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J Ayub Med Coll Abbottabad 2016;28(3)

Atif Saleem Agwan, Zeeshan Sheikh*
Department of Dentistry, Northern area Armed Forces Hospital, King Khalid Military City-Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, *Faculty of
Dentistry, University of Toronto, Toronto-Canada

Maxillary premolars exhibit variable root canal morphology, but it is quite rare to find three canals
in their root system. The aim of this case report is to present the diagnosis and clinical
management of a patient with anatomical variation of having three root canals in the maxillary
first premolar. Three–canalled maxillary premolars are quite an endodontic challenge. A
discussion is provided here to facilitate the early recognition of these canals, access cavity
modifications for better intra-canal preparation and obturation procedures. Clinicians are required
to be aware of the anatomical variations they may encounter when dealing with maxillary
premolars and should be trained to apply this knowledge in the clinical scenario.
Keywords: Maxillary First Premolar; Anatomical Variations; Root Anatomy; Endodontics
J Ayub Med Coll Abbottabad 2016;28(3):627–9

INTRODUCTION canals result in an anatomy of maxillary premolars

that resembles the adjacent molars and are therefore
In order to perform endodontic therapy successfully,
sometimes called ‘radiculous’ (small molars).10 It is
it is imperative that the clinicians should have an in-
very helpful to examine radiographs obtained from
depth knowledge of external and internal tooth
contralateral teeth to compare and identify when
anatomy. The lack of sufficient knowledge results in
suspecting a complex root configuration. The three
the misdiagnosis, error in identification and
rooted configuration of maxillary first premolars can
localization of the root canal systems present and
often be visualized on preoperative radiographs.9,11
incomplete or erroneous preparation and canal filling.
When employing straight-on radiographs the general
It is recommended that before initiating any
rule and guide for identification of the three-rooted
endodontic treatment, the clinician obtains 2 or 3
tooth is that if the mesial-distal width of the mid-root
radiographs from different angles to show and
image appears greater or equal to the mesial-distal
confirm the exact anatomical form and variation.1
width of the crown image, then three roots are most
Maxillary first premolars have a very
likely to be present. Though this guideline provides a
complex internal anatomy due to their inherent
good visual cue, it is not definitive. The closer
variation in root numbers and canal configuration
examination of extracted maxillary first premolars
(Figure-1).2,3 For the first maxillary premolars, the
with three roots in comparison with maxillary first
incidence of three canals is very low (~3–5%).4–6
premolars with two roots (two canals in buccal root,
Whereas, this three-canalled observation is about 1%
one in palatal) demonstrates how this guideline is
for maxillary second premolars.7 In a study
only valid for three-rooted premolars.9 The main aim
performed by Vertucci and Gegauff8 it was observed
of this case report is to present the identification and
that 5% of the 400 maxillary first premolars observed
endodontic management of a three-canalled maxillary
had three canals with 0.5% of these three canals
first premolar.
existing in a single root, 0.5% presented as two
canals in one root and one canal in second root, and CASE REPORT
4% were seen to exist as one canal in each of the
A 19 year old male patient was presented to the clinic
three roots. The three-canalled maxillary premolars
referred by another general dental practitioner with
are difficult to visualize on preoperative radiographs.
spontaneous pain in tooth # 14. The past and present
The general consensus is that the earlier these root
medical history was unremarkable. Clinically, it was
canal configurations of very complex nature can be
observed that the pulp was exposed by a carious
identified, the more likely it is that the clinician can
lesion in tooth #14. The tooth was sensitive to cold or
successfully perform the intracanal preparation and
electronic pulp testing with the response indicating
towards irreversible pulp damage. A preoperative
The most common root canal configuration
periapical radiograph confirmed the presence of a
observed for the three-canalled maxillary first
carious lesion on the distal surface of tooth #14
premolar is the three separate roots, each consisting
(radiograph not available).
of a single canal classified as the mesiobuccal,
The evaluation of the periapical radiograph
distobuccal and the palatal canals.9 These three root
together with the position of the buccal canal orifice 627
J Ayub Med Coll Abbottabad 2016;28(3)

suggested the possibility of the presence of a third The working length was confirmed using an apex
canal. Buccal canals in three-rooted premolars are locator. The buccal roots were prepared manually
usually observed to lay close to each other and are using 8, 10 and 15 K files (Mani inc, Japan). Sizes 1,
often covered and hidden by a projection of cervical 2 and 3 Orifice shapers of the Proflie system
dentine.9,12 An Endo Access bur 3 A0164 (Dentsply (Dentsply, Maillefer) were used to achieve the
Maillefer, Ballaigues, Switzerland) was utilized to counter-curve reduction of the cervical and middle
modify the access opening edges to create a thirds. The apical third preparation was accomplished
triangular outline in the buccal direction. After with sizes 1-6 taper 0.04 instruments of the Profile
removing the coronal pulp, the floor was explored. (Dentsply, Maellefer) series with copious irrigation
The buccal canals were explored with size 8 and 10 with 1% sodium hypochlorite. The buccal root canals
files and the palatal with a size 15 K file (Mani inc, were shaped to a size 4 taper 0.04 instrument and the
Japan). A periapical radiograph was taken (Figure-2) palatal canal to a size 5 taper 0.04 instrument. After
to confirm the presence of three separate roots and cleaning and shaping, the canals were dried with
three separate canals (two buccal and one palatal). paper points (Roeko, Coltene/ Waledent-Germany)
and filled with gutta percha (Roeko,
Coltene/Waledent-Germany) and AH26 sealer
(Dentsply Dentry GmbH, Germany) by cold lateral
condensation (Figure-3). The access cavity was
sealed with composite (Filtek™ Supreme 3M ESPE).
Postoperative instructions and analgesic were given
and the patient was referred to a periodontist for
crown lengthening to prevent biologic width
violation before crown preparation would be carried

Figure-1: The comparison between root DISCUSSION

morphology of extracted maxillary premolars The maxillary first premolars are among the most
with three root canals challenging teeth to be managed via endodontic
therapy. The various reasons for this are: the varying
number of roots, number of canals, variations in pulp
cavity configuration, the longitudinal and directional
depressions present on the roots and limitation and
difficulty of visualization of apical limit on
radiographs.1 The acquisition of sufficient knowledge
of tooth, root canal and pulp morphology can lead to
improvement in endodontic therapy results.
Traditionally in the past many clinicians have treated
maxillary first premolars assuming that they have 2
canals. This concept has and should change now
Figure-2: Radiographic confirmation of the since we know that although the incidence is low,
independent trajectory of the three root canals between 0.5–7.5% of these teeth possess 3
and their respective roots in tooth #14 canals.1,6,13,14 We know that the root curvature
towards the buccal or lingual cannot be detected in
radiographs. This can result in perforations during
instrumentation. It has been shown that lingual root is
straight in about 24% and curve towards the buccal
side in 26% of the 2 rooted teeth.1 Also, the buccal
root being longer by almost 1 mm than the lingual
root has been seen.1,15 The recognition of variations
in length and curvatures of roots allows the clinician
to adjust his technique and instrumentation to avoid
iatrogenic perforations.
The foundation of successful endodontic
treatment is always dependent on achieving good
Figure-3: Radiograph following the obturation of access.16,17 A cavity modification into a “T” shape
the three root canals in tooth #14 access cavity is required for the three-canalled

J Ayub Med Coll Abbottabad 2016;28(3)

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Address for Correspondence:

Dr. Atif Saleem Agwan, Endodontist, Northern area Armed Forces Hospital, King Khalid Military City-Kingdom
of Saudi Arabia
Tel: +966-541651713
Email: 629

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