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Whitaker 1

Melissa Whitaker

Mr. Phillips

English 3

21 February 2019

Education Should Be Free For Everyone

People are learning new things everyday weather it be a little girl tying her shoe

or an adult training for a new job. Kids in third world countries are fighting for their right

to have an education. Education should be free to everyone because school teaches

students how to make their own path and to make the most of every opportunity.

When I grow up I want to go to Kenya to help with the Zoe Ministries. When

working with Zoe Ministries, I will be partnered with an orphan then I will teach them

how to take care of themselves, how to learn, and how to keep a schedule. After

teaching them, they will then show their family- this will be taught from generation to

generation. A Zoe trip takes three years, and who wouldn't want to spend their life

helping those who are in need? I would love to spend three years of my life changing

the lives who are need of education.

Zoe Ministries is based off of charity. During the Christmas season, my church

holds a Zoe Mission Statement to raise money. Last year we raised over 1,500 dollars.

It only takes 90 dollars to save and educate one child. With the education that Zoe

Ministries has offered to these children, they are able to start their own shops (hair

salon, farm, ect.), and take care of and provide for their family.
Whitaker 2

There is no opposing side of a charitable cause for education in a third world

country but in America the stakes are a little high for free education. Free education in

America could result in higher taxes, and state and federal governments say that they

can't keep up with it. Our excuse for no free education is lazy. Education creates a

pathway for the student. It creates an opportunity for them to get out of poverty.

Education teaches them morals of how to live. It teaches them that they are held

accountable for their actions and words; it teaches discipline. If we had free education

we would have a lot less poverty because the students become a tax paying, working

adults in America. Let's’ start by donating money to Zoe Ministries, and one-by-one we

will soon have free education.

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