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English exam part 2

-Act of taking one's own life voluntarily and intentionally

The action of bringing forth or destroying a human foetus prematurely,before it is capable of
maintaining life; a voluntary miscarriage

A discussion often involving a contraversial topic

The act of being done away with or annulled.

5.CAPITAL PUNISHMENT- Denim me vdekje

A legally authorized killing of someone as punishment by death for a crime

One legally guilty of committing murder

The act of bringing into effect a judgement,here the death penalty

8.DIMINISHED RESPONSILIBITY-Pergjegesi e zvogeluar

The defence available where the accused was suffering from such abnormality of mind as to
substantially reduce his mental responsilibity in doing,or being party to,a crime

9.REPRIEVE-remission,amnesty,continuance,stay of execution-ANULIM DENIMIT ME

The suspension of the execution of a criminal offence

Punishment for a crime or offence,imposed for breaking a law, a rule or contract.

11.CONVICTED MURDERER-Vrases i denuar

A person pronounced guilty of murder

12.PREVENT-Forbid,stop,head off, forestall,obviate,preclude-PARANDALOJ

To keep from happening or existing by precautionary measures.

To make somebody or something become better by removal or abandonment of imperfections,
faults,or errors;to change from worse to better.

To search or investigate exhaustively
15.DETER-Discourage,dissuade,put off,scare off,dishearten-FRENOJ,PERMBAJ
To prevent from acting by fear; to discourage

16.AVENGE-Requite,punish,repay,pay back,revenge,take revenge for-SHPAGIM,MARR

To exact satisfaction for a wrong by punishing the injurer; to take vengeance

17.RELEASE-freeing,liberty,liberation,freedom-LIRIM,HEQJE DORE,LESHIM,LEJE
The act of liberating of freeing; discharge from restraint

18.LIFE SENTENCE-Denim i perjetshem

A sentence of imprisonment for the remaining portion of the convict's life; the longest possible

19.SERVE A SENTENCE-Paraqes denimin

To undergo imprisonment

20.DETAIN-hold,take into custody,imprison- MBAJ NE ARREST

To hold or keep in custody

21.INFLICT PUNISHMENT-Shkaktoj denimin,ve denim

To impose punishment

What induces a person to act,e. g. desire,fear,circumstances.

23.CAPITAL MURDER-Vrasje e denueshme me vdekje

Murder that,according to the law,can be punished by death

24.VICTIM-Sufferer,injured party,casualty,fatality,loss-VIKTIME
Someone who suffers death,loss or injury.

25.ABOLITIONISTS-Falesit,falje,heqje(para shqiptimit te denimit)

Those who favour the abolition of the death penalty


So irrefutable as to end all uncertainly or question; decisive;final.

27.DETERRENT-Mjet frikesues
Something that deters;serving to deter.

28.RETENTIONISTS-Mbajtje,shperblyes(te avokatit)
Those who want the death penalty retained

The taking of revenge; infliction of punishment in return for an injury or offence.

Performed,made,or given of one's own free will
31.VALID-Reasonable,rational,logical,justifiable-I vlefshem,valid, ne fuqi; i argumentuar,i
arsyeshem,i efektshem
Having legal strength or force

Marriage with but one person at a time

33.CONSANGUINITY-Blood relationship,propinquity-LIDHJE GJAKU

Relationship by blood

34.BAR-Avokature;ankese;refuzim i padise se paarsyeshme

An impediment;something that serves as a barrier

35.MAJORITY-Shumice,moshe madhore
Full age; the condition of being of age; no longer a minor

Not restrained or limited

37.VOID-Invalid,null,ineffective,useless,worthless,nugatory-I PAVLEFSHEM
Without legal force;null

38. AB INITIO-From the beginning(used chiefly in formal or legal contexts).(Lat.)

The act or duty of guarding;guardianship(protection,care,maintenance and tuition)

40.SOLEMNIZE-perform,celebrate,formalize,officiate at- I JAP SERIOZITET

To perform with pomp or ceremony or according to legal forms;especially to unite a couple in a

41.DISSENT-Disagreement,difference of opinion,dispute,argument-

42.AFFINITY-empathy for,raport with,sympathy for,accord with-

Relationship by marriage

43.VOIDABLE- e shmangshme
That which can be made void

A wilfully false statement of fact,either by words or conduct

45.MENTAL INCAPACITY-Paaftesi mendore

An inability through mental illness or mental deficiency of any sort to carry on the everyday
affairs of life
46.NEGATIVE-refusal,rejection,opposite,reverse,privative- NEGATIV,E
To contradict;to deny; to neutralize

47.LUNATIC-crazy,mad,insane,demented,crackbrained,madman- I QMENDUR
Someone who is insane; a person whose abnormal mental condition makes him incapable or
irresponsible before the law

An assumption of truth of a thing until the contrary is proved; an inference established by law as
universally applicable to certain circumstances

49.MENTAL HEALTH ACT-Akt i shendetit mendor

An act passed in 1959 in which the phrase>persons suffering from mental disorder< is used to
describe those persons once known as lunatics and later as persons of unsound mind

50-MENTAL DISORDER-Qrregullim mendor

51.VARY-differ,be different-Ndryshon,ndryshoj
To change;to make different;to modify

52.GRANT-donate,give away,accept,agree,fill-JAP,DHUROJ,PLOTESOJ
To allow;to permit; to give

To establish the truth of

54.WRONGFUL-Incorrect,mistaken,faulty,erroneous,fallible,vicious-I GABUAR,I PA DREJTE


55.ADULTERY-Tradhti bashkeshortore
Voluntary sexual intercouse between a married person and a person who is not his or her

Married person, a man or woman joined in wedlock.

Conduct on the part of husband or wife which endangers the life or health of the other

Leaving a wife or husband

Such unsoundness of mind or lack of understanding as prevents one from having the mental
capacity required by law to enter into particular relationship,status
or transaotion,or as excuses one from criminal or civil responsibility


The law established by a church or religious denomination and administered in its courts
61.VIOLENT DEED-Veper e dhunshme
An act or action produced or effected by force

To result in; to mean


64.COMMISSIONERS FOR OATHS-Komisioneret e betimeve

Solicitors appointed by the Lord Chancellor to administer oaths to persons making affidavits to
be used in law suits,etc.

A statement in writing and on oath,sworn before someone who has authority to administer i.

66.PROBATE-Homologim,Verifikim zyrtar
The official right to prove and the act of proving that a will has been written and signed in
accordance with the law

67.CLAUSE-nen,fjali e thjeshte,artikull,pike- A distinct article, stipulation, or proviso in a legal

document; a subdivision of a document

68.PECUNIARY LEGATEE- Trashegues parash

1.pecuniary- ne para,qe kerkon fitime- Monetary; to do with money
2.legatee-trashegues- one to whom a legacy is given

69.Reversion-Rikthim,rikthim pasurie
The return of property to the grantor or his estate(this includes the heirs to the estate) when the
grant has expired; i.e. here, the right to own property in the future on the death of the present

Such property as is available for the payment of debts and legacies;property which can be
turned into cash.

A public sale of property to the highest bidder

A legal or formal statement providing for something

73.CAPITAL TRANSFER TAX-Takse per transferim te kapitalit

A tax introduced to the United Kingdom by the Finance of Act 1975; a comprehensive tax on all
transmissions of personal wealth

74.LIFE INTEREST-An interest in property limited in duration by the life of some person,whether
the holder of the property or a third party

Enjoying autonomy,independent,self-governing
76. FOREIGN OFFICE-Zyra e jashtme
A government department( as a ministry) having to do with foreign affairs and usually headed by
a minister

77.ARBITRAL PROCEEDINGS-Procedure arbitrazhi

Proceedings where a matter is settled by arbitration,that is,when the parties to the dispute have
agreed to refer it to the decision of an independent arbitrator

78.BREACH OF LAW-Shkelje e ligjit

Infraction or violation of a law

A class or kind of thing containing subordinate kinds

A subdivision of a genus

81.GENERAL ASSEMBLY-Asambleja e pergjithshme

A supreme deliberative body(as of the United Nations)

A written declaration,statement,or complaint.A proposed or projected law

*A formal statement intended to create,preserve,assert or testify to a right.
*The decision of the court or judge on a question of law or rights.
*A statement of claims in proceedings.

Includes any representation of fact,whether made in words or otherwise.

A formal expression of opinion,will,or intent by an official body or assembled group

An introductory clause in a constitution,statute or other legal instrument which states the intent
of that instrument;introduction to a statute or bill,explaining the facts and assumptions behind it


International organization established in 1945,so as to maintain international peace and
security,develop general welfare and relations among nations and encourage international co-
operation in the solution of economic,social and humanitarian problems

88.CHARTER-karte,akt themelues,statut
A written instrument executed between parties

89.FRANCHISE-eksluzivitet,e drejte votimi,privilegj

A special privilege or liberty; the right to vote

90.INSTRUMENT-dokument ligjor
A formal legal document in writing
91.MEMBER STATES- States having membership in the United Nations Organization

92.AWARD-Vendim gjyqi
Payment given by judicial decision

A person who has done something wrong; a person accused of an offence

94.UNLIQUIDATED DAMAGES-Damages the amount of which is not settled,as in cases of


An arrangement whereby one person holds title to and administers the property of another to
the benefit of the other

96.TRUSTEE-Kujdestar,administrues i besuar
One who executes or administers a trust

97.EQUITABLE OBLIGATION-detyrim i barabarte

An obligation that can be sustained or made effective in a court of equity or upon principles of

The failure to exercise ordinary care or caution under a particular set of circumstances;the
failure to take reasonable care to avoid foreseeable injury to others

An unreasonable interference with a person's use or enjoyment of property; whatsoever
unlawfully annoys or damages another

100.TRESPASS-violation,infringement,sin,crime- SHKELJE,HYRJE PA LEJE

An unlawful or harmful entering of another's property

The general term for words either oral(slander) or written(libell),which tend to injure a person's

102.BREACH OF TRUST-shkelje besimi

A violation by a trustee of the duty imposed upon him by the instrument creating the trust

103.MERCHANTABLE QUALITY-rang shoqeror apo cilesi qe shitet lehte

Commercial quality,quality acceptable to buyers

A privilege granted to the true and first inventor of any new invention to exploit it for a certain
period of time

105.COPY-RIGHT-E drejte autori

The exclusive right to do,or to authorise other persons to do,certain acts in relation to an original
literary,dramatic or musical work

106.TRADE UNION-Sindikate
An association representing the workers in a particular trade,profession or industry

A special administrative court in Britain; a body appointed to adjudicate or arbitrate on some
disputed question or matters,as e.g. lands tribunal,rent tribunal.

108.CONTRACT- Kontrate,marreveshje
Usually is defined as a legally binding agreement between two or more parties which the courts
will enforce

109.LEGAL CAPACITY- kapacitet ligjor

The capability and power under law of a person to occupy a particular status or relationship with
another,or to engage in a particular undertaking or transaction

An expression of readiness to enter into a baragin,which, if unconditionally accepted,creates a

An agreement between two parties settling what each gives or receives in a transaction
between them

(here) A compensation for something promised or done; the party receives in return for his act
or promise something from the other party,and this is something referred to as the consideration

113.COMPLY WITH-Ne perputhje me

To act in accordance with a request,demand,order,rule,etc.

The conveyance of right,tittle, or interest in either real or personal property from one person to
another by sale,gift, or other process

An act that transfers from one person to another all or part of an interest,right,or share in

An unconditional order in writing, addressed by one person to another,requiring the person to
whom it is addressed to pay on demand,or at a fixed or determinable future time, a certain sum
of money to a specified person or to bearer

A money order; a written order addressed by a person( a drawer) to a banker to
pay,money,generally to some third party(a payee)

118.PROMISSORY NOTE-Deftese borxhi

An unconditional promise in writing,made by one person to another,enganging to pay on
demand or at a fixed or a determinable future time,a certain sum of money to a specified person
or to bearer

Lack of caution or due regard to consequences

An official copy of the legal papers used in a case and of memoranda of the proceedings of the
court; an authentic testimony in writing preserved in the archives of a court of record

121.LANDLUBBER-Jo detar,njeri i pamesuar me detin

A contemptuous expression for someone who knows nothing about the sea or ships

122.The Man On the Clapham Omnibus- An ordinary,average man,the sort of ordinary man
whom we would find on a bus in Clapham,a suburb of London

123.WITNESS-BOX- Senduk ose arke e deshmitarit

An enclosure in which a witness sits or stands while testifying in court

124.IMPARTIAL-I paanshem, i drejte

Not partial; not favouring one more than another; treating all alike.

Includes a professional practice and any other undertaking carried on for gain or reward or
which is an undertaking in the course of which goods or services are supplied otherwise than
free of change

126.CORPORATION-Korporate,shoqeri aksionare
A body of persons associated for some purpose and considered to have rights and duties and
the capacity of succession

The conversation of profits or income into capital

The act of losing or the thing lost;includes a loss by not getting what one might get,as well as a
loss by parting with what one has

The executive function of planning,organizing,coordinating,directing,controlling,and supervising
any industrial or business project or activity with responsibility for results

Broadly, all the money and other property of a corporation or other enterprise used in
transacting its business

131.PARTNERS-partnere pune
Persons who voluntarily agree to conduct a partnership

An organization of persons having a common interest

133.PERPETUAL SUCCESSION-Vazhdimesi e perhershme

The capacity of a corporation to have continuous enjoyment of its property so long as it is legally
in existence; a power by which a corporation continues despite changes in its shareholder

134.LIMITED LIABILITY-Pergjegjesi e kufizuar

The liability for losses that is limited to the amount an investor or shareholder invests in the

An owner of shares in a company

136.ULTRA VIRES-Beyond powers;applies to acts by a public body or official that are beyond
the delegated authority

137.INTERVENE-Nderhyj,futem ne mes
To become a party to an action or other legal proceeding begun by others for the protection of
an alleged interest

To do as you are told; to perform or behave as directed often without question or attempt at
independent decision

Something that naturally follows; a practical consequence

Supreme authority or power

Where a third party not originally a party to a suit claims an interest and enters a case in an
effort to protect a right or to assert a claim

Accompanying as a secondary fact,activity,or agency; serving to support or reinforce

143.By-Law- A law made by councils,boards,corporations and companies for regulation of their

own local or internal affairs.

144.Property transactions-Transaksionet pronesore

The transfer of property from one to another

An official elected or appointed to act as ruler,chief executive,or nominal head of a politicial unit(
as a colony,state or province)

146.RULE OF LAW-Sundim i ligjit

The doctrine,that all men are equal before the law government based on the general
acceptance of the law
147.MARRIAGE-Martese,lidhje bashkeshortore
The formal union of a man and a woman, typically recognized by law, by which they become
husband and wife.

148.DIVORCE-Shkurorezim,ndarje,prishje marteses
The legal dissolution of a marriage by a court or other competent body.

149.POLICE POWERS-Kompetencat policore

The main police powers are: arrest,entry,search and seizure(arresti,shenimet,kontrolla apo
gjurmimi dhe konfiskimi)
*Arrest- if the arrest is lawful the arrested person will be guilty of the crime and tort of assault(as
well as statutory offences).
*Search-An unlawful search of the person constitutes assault and the person searched is
entitled to use reasonable force to resist.
*Entry-The police can enter premises to make an arrest and they can search the premises in
order to find their man.
*Seizure-When a lawful arrest is made the police are entitled to seize articles or documents in
the possession of control of the suspect that could be used in evidence against him.They can
take from the suspected any weapon or article that he could use to harm himself or others.

150.PUBLIC AUTHORITIES-Autoritetet publike

151.JUDICIAL CONTROL-Kontroll gjyqesor

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