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Is the diagnostic test study valid?

Was there a clear question for the study to address?

It should include Yes No Unclear
Population √ Pasien yang menjalani MRU yang tersuspe
Test √ MRU
Setting √ Ada 3 kelompok: kelompok 1 (mempunya
Outcome √ Ditemukan tumor di saluran kemih atas se

Is there comparison with an apropriate (gold) reference standard for diagnosing

the disorder under assessment? The reference standard comparison should be the
best available indicator of the target disorder
Yes No Unclear
√ Gold Standardnya:
If the answer is yes to both questions, continue with your analysis Pathological examination, findings at uret

Did the study include people with all the common presentations of the target
disorder? For example, symptoms of early manifestations as well as people with
more severe symptoms, and/or people with other disorders that are commonly
confused with the target disorder when diagnosing?
Yes No Unclear

Were the people assessing the results of the index diagnostic test blinded to the
results of the reference standard?
Yes No Unclear
√ Reviewer were blinded ot final diagnosis b
Was the reference standard applied regardless of the index test result?
Yes No Unclear

Was the diagnostic test validated in a second independent group of patients?
Yes No Unclear

Were the methods of the diagnostic test described in sufficient detail? Consider if
descriptions of the following are included:
Rationale for the reference standard
Yes No Unclear

Technical specifications of references for running the index test and reference
standard (e.g., including enough information that the tests could be replicated)
Yes No Unclear

Methods for calculating of comparing measures of diagnostic accuracy and
statistical uncertainty (95% CI)
Yes No Unclear

If the answer is no to most of these questions - is it worth continuing as the results
of the study are unlikely to be valid?
Results - what should ideally be included?

Are there clinical and demographic characteristics of the people included in the
study (e.g., age, sex, spectrum of the presenting symptoms, comorbidity, current
treatments, recruitment centres)?
Yes No Unclear

Do the results include information about people who satisfied inclusion criteria
for the study but did not receive the diagnostic index or reference standard test?
Yes No Unclear

Do the results include how indeterminate results, missing results, and outliners of
the index test were handled?
Yes No Unclear

Do the results include criteria for defining the severity of the target disorder?
Yes No Unclear

Do the results include cross tabulation of the index test results by the reference
standard results? Or enough information to generate this table?
Yes No Unclear

Do the results include estimates of diagnostic test accuracy and statistical
uncertainty (95% CI)?
Yes No Unclear

Does this diagnostic test apply to your specific patient?
Is your patient similar to the people in the study in terms of clinical and
demographic characteristic?
Yes No Unclear

Is the diagnostic test available, and if so, does it reflect current practice?
Yes No Unclear

Will the test result change the way the patient is managed?
Yes No Unclear
ng menjalani MRU yang tersuspek Upper Tract Urinary Tumor Mei 2005-2008

ompok: kelompok 1 (mempunyai high-risk clinical findings of upper tract carcinoma) 5-6 orang; kelompok 2 (pasien dengan hidronefrosis a
n tumor di saluran kemih atas setelah MRU; sensitivitas 74,3%; spesifitias 96,8%; akurasi 93,7%

cal examination, findings at uretheroscopy or retrograph or anterograph myelogram

were blinded ot final diagnosis but other information other than age and gender
2 (pasien dengan hidronefrosis ato soft tissue mass) 22 orang; kelompok 3 (pasien with ureteral stent of nefrotomy tube) 13 orang
frotomy tube) 13 orang

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