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HLTH3800 Basketball Alternative Task

Supporting and Sustaining Attack

Practice: How you would present the 4 sequences of the right side motion offence?
 When the ball is being passed to the FORWARD, swap positions with player on
opposite side of court
 When the ball is being passed to the BASELINE or GUARD, swap positions with the
player closest to you
 When moving away from the pass, attempt to screen the opposite player coming in
 The player receiving the ball never changes position
 The player receiving the ball will square up for the shot and
Reciprocal: What aspect of the task would you select for an individual or group to observe
and provide feedback?
 Whoever is receiving the ball is the observer
 In diagram 2, you could have A2 as the observer. They would have an opportunity
to view all other members of the group without having to move around the court.
Inclusion: What alternative task(s) could you introduce to the students to provide them with
an element of choice?
 Students will try all levels, then as a group selected the level they feel is most
appropriate to their group’s ability. Ensuring they pick a level that all students can
attempt with successes.
Self-Check: What aspect of the task will you select for the students to evaluate their
 Self checklist
o When receiving the ball, did you square up for the shot and observe your
o On a scale of 1-5, did you move to the correct position each time?
 Group checklist
o Did everyone move to a new position (except person now with ball)
o Did the person receiving the ball square up to have a shot

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