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1. Basic human values.

2. Right to life and health.

3. Validity of certain medical developments in healthcare institutions.

4. Society’s responsibility for the life and health of its members.



i. Anna's parents abused the process of Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD) by

conceiving a child, a “designer baby” whose sole purpose was to be a donor.

ii. Devalued and risked the quality of Anna’s life.

iii. Anna was never consulted before each procedure or given the option to refuse.

iv. Kate's medical needs were put at the forefront while Anna desires and emotions fell to

the wayside.

v. Parent's judgment was clouded by their concern for their oldest daughter and thus

made biased decisions.

vi. Procedures used to improve Kate's quality of life prevented Anna from living a

normal childhood.


i. Preimplantation genetic diagnosis(genetic profiling of embryos prior

to implantation )

 Selection of foetuses without disorders or disabilities.

 Discrimination against affected embryos.

 Harms society by eliminating diversity.

 Adam Nash

 Conceived through in-vitro fertilization and preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD)

 To donate cord blood to his sister, Molly, who was born with Fanconi Anaemia( is a
rare, inherited blood disorder that leads to bone marrow failure. ).
 Adam's conception and birth was the inspiration of the novel My Sister's Keeper.
 Adam has been called "the world's first savior sibling” and "the first designer baby".

 Anna Fitzgerald

 Conceived through in-vitro fertilization and preimplantation genetic diagnosis.

 For elder sister, Kate diagnosed with leukemia.
 Platelets taken when 9 months old.
 Subject to medical procedures for 13 years.
 Made to donate her kidney.

ii. Exposure to Medical Procedures

 For a prolonged period of time entails medical risk.

 Affects organs, immune system.
 Vulnerability to diseases.
 Harmful to physical and mental well-being

iii. Number of embryos lost

 PGD Technique - low efficiency.

 Number of embryos i.e. Human Lives Lost.

 Consent of the designer baby itself.
 A crucial topic in bioethics is the consent of the patient for any action which is to be
performed on them.
 Without consent, any medical action upon them would be ethically unacceptable.
 Donor child cannot give its consent for this action.

 Jeremy Bentham’s theory.

 Best action is the one that maximizes utility.
 Greatest good for the Greatest Number.
 Supports the idea of using these children to save the life of their siblings.

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