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Nama : Ni Luh Putu Larasati Prabawaning Tyas

No : 21

Kelas : X Mipa 1

Scary night

My friends, my name is Tyas. Btw, in fact I was very afraid to be at home, especially my room
which is on the 2nd floor. Four days ago, i and my friends was making gymnastic for the test on
Saturday morning at my home. And we did it twice a day, in the morning and night after school.
We made it with the system work two nights or in Indonesia we can say “SKD” or Sistem Kebut
Dua malam, and it was very tiring, because it was the first time I did group work twice a day.

In the morning, we did it from 09.00 am till 11.00 am, and then we prepared our self to go to the
school. And in the morning when we did the gymnastic for Saturday, everything was fine. But,
maybe I had to tell you to avoid group work until late at night. Honestly, I forgot if that day was
kajeng kliwon day and boldly, we even carried out group work. It was the stupidest thing I ever
did because when kajeng kliwon as usually I will go straight home and will not do any activity
except doing my homework and sleep.

So, after school we did briefing in the classroom, and then we splited the plan for an effective
time, and then Justika and I went straight to my house, then aswin and widha went to their home
to change clothes and took laptop, and nirmala, tata, and dani bought food for us. And after that,
they went to my house and we ate our food, and after that we did the gymnastic again, and we
ate snack and joked. we did funniest activities like disturbed aswin, when he was playing guitar.
And then, we exercised again while laughing because that was so funny, until we thought our
stomach was very sore. And finally, we got together, and we were still laughing. We gossiped
our juniors, and we were stalking someone, when we compared some handsome boys. And the
last, because Aswin was very annoying, we said “If Aca is here, you’ll not be like this”. Because,
we though if Aca is here, Aswin will be cool like Aca. And then, Aswin told us about Aca’s
joke, and we were laughing again. And suddenly the lights off, we were screaming because that
was scaring, and we were fearing. And I forgot that the door still opened, it added to my fear.
And when we were calm, suddenly someone called me, like “Kakak” like a scary voice and
Aswin immediately got up from the seat and moved position. That was making us scream again
like “aaaa”. And evidently, she is my sister. And she would give me a candle, and then we went
down to the 1st floor, then Justika, Dani, Tata, Nirmala, Widha, and Aswin went to their home.

That was very scaring night for me, but that told me about no doing group work until late at

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