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3/28/2019 Working with Objects

Tutorials > Introduction > Starting a STAR-CCM+ Simulation > Working with Objects

Working with Objects

Much of your interaction with the simulation is through the objects in the simulation tree that was
added to the Explorer pane.

Familiarize yourself with the objects in the simulation tree:

The tree represents all the objects in the simulation. Nodes are added in later sections when a
geometry is imported and models are defined in the continuum. Most of your interaction with the
simulation is by selecting nodes in the tree and:

Right-clicking to expose an action menu.

Using keys to, for example, copy and delete objects.

Dragging objects to other tree nodes or onto visualization displays.

The handle next to a node indicates that subnodes exist below that one. To open a node and show the
subnodes, click the handle. To close it, do the same for an open node.

Most objects in the tree have one or more properties that define the object. Access to the properties is
through the table.

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3/28/2019 Working with Objects

To modify the properties of an object, click its node once to select it. Edit most types of properties in
the value cell. Otherwise, when setting values of complex properties, click the Property Customizer
button to the right of the value. A property-specific dialog opens.

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