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Hello, reader. This is a story about 2 lost souls that finally find the
meaning of life and learn how to live properly. I hope you enjoy reading it ^^.

-- DANIEL --

It was 3 am in the morning. Daniel was walking in the woods, alone with
no light, lost in thought. He liked the woods in the dark, it was peaceful, no one
could disturb him there at that time. He usually went there to escape from
reality, to get away from society, at least for a while. He wasn’t popular at
school, he didn’t have any friends, he didn’t even have a girlfriend even though Commented [aa1]: İki tane even sanki olmamış. Ne
literally everyone at the school did. But he didn’t care about any of that stuff.
Commented [aa2R1]:
All he wanted to do was just get away from the hustle of the society, get away
from the disgusting “trends” and all the stuff that was “good”. He knew he was
an asocial nerd who didn’t have a life, but at least he wasn’t a sheep, believing
whatever was told on the news and thinking whatever advertised as the “New
Best Trend” was the best thing to do at that moment. As he was walking, he
felt something. Tonight, it felt different, like something different was on or
something was going to happen. He continued walking, but he was being wary,
looking around like something was just about to happen. He was more aware
of his surroundings tonight than he normally was. He walked in the forest for
around an hour, like usual, but nothing happened. “I was just being sceptical, I
guess. It must be the noise I heard, maybe a racoon or something, it’s the
woods after all...” he thought. He got out of the woods and started to head
back home. To be able to go back home, he needed to go through the Park,
where all the junkies and homeless people usually slept. But he actually didn’t
mind all that much, because they seemed to understand him better than other
people did, so he actually enjoyed chatting with them from time to time. He
knew almost every single person that spent their nights there in the park. His
favourite part of the park was where the swings were, because they reminded
him of his childhood, when everything was so innocent and colourful…
-- 5:30 AM –
He was taking his time walking through the park today, he seemed to be lost in
thought even more than usual. Almost halfway through the park, he finally reached the
swings. It was as lonely but nostalgic as usual, but there was something different today.
Daniel didn’t notice it at first, but as he walked closer, he realised that there was a girl,
sitting on one of the swings. She wasn’t moving, she almost seemed like a statue. “I wonder
what she’s gone through to be here at this hour…” he thought. As he was passing by, he just
softly said “good morning.” But he just kept walking without even getting a reply. He had
just past her and was walking away when he heard a *thump*. He turned around, just to see
the girl laying on the ground. She had fallen down. He quickly rushed over to her, and started
shaking her shoulder gently but while keeping a distance so he wouldn’t seem like a
molester. He kept shaking her shoulder constantly while softly saying “Hey!”, but she didn’t
seem to be waking up, she was knocked out cold. Daniel looked around to make sure
nobody is around and then picked her up, carried her to a bench and laid her down. He took
his coat off and put it on her like a blanket. He looked at her again, wondering what was
wrong… He thought to that he wouldn’t dwell around too much because he had work to do,
and he started walking away. He walked about 20 steps and realised that he’d be needing his
coat back, so he fetched a little piece of paper from his bag, wrote down his number under
the name “Owner of the coat” and walked away to his house.

-- 12 PM –
He leaned back on his seat, looked up to the blank, boring ceiling and sighed very
loudly. He had been working on his studies for around 4 hours, he was exhausted. He didn’t
have any lectures today, so he made good use of is time by studying. He liked keeping his
studying area tidy, so everything was very organized. His phone and laptop were charging,
papers spaced around tidily for easy studying. He didn’t have much room anyways, so it was
better and easier to keep it tidy. He got up, sipped from his water bottle and jumped on his
bed, just watching the ceiling. He was still thinking about the girl from earlier, wondering
what had happened to her. He was actually kind of looking forward to her call, that coat was
his favourite coat after all. He got up, took his phone, hopped back on the bed and started
scrolling through reddit. He had one subreddit he enjoyed very much, the “TIFU (Today I
Fucked Up)”. It was a subreddit where people shared their funny stories where they totally
fuck up. He was reading a post about the time a dude slapped his wife’s twin sister’s ass
instead of his wife’s and suddenly he got a call from an unknown number. He was kind of
surprised at first but then he remembered that he was expecting a call from the girl from
earlier that day, so he picked it up.
“STOP TREATING ME LIKE I’M A WORTHLESS SLAVE!”, she screamed. Standing before
her was his mother. She was trying to make Amelia do all the work so she could go get drunk
and high again. Her mother didn’t have a job, so she had to work extra. Most of the money
she gained from work was spent on drugs and alcohol by her mother anyways, so she had to
work even more. She had enough though, she was done with this life. After that scream, she
quickly grabbed her stuff and marched out of that shithole they called “home”. She didn’t
know what to do or where to go, so she just started walking into random directions,
following where her instincts. It was 5 AM in the morning, the streets were dark and silent,
scary silent. The few faint barks that she couldn’t even make out from where they were
coming from scared her even more. But she felt free. She finally felt she was out of the hook
of her mother, she finally felt like she could make her own decisions. She walked for what
felt like 5 minutes but it had already been 20 minutes. She found herself in an alley, even
darker than the roads. She was even more scared now, very cautiously walking, constantly
checking her surroundings. Then, out of nowhere, 3 men appeared in front of her. One was
tall and fat, the others were like typical males. The fat one was on the front, leading the
other two. He was wearing a very tight tank top with sweat and other stains on it. She was
disgusted by them, their smell, their faces. She wanted to run away, but she couldn’t. She
was frozen.
“Hey, sweetheart” the fat man said with the most arrogant and disgusting voice she
had ever heard. He had a big, evil grin on his face and his eyes were screaming “CRIMINAL!”.
He was bald, too. “Wanna ‘ave some fuuun?” he said and then laughed evilly. His partners
were grinning as evilly as him, she was starting to get really scared now. The leader pointed
towards her body with his hand and then suddenly she felt 2 very strong hands grab her
arms. His partners were right next to her on both sides and they were holding her. The fat
leader started slowly walking towards her, scratching his chin. “What a stubborn one! ‘Tis
gon’ be even more fun!” he said loudly and evilly. He grabbed her already worn-out shirt and
started taking it off. She was shaking herself vigorously, trying to get free of their grip. She
was shaking herself so hard that her legs started to hurt. “Stop moving ‘round, sweetheart.
Don’ make it ‘arder for yourself!” the fat man said and he laughed wickedly. She was still
shaking herself violently, hoping to somehow get free of their grip. Then, with a sudden
move, she headbutted the fat man and bit the hand of the man on her right. The leader
stepped back silently cursing, and the man let his grip loose. She got her other arm free too,
kicked the guy on his left in the nuts, quickly grabbed her bag and ran away, as fast as she
could. She wasn’t thinking. She was just clinging onto her bag and running as fast as she
could. A few minutes later, she found herself in a park. The park seemed beautiful, but she
was scared. She slowed down and slowly walked towards the swings. She collapsed onto the
first one and started crying. She didn’t know why she was crying, she was just scared and she
wanted this to end. She only wanted to have a life where she could make her own decisions,
where she was free, but look where she got him! Or so she thought, unaware of what was
going to happen in the very, very near future.
A few minutes later, she heard some rustling to her right. She froze out of fear. She
thought they had found her, that they were going to do unimaginable things to her. She
froze, and her mind went blank. She realised how much she had cried in the past few
minutes. Her eyes got heavy, and the next thing she felt was the wind brushing her arms.
And then, black.

-- 11:30 AM –

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