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An introduction to coiled springs (mainsprings) as a power source

Article  in  International Journal of Fatigue · August 2011

DOI: 10.1016/j.ijfatigue.2010.11.014


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Les P. Pook


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International Journal of Fatigue 33 (2011) 1017–1024

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An introduction to coiled springs (mainsprings) as a power source

Les P. Pook ⇑
21 Woodside Road, Sevenoaks TN13 3HF, UK

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Coiled springs (mainsprings) are coiled steel ribbons that have been used as a power source for centuries.
Received 26 June 2010 A major disadvantage of mainsprings is that they do not deliver a uniform torque during unwinding. The-
Received in revised form 13 November 2010 oretical analysis of mainsprings is notoriously difficult, and they are usually designed using well estab-
Accepted 15 November 2010
lished rules of thumb. In service mainsprings are subjected to low cycle fatigue loading. They can fail
Available online 24 November 2010
either by breaking due to fatigue, or by shakedown into a shape where they no longer deliver adequate
power. Some features of the behaviour of mainsprings used as power sources are described and illus-
trated by examples. In particular, the importance of correct lubrication is emphasised. The primary load-
Coiled springs
ing on a mainspring is a bending moment, but sequential biaxial loading can occur, as can biaxial stresses
Powers source due to distortion at end fittings. A fracture mechanics approach to some aspects of mainspring behaviour
Low cycle fatigue is promising.
Fracture mechanics Ó 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction various engineering applications [7], and are sometimes called

clock springs or motor springs. The objective of the paper is to col-
‘Mainspring’ is primarily a horological term [1]. Here, it is ap- lect and assess information on mainsprings used as a power source.
plied to any coiled spring used as a power source. The first known, Detailed theoretical analysis of the stresses and displacements
reasonably well documented, metal fatigue failures were in clock in a mainspring during winding and unwinding is notoriously
mainsprings [2,3]. The use of uncoiling mainsprings, rather than difficult for three main reasons [3,8,9]. Firstly, the precise shape
descending weights, as a driving force was an important factor in of the unloaded spring is, in general, not known in detail, and
the development of clocks for general use, and appears to have shakedown means that the shape may change during service [2].
started in the early 15th century. Fig. 1 shows an early 20th cen- Secondly, the effect of friction between coils is difficult to incorpo-
tury mass produced American shelf clock. By the late 18th century rate into the solution; the amount of friction depends on the prop-
the technology for the manufacture of durable watch and clock erties of the lubricant used, and changes during service as the
mainsprings was well established; a detailed description of the lubricant deteriorates. Thirdly, displacements are very large and
state of the art of making watch mainsprings was first published for a given amount of winding the shape of the coils (Figs. 3 and
in 1780 by Blakey [4]. Even so, because of the prevalence of fail- 4) has to be determined as part of the solution. Behaviour of a
ures, which would usually be due to fatigue, high quality watches mainspring is biaxial because both a bending moment and an axial
and clocks were designed (and still are) so that a broken main- tension can be present on a given cross section, and the ratio be-
spring could easily be replaced. Replacement mainsprings are tween them can change during winding and unwinding. Main-
readily available from horological suppliers. Despite the relatively springs are subject to low cycle fatigue. In practice, mainsprings
recent introduction of highly accurate battery powered quartz are usually designed by well established rules of thumb [1,8],
clocks and watches, mainsprings are still being used as a power which were well known in horological circles in 1861 [10]. Suppli-
source in some clocks and watches [5,6]. At a more mundane level ers’ catalogues often list the properties of mainsprings to assist
mainsprings are, and have been for many years, used as a power selection for a particular application [7].
source (motor) in toys and models [6]. Such toys and are usually
referred to as clockwork toys. Fig. 2 shows a clockwork toy car. A
2. Mainsprings
motor powered by a mainspring is referred to as a clockwork mo-
tor. For example, Fig. 3 shows a Meccano Magic clockwork motor
Usually, mainsprings are rectangular ribbons of spiral form,
intended for powering Meccano models. Mainsprings also have
made from C–Mn spring steel heat treated to around 400 VPN
[11]. Manufacturers’ catalogues sometimes list mainsprings made
⇑ Tel.: +44 1732 462402. from other materials. In horological terminology, the width of
E-mail address: the ribbon is called the height, and the thickness the strength.

0142-1123/$ - see front matter Ó 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
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1018 L.P. Pook / International Journal of Fatigue 33 (2011) 1017–1024

Sometimes, the ribbon is not precisely rectangular [7]. During

manufacture the ribbon is wound round an arbor, and material
near the surfaces is stressed beyond the elastic limit. When re-
leased the springback results in a spiral which is approximately
logarithmic. There are compressive residual stresses on the outer
surface of the spiral, and tensile residual stresses on the inner sur-
face. The ends of the mainspring are usually annealed to permit
machining for attachments.
Mainsprings are of two main types. An enclosed mainspring is
enclosed in a going barrel, as shown schematically in Fig. 4. Going
means that the barrel turns as the mainspring unwinds. Enclosed
mainsprings are used in better quality clocks and watches. The
mainspring has a hole or a hook at the outer end which engages
a hook on the barrel, and a hole in the inner end which engages
a hook on the arbor. Except when fully wound or fully unwound,
the mainspring is effectively built in at both ends. The central arbor
has a squared end and the spring is wound onto the arbor by turn-
ing the squared end with a key. Click work prevents the arbor turn-
ing in the reverse direction. Typical click work in a mainspring
powered clock is shown in Fig. 5. This consists of a spring loaded

Fig. 1. Early 20th century American shelf clock by New Haven Clock Co.

Fig. 4. Partly wound enclosed mainspring.

Fig. 2. Clockwork toy car.

Fig. 3. A Meccano Magic motor with fully unwound mainspring. Hole for hook at
side of casing. Mainspring width 7 mm. Fig. 5. Click work in a mainspring powered clock.
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L.P. Pook / International Journal of Fatigue 33 (2011) 1017–1024 1019

pawl and a ratchet wheel mounted on the squared end of the arbor. mainspring has a hook which engages a hole part way along one
In Fig. 4 the mainspring is shown partly wound. There is a closely side of the motor casing (Fig. 8). The kink is caused by the annealed
wound bundle of coils on the arbor, and another closely wound portion of the mainspring bearing against a corner of the motor
bundle inside the barrel, with free coils in between. In practice, casing when fully wound. A different version of Magic motor has
adjacent coils in closely wound bundles are not completely in con- the hole at the corner of the casing (Fig. 9) and no kink forms.
tact. If oil is applied to a bundle it is drawn into interstices by cap- The major disadvantage in the use of mainsprings as a power
illary action. As the mainspring unwinds coils transfer from the source is that they do not deliver a uniform torque during unwinding
arbor to the inside of the barrel. One free coil is shown in the figure, [1,7–11]. This can be compensated for by using a device known as a
in practice the number of free coils increases as the mainspring un- fusee [1,8,10]. An alternative approach is to use only a part of the
winds. Sometimes stop work is fitted to clocks and watches so that available turns, between fully wound and fully unwound, during
the mainspring is never fully wound or fully unwound. Even if stop which the torque is approximately constant [12]. Saunier [10] gives
work is not fitted, watches usually include a device which releases detailed instructions on how to achieve this. Mainsprings have to be
the mainspring slightly if it is fully wound. properly lubricated to wind and unwind smoothly. Nevertheless,
An unwound open mainspring, shown schematically in Fig. 6, is there is usually some hysteresis due to friction [10], as shown sche-
not enclosed. The mainspring has a hole at the inner end which en- matically in Fig. 10. Typically, the torque during unwinding is 10–
gages a hook on the central arbor. This central arbor is used for 20% less than that during winding. The figure also shows a portion
both winding the mainspring, as for an enclosed mainspring, and where the unwinding torque is approximately constant.
for driving the mechanism. The outer end is pin jointed. This Repeated winding and unwinding means that mainsprings are
may be by a hook which engages in a convenient hole, or by a loop loaded in fatigue. Very little information is available on the fatigue
around a convenient pillar. In the latter case it is called a looped lives of mainsprings, that is the number of cycles (windings and
mainspring. Fully wound (Fig. 7) there is a closely wound bundle
of coils around the arbor and a nearly straight free length extend-
ing to the pin joint. An unlubricated open mainspring tends to un-
wind from the outside of the bundle of coils, whereas a properly
lubricated open mainspring unwinds uniformly, with immediate
separation of adjacent coils.
In practice, because of inference with other parts of a clock, or
clockwork motor, the shape of an unwound, or partly wound, open
mainspring, is usually noticeably asymmetrical. For example, Fig. 3
shows a fully unwound Meccano Magic motor. In addition, there is
kink near the outer end of the mainspring. The outer end of the
Fig. 8. A Meccano Magic motor with fully wound mainspring. Hole for hook at side
of casing. Mainspring width 7 mm.

Fig. 9. A Meccano Magic motor with fully wound mainspring. Hole for hook at
corner of casing. Mainspring width 7 mm.

Fig. 6. Unwound open mainspring.

Fig. 7. Fully wound open mainspring. Fig. 10. Hysteresis during winding and unwinding of a mainspring.
Author's personal copy

1020 L.P. Pook / International Journal of Fatigue 33 (2011) 1017–1024

Table 1
Known service lives of some unbroken clock mainsprings.

Clock Maker Mainspring type Duration Service life (cycles)

Wall clock H. A. C. Open 8 day 600
Carriage clock Jacot Paris Enclosed 8 day 700
Wall clock Davidson Coatbridge Enclosed 8 day 800
Wall clock Kienzle Enclosed 8 day 2100
Mantel clock – Enclosed 8 day 2200
Shelf clock New Haven Clock Co. Open 8 day 2200
Alarm clock Ebosa Open 30 h 3300

A typical mainspring failure is shown in Fig. 11. This is a typical

bending fatigue failure. The crack profile is shown in Fig. 12a, this
is approximately straight across the mainspring. The fracture sur-
face is shown in Fig. 12b. The bright, polished spot near the centre
of Fig. 12b would be opposite to the hook on the arbor when the
mainspring was fully wound. This has caused a slight bulge, which
has become polished due to relative movement between adjacent
coils. The fatigue failure appears to have originated at a similar,
less well defined polished spot, two coils out from the hook.
Another fatigue failure is shown in Fig. 13. This is unusual in
that the crack has started straight across the mainspring, and then
turned to spiral around the mainspring towards the outer end,
with a secondary crack spiralling towards the inner end [3]. A close
up of the central portion is shown in Fig. 14. This shows polishing
due to relative movement between adjacent coils. An attempted
fracture mechanics analysis [3] only provided a partial explanation
of the failure.
Sometimes mainsprings break into three or more pieces, but
only when enclosed in barrels [14]. Fig. 15 shows an example:
Fig. 11. Fatigue failure of a 12 mm wide open mainspring, two coils from the centre the breaks are towards the outer end of the mainspring. Fig. 15a
of the wound mainspring. Mainspring supplied by courtesy of John Nuttall.
shows the mainspring still in the barrel, with the end cover

unwindings) to failure. Table 1 shows data for numbers of cycles

without failure of some clock mainsprings. These were deduced
from known service lives during which mainsprings have not
failed. Numbers of cycles were calculated by assuming that the
30 h clock was wound daily and 8 day clocks were wound weekly,
and are rounded to the nearest 100 cycles. The data in the table
confirm that clock mainsprings are subjected low cycle fatigue. It
is reasonable to assume that mainsprings used in other applica-
tions are also subjected to low cycle fatigue.

3. Mainspring failures

When mainsprings fail it is usually due to fatigue, and the usual

place for failure is two coils out from the centre of the wound
mainspring [13]; there is a region of increased bending, and hence Fig. 13. Fatigue failure of a 27 mm wide enclosed mainspring, initially at two coils
increased stress, where the coil passes over the hook on the arbor. from the centre of the wound mainspring.

Fig. 12. Central portion of fatigue failure of a 12 mm wide open mainspring, two coils from the centre of the wound mainspring. (a) Fracture profile, (b) fracture surface.
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L.P. Pook / International Journal of Fatigue 33 (2011) 1017–1024 1021

Fig. 16. A tired open mainspring in an 8 day clock, fully unwound.

shakedown [2]. Such a mainspring is said to be ‘set’ or ‘tired’. An

extreme example of a tired open mainspring in an 8 day clock is
shown in Fig. 16. In the figure the mainspring is fully unwound
in the sense that the available torque was insufficient to operate
the escapement. Even when fully wound the clock would only
Fig. 14. Central portion of fatigue failure of a 27 mm wide enclosed mainspring, run for two days.
initially at two coils from the centre of the wound mainspring.
The witness marks on failed mainsprings (Figs. 14, 15c) confirm
that during winding and unwinding there is relative movement be-
removed, Fig. 15b shows it removed from the barrel, and Fig. 15c tween adjacent coils in contact. This implies that correct lubrica-
the four pieces that are broken at both ends. These are all about tion is important, and also implies that friction between adjacent
the same length, and have been polished due to relative movement coils must be taken into account in a complete theoretical analysis.
between adjacent coils. The five fatigue cracks probably initiated at Indeed, adjacent coils in bundles tend to stick to each other if
the same circumferential location near the outer end of the fully mainsprings are stored fully wound. This is because lubricants
wound mainspring. It is not clear why the cracks initiated at this can deteriorate with time, leaving sticky deposits [15]. This often
particular location. When final failure took place at one of the fati- happens to clocks that have stopped working are then stored for
gue cracks the resulting jolt as the mainspring expanded appears to long periods with their mainsprings fully wound. Corrosion can
have caused final failure at the other four fatigue cracks. have the same effect. Mainsprings with stuck coils do not unwind
As a mainspring is repeatedly wound and unwinds during evenly, but can usually be freed by application of a suitable oil,
service there may be additional permanent deformation due to obtainable from horological suppliers.

Fig. 15. Enclosed mainspring broken into six pieces. (a) Still in the barrel, with cover removed. (b) Removed from the barrel. (c) Pieces broken at both ends. Photos courtesy
Bill Butcher.
Author's personal copy

1022 L.P. Pook / International Journal of Fatigue 33 (2011) 1017–1024

practice uncertainties in values to be inserted makes this

Rawlings’ approximate analysis of an enclosed mainspring does
not take axial stresses, or friction between coils into account. How-
ever, it is clear that, to maximise stored energy, the surface stress
must be as high as is compatible with adequate fatigue life. For this
reason, in a high quality clock, the movement includes stop work
that prevents the mainspring either being fully wound or unwind-
ing fully. This avoids failures at the stress concentrations at and
near the ends of the mainspring.
Rawlings‘ approximate analysis also applies to an open main-
spring. In an open mainspring the bending moment is, in general,
constant along the mainspring and changes as it is wound and un-
winds. It is this bending moment that provides the torque needed
Fig. 17. Section of mainspring. to drive the arbor. Interference between an open mainspring and
other parts of a mechanism causes additional bending moments,
The mainspring of a partly wound Meccano clockwork motor and these can lead to failures [16].
found spontaneously, with a loud bang, while the motor was in It is difficult to assess the significance of approximations used in
storage [16], but the mechanism by which this occurred is not Rawlings’ analysis. The most significant approximations appear to
known. be that simplifications used in engineer’s theory of bending are not
exact when applied to mainsprings [12], and that friction between
4. Theoretical analysis of mainsprings coils and axial stresses are both neglected. A recent detailed anal-
ysis of enclosed mainsprings by Emmerson [9] is an improvement
In general, an enclosed mainspring is loaded primarily in bend- on Rawlings’ analysis, but friction between adjacent coils is not ta-
ing, with loading and unloading moving along the mainspring as it ken into account. In a response to Emmerson’s analysis Heldman
is wound and unwinds. The bending moment in the free coils is [12] argues that historical data needed to assess methods of clock
constant, and it is this bending moment that provides the torque mainspring design are available and that these data, in general,
needed to drive the going barrel. Bending moments in the outer support traditional methods of mainspring design, using rules of
bundle of coils are smaller than in the free coils, whereas bending thumb. He also argues that, for design purposes, a clock as a whole,
moments in the inner bundle are larger. Finite element analysis of including the mainspring, should be treated as an integrated sys-
mainsprings does not appear to be feasible because of the difficulty tem. A similar approach is used by Denny [17].
of ensuring that solutions converge to the correct shape for the free
coils, so analytical methods have to be used. In addition, it is
impractical to instrument mainsprings themselves, as opposed to 5. Forces on a mainspring
measuring torques at arbors, in order to check the accuracy of
analyses. The forces on a given cross section of a mainspring can be
As a first approximation using on engineer’s theory of bending, decomposed into a bending moment and a direct force. The end fit-
following Rawlings [8], consider a section of mainspring of width, tings for a mainspring are designed to resist tensile forces, so any
W, and thickness, t, which in the unloaded condition is of constant direct forces in a mainspring can be assumed to be tensile. Tensile
radius R (measured at the centre line), and is clamped at one end, forces arise when a mainspring is fully wound. The outer fitting of a
as shown in Fig. 17. The angle subtended at the centre of curvature mainspring usually approximates to a pin joint. In general, the sec-
is a. If the section is bent to a smaller radius, r, by applying a clock- tion of a fully wound mainspring from the closed bundle of coils to
wise bending moment to the free end then the subtended angle is the outer fixing, the free length, is approximately straight (Fig. 7)
b. The length of the section at the centre line, l = Ra = rb. In the and forces in the mainspring are dominated by an axial tension
stress analysis of mainsprings of normal proportions anticlastic along the mainspring. This tension has a circumferential compo-
bending is not usually taken into account [11]. However, if the cen- nent that results in a torque which drives the barrel of an enclosed
tral arbor is too small anticlastic curvature leading to permanent mainspring and, indirectly, the central arbor of an open main-
deformation can occur [10]. The anticlastic curvature introduces spring. This effect is illustrated in Fig. 16 where the open main-
biaxial deformation. The work done, D, in bending the mainspring spring has shaken down into a coil with a nearly straight portion
through an angle c = b  a is given by [8] leading to a loop around a pillar at the outer end of the mainspring.
The pillar is not visible in the photograph. As the mainspring un-
Z b
WEt3 c2 winds this tension relaxes so the loading is a sequentially varying
D¼ Mdc ¼ ð1Þ
a 24l biaxial loading.
Within a bundle, coils are pressed together leading both to
where M is the applied bending moment, and E is Young’s modulus. through thickness compressive stresses and frictional forces be-
The maximum energy that can be stored in the section of main- tween adjacent coils. Furthermore, in a mainspring that has been
spring, e, is given by out of use for some time, adjacent coils in a bundle can become
stuck together due to solidified oil or to corrosion. If friction be-
WS2 tl VS2
e¼ ¼ ð2Þ tween adjacent coils in the bundle of a fully wound open main-
6E 6E
spring is zero, then relative movement between adjacent coils is
where S is the maximum permissible stress, taken as the elastic lim- possible, and the tensile force is the same along the length of the
it, and V is the volume of the section of mainspring. As a rule of mainspring, However, if the friction between adjacent coils is suf-
thumb the mainspring should occupy about half the space available ficiently large, then relative movement between adjacent coils is
in the barrel. Since the mainspring is loaded in bending the maxi- not possible, and tensile forces are not transmitted along the
mum stress is at the surface. In principle, Eq. (2) could be integrated length of the mainspring. In practice, the effects of friction will
numerically to give the total energy stored in a mainspring, but in be somewhere between the two extremes described.
Author's personal copy

L.P. Pook / International Journal of Fatigue 33 (2011) 1017–1024 1023

In a fully wound open mainspring there is a cusp where the free 7. Concluding remarks
length meets bundle of coils (Fig. 7). Stress singularities for cusps
are the same as those for cracks so intensity factors can be defined Theoretical analysis of mainsprings used as a power source is
[18]. Lack of appropriate information means that at present only a notoriously difficult, and in practice they are usually designed
qualitative fracture mechanics analysis of mainsprings is possible. using well established rules of thumb. At the present state of the
However, energy rate analysis of a crack in a similar configuration art it is not in general possible to design a mainspring by carrying
[19] shows that Modes I and II stress intensity factors, KI and KII, out a stress analysis and using material property data. Based on
are present for both a bending moment and a direct force. In both general considerations, and on the evidence presented above, some
cases KI is roughly equal to KII. However, for a mainspring KI must features of the behaviour of mainsprings used as power sources
be zero, unless adjacent coils are stuck together. Since KII is present can be summarised as follows.
there will be a small amount of relative movement between adja-
cent coils in the vicinity of a cusp, analogous to a crack tip plastic (a) A major disadvantage of mainsprings is that they do not
zone [2]. This relative movement explains why witness marks are deliver a uniform torque during unwinding.
observed on mainsprings. Similar arguments apply to the cusps in (b) Relative movement takes place between adjacent coils in
enclosed mainsprings. contact. Lubrication conditions can have a significant effect
The clock shown in Fig. 16 had been stored for many years with on the behaviour of a mainspring, so correct lubrication is
the open mainspring fully wound. Adjacent coils in the bundle had important. Appropriate oil is available from horological
become stuck together by solidified oil. The bundle was effectively suppliers.
solid since fresh oil applied to the mainspring was not drawn into (c) Winding and unwinding of a mainspring results in an
the bundle. The clock ran after rectification of an escapement fault, approximately constant amplitude low cycle fatigue loading
and the mainspring unwound inwards, with the cusp moving on a given cross section. In general, the fatigue loading is is
towards the inner end of the mainspring. Hence, stress intensity bending between an upper and lower bending moment. This
factors at the cusp must have been high enough to debond adjacent is a uniaxial loading. When a mainspring is fully wound, or
coils. On subsequent windings, after oil had been applied, the nearly so, axial tensile forces appear in the vicinity of the
mainspring unwound uniformly, as is usual for an open outer end, and loading on cross sections in this vicinity
mainspring. becomes biaxial. Depending on lubrication conditions biaxi-
ality can extend as far as the inner end.
(d) A mainspring subjected to low cycle fatigue loading can fail
6. Fatigue loads on a mainspring either by fatigue or by becoming tired, that is shaking down
into a shape in which it can no longer supply adequate
Fatigue loads on a mainspring, and their effects, can be summa- power. Fatigue failure of a mainspring is usually by the ini-
rised qualitatively as follows. Repeated winding and unwinding of tiation propagation and final failure of a dominant fatigue
a mainspring results in an approximately constant amplitude low crack, near the inner end.
cycle fatigue loading. The upper load depends on how hard the (e) A fracture mechanics approach to some aspects of main-
key is turned as the mainspring becomes fully wound. However, spring behaviour is promising, but further work is needed.
in a clock fitted with stop work this upper load is constant. The
lower load depends on how far the spring unwinds before being re- Acknowledgements
wound. In a clock rewound on a regular schedule, as is usual, the
lower load is approximately constant, but in a clockwork motor Helpful comments by anonymous reviewer, and discussions
the lower load tends to vary. with members of the Horological Science Newsletter Chapter of
The main fatigue loading on a given cross section of a main- the National Association of Watch and Clock Collectors, and of
spring is bending between an upper and lower bending moment. the Spanner online discussion forum is acknowledged. Figures
This is a uniaxial loading. When a mainspring is fully wound, or are copyright and are reproduced with permission.
nearly so, axial tensile forces appear in the vicinity of the outer
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