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Self-confidence is one aspect of personality that is very important in human life. Self confident people
are confident about their own abilities and have realistic expectations, even when their expectations are
not realized; they stayed positive and can take it.

Self-confidence is a mental or psychological condition of a person who gives a strong confidence in him
to do or perform any act. People who do not believe in themselves have a negative self-concept, lack of
confidence in his ability, because it is often kept to them. Self confidence is a mental or psychological
condition, which individuals can evaluate the entirety of her strong belief in giving him the ability to take
action in achieving various goals in life.
People who have good self-confidence, they have positive feelings toward themselves, have strong
beliefs on him and had accurate knowledge of the capabilities. People who have good self-confidence
are not the only person who feels capable of (but not really afford) but is a person who knows that he
can be caused by experience and calculation that he did.
Synonyms: aplomb, inner strength, positive self-image, self-assurance

Personality traits of people with low self-confidence

When this is linked to the practice of everyday life, people who have low self-confidence or have lost
confidence, tend to feel / be as below:
• Do not have anything (desires, goals, targets) which fought energetically
• Do not have a decision to step decisive
• Easily frustrated or give up when faced with a problem or difficulty
• Less motivated to go forward, laziness or half and half
• Often fails to accomplish its tasks or responsibilities
• Awkward in dealing with people
• Can not demonstrate the ability to speak and the ability to listen to a convincing
• Often have unrealistic expectations
• Too perfectionist
• Too sensitive
Help: low self-confindence
Counselling, life coaching, and hypnotherapy are common therapies used to help improve self-

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