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Saturday, 16 February 2019


For this assignment please collect 2 picture (jpg or png, 3MB) and include a short
description identifying the urban challenge that you consider the most interesting in
your local context. 

The challenge can be anything that represents an issue for the built or the natural
environment in your area. It can be an issue of resilience, of justice, or of housing,
and it needs to be captured in one single image, accompanied by a short description.

Submission Deadline : 23-02-2019

Submission Time: 12 PM

Note: Kindly follow the same format for these A4 which has picture above and
description below with your name, roll number and an institute name along with a
subject title. Additionally, English language is mandatory for these subject.

If you have questions about this Assignment, you can write an email to me and we
can talk it out.

Here is my email id:

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