理 歷,她們當時正在店內工作,忽然聽到一聲
Amy Pang – Sales Associate 金貴蘭 ── 營業員 尖叫,梁芷英隨即發現一名韓籍旅客在哭
Jo Lau – Sales Associate 劉秀萍 ── 營業員 泣,店員劉秀萍則表示,該名旅客的行李與
Olivia Chan – Sales Associate 陳瑞璋 ── 營業員
Debby Lee – Sales Associate 李淑燕 ── 營業員
Cathy Lam – Sales Associate 林嘉慧 ── 營業員 各人立即分頭協助,懂韓語的店員金貴
The experience of May and her team of sales checked with Lost and Found – but the 慧在店鋪周圍及附近登機閘口搜尋行李縱
associates on 2 January 2011 was unusual in passenger’s missing bag was not to be seen. 影,而陳瑞璋則致電機場失物認領處,但該
that it began with the team hearing a scream. After retracing their steps, May and 名旅客的行李仍然不知所終。
May looked and found a Korean passenger in Amy led the couple to a shop, where 其間,該名旅客想起之前曾進入另一家
tears, with Jo explaining that her luggage had they saw an identical bag carried by a 店鋪,於是梁芷英及金貴蘭便帶着她與丈
been swapped. lady. May explained the situation to the 夫前往該店,發現一名女士正拿着相同款式
The whole team immediately helped lady courteously, and both sides happily 的行李。梁芷英禮貌地向該名女士解釋事
out. Amy, a Korean-speaker, comforted the regained their luggage. The story with an 件的來龍去脈,最終雙方都很高興能夠取
passenger, Debby notified ground handling extraordinary start saw the store attendees 回自己的行李。故事的序幕雖然令人意想不
agents, Jo and Cathy searched around the go far beyond their ordinary roles to deliver 到,但從中可見店員在履行職責之餘,亦樂
store and nearby boarding gates while Olivia excellent service. 意多走一步,為顧客提供優質服務。

Cathay Pacific Airways 國泰航空

Mable Ng – Manager on Duty 吳美玲 ── 值班經理 吳美玲、譚玉玲與徐玉瑜的竭誠服務,不但
Jessie Tam – Supervisor 譚玉玲 ── 督導員 為旅客帶來更多方便,甚至可以救人一命。
Tania Tsui – Customer Services Officer 徐玉瑜 ── 顧客服務主任 去年7月,譚玉玲接獲通知,一名受傷旅客
For Mable, seat, reserving a seat on the earliest 譚玉玲與吳美玲知道,旅客若未能及早獲
Jessie and Tania, connecting flight, contacting AVSECO to 得治療,便有可能需要截肢,於是她們作出
their efforts not arrange for a fast track security channel 特別安排,確保乘客的旅程暢通無阻。
only provided extra convenience, and calling the airport doctor to stand by at 該名旅客獲升級至座位可完全調低的
they were also potentially life-saving. the arrival gate. 商務客位,職員又在最早的轉機航班中預留
In July last year, Jessie was notified that Meanwhile, Tania ensured a smooth 座位,然後聯絡機場保安有限公司,為受傷
an injured passenger would arrive for hand-over to the aircraft cabin crew. She 旅客安排特快安檢通道,並且召喚駐機場
a transfer flight to Cairns, Australia for also contacted Cairns and arranged for an 醫生在抵港閘口候命。
surgery. Understanding that any delay ambulance to pick up the passenger. 同時,徐玉瑜亦確保旅客順利交由機艙
of medical treatment could result in Thanks to Jessie, Mable and Tania’s 服務員照顧,並聯絡在凱恩斯的地勤人員,
amputation, Jessie and Mable took extra thoughtful arrangements, the passenger 安排救護車接載該名旅客。
steps to ensure a smooth journey. arrived at Cairns smoothly and had a 全賴譚玉玲、吳美玲及徐玉瑜的悉心安
This included upgrading the passenger’s successful operation – saving his leg and 排,該名旅客順利抵達凱恩斯,並成功接受
seat to a fully reclinable business class possibly, his life. 手術,腿部得以康復之餘,也重獲新生。

Issue 6, 2011 2011年第6期 ︱ hkia News 翱翔天地 11

At Your Service 服務至上

Celebrating culture

ith both Mother’s Day and Buddha’s
Birthday falling in the month of May,
Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA)
made some special arrangements to commemorate
both celebrations, creating a festive atmosphere
throughout the airport’s terminals. On Mother’s
Day, Airport Ambassadors were on hand to give
out flowers to passengers, as an expression of
gratification towards moms all around the world for
their hard work and love.
From 7 to 9 May 2011, a Lucky Bun Tower
mascot – an important representation of the Cheung
Chau Bun Festival – was present to greet incoming
passengers at the Arrivals Hall. This activity
was part of the Hong Kong Cultural Celebrations
Campaign organised by the Hong Kong Tourism
Board to promote traditional festivals in Hong Kong.

慶祝佳節 頌揚文化


Think small, win BIG Answer of Issue 5, 2011:


細心想,贏大獎! Memories we share – Hong Kong in the 1960s-70s

流金歲月 – 六、七十年代的香港
For a chance to win a cash coupon worth HK$100 to spend
Theatre Art of Cantonese Opera
at Terminal 1 and 2, answer the question below! Five winners
will be selected to receive the prize. Send your answer to on or before 30 June 2011. The Art of Cantonese Opera
於2011年6月30日或之前,將正確答案發送至, Bits of Old Hong Kong
五名幸運兒將有機會獲得獎品。 百載香江風情

Tea through the Ages

The roving exhibitions for HKIA Master Plan 2030 Winners of Issue 5, 2011
are currently held until 2 September 2011. Which four 2011年第5期得獎名單
venues are scheduled to house the exhibitions?
P W Lee 李寶榮 Peter Wong 王翔翎
S N Leung 粱小娥 Tony Wong 黃銘祥
機管局現正舉行《香港國際機場2030 規劃大綱》巡迴展覽,展期直至
Jeanie Wong 黃杏儀

Have a great idea for hkia News? HKIA Tower, 1 Sky Plaza Road, hkia News is published by Airport Authority 《翱翔天地》由香港機場管理局印
Contact us via Hong Kong International Airport Hong Kong. All rights reserved. This publication 製並保留一切版權。本刊為非賣
Lantau, HONG KONG may not be sold. No part of this publication may be 品。未經香港機場管理局授權不得
and tell us what you’re thinking! otherwise reproduced, adapted, performed in public 複製、使用、向公眾以任何方式展
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我們聯絡,電郵地址為 © Airport Authority Hong Kong 2011 Printed on recycled paper

12 hkia News 翱翔天地 ︱ Issue 6, 2011 2011年第6期

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