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1. It was a beautiful day and the sun was

Answer: shining

2. Oh, dear it’s raining and I forgot my

Answer: raincoat

3. Yeah, we’ve got two boys and a

Answer: girl

4. What music do I like? I am pretty keen on rhythm and

Answer: blues

5. We’ve found the answers by the process of trail and

Answer: error

6. I have a big mac and

Answer: fries

7. Britain’s greatest was prime minister. I say

Answer: hatcher

8. You know what I think should have been Australia’s national anthem, waltzing

Answer: Matilda
9. He is quiet a nice guy, isn’t

Answer: he?

10. You say Elsevier broke the window. No, she

Answer: couldn’t have?



1. The western world is apparently observed with diet yet

Answer: levels of obesity are higher than ever before

2. In the we are, are now 10% fatter than we were 20 years ago despite

Answer: spending ever increasing sums on slimming products

3. People are under increasing pressure to have the perfect body, one way of responding to this is
to confirm to attempt to control our body shape, the other way

Answer: is to eat less and exercise more

4. In previous ages only the well off could afford to eat well

Answer: so plumpness was seen as a sign of prosperity

5. When rich people were fatter, a rounded figure was praised, now the poorer society classes
tends to be fatter being overweight is looked down, in the other words

Answer: society relates body shape to financial or social position

6. It is often assumed that the poor eat unhealthily because they afford to eat well but actually we
find that the

Answer: typical fast food diet of the poor is relatively expensive

7. Intense worry about body shape it is not seem to have spread to the meditarian societies. They
eat relatively high fat diet with lots of cheese but the thing is

Answer: that they are on average much slimmer than in the US.

8. The answer in my opinion is we need to stop allowing our desired food for perfect body to
influence over diet then we can relax and the result will be

Answer: a happier healthier and paradoxically slimmer population



Lisa: Hi, can I speak to marry please?

Marry: Speaking

Lisa : Hi, marry this is Lisa at my I got some properties for you

Marry: Great

Lisa: Ok, yeah have you got a pencil and paper, Right, there are three properties. The first
which is the one I think you like best is a small townhouse. It’s in Netherland literally on the
French unique and the rent is quiet reasonable 200 dollars and it is fully furnished the transport is
excellent it’s just one basest to city, the only drawback is that only one bedroom and there is no
parking but then when you need a car you can walk in to the uni. This is going to be pretty
popular so if you it I’ll go for it today if you can.

Mary : It seems good when I can see it

Lisa : I have made an appointment at 11:00. I wanted to get in quickly .ok .the second one is a
flat it is little bit further out but again the transport is very god. It’s just one bus in to the uni and
the bus runs every 20 min. it’s the same price as the town house but you get two bedrooms so
you can split the cost. it is semi furnished ,which means you’ll get bed ,sofa ,basic cookery
,knifes forks spoons and so on ,but you will have to provide sheets blankets and you will have to
probably have to buy TV the sort of things. There is parking but only in the street there is no
garage. this one is pretty nice as well, it’s in Sciacca, quite a lively neighborhood with
restaurants ,book shops ,it’s got a really pleasant feeling to it and of course if you share it’ll
work out cheaper than the town house . I’d made an appointment for 2:15 I am just assuming that
you’ll be free today; if it’s a problem I can change it.
Mary : No that’s fine, they both sound good and how about the 3rd one

Lisa : Right will the third one is little bit different .It is a house and it is a little bit further out
in Kinsley I thought you might like it is a bit more out in the country and I know that you would
like that. There are some nice walking and its very peaceful the price is surprisingly reasonable
at 250$ I’m not sure why it is so cheap but I have been out there and everything seems fine .its
quit a new house and it is a 3/1, 3 bed rooms and one bathroom, obviously you need a car
because public transport is going to be a bit rare for you there but the house a garage, now the
house is unfurnished so I’m not sure how much a problem that is

Marry :I’m not sure I want to go buy lots of furnishers

Lisa : OK! I have spoken to the land lord and there are one or two thing that he is prepared to
lend you .Umm there is couple of beds and a sofa, so it will save a bit of money I think its
probably worth going to have a look I have made an appointment fir this one but we can go right
after seeing that flat if you like.

Property 1 Property 2 Property 3

Type of property townhouse flat house

Rent /week $200 $200 $250

No. of bedrooms one Two Three

Transport to unit Walk Bus Three

Furnished Fully furnished Semi-furnished unfurnished

Parking no on street in garage



1. Give me a call, my extension is 3477

2. I was born in 1977

3. I live in no: 17 zed road

4. That’s amazing, I live in no: 80 zed road

5. It was written in 1506

6. I have read about one third of the book

7. Yes, about 40 pages

8. 26%of people who emigrate like to return

9. I make the answer 22637

10. He came to the throne at the age of 14

11. We measured out 30 grams of reagent

12. After the ¼ voters stayed away

13. The winning candidate hold 20006 votes

14. The Website dictionary contains more than 410000 definitions

15. She is doing very well for 90 year old



1. Can I leave a message? My name is meadows

2. We first met in Manchester

3.Professor Smith is lecturing this afternoon

4. Parramatta, how do you spell Parramatta?

5. The conference is in Edinburg

6. Yes, She is an artist, Careen obi

7. it’s a Wednesday yes towards the end of February

8. I always wanted to live in Europe

9. I am flying to Saint Louis Missouri




1. The song “happy Birthday” in English

2. A conversation with a friend in our language

3. A lecture on “Nuclear fission” in your language

4. A short talk on “My favorite holiday” in English

5. A conversation with an English speaking friend

6. A railway station announcement in your language


7. A TV program on your favorite subject in Russian



Good evening and it’s very nice to have so many people here tonight. I am going to talk you
about mummies. But I should warn you this point, that one thing I am not going to do is actually
unwrap a mummy. This the very common practice about 100-250 years ago in England. Rich
tourist bring a mummy back from Egypt and then invites friends around for a sort of unwrapping
party. To have more insensibility this shows rather disrespectful and bad taste. But it does point
in the turn of fascination we have with this very well preserved bodies of people who have died
thousands of years ago. Why are we fascinated by mummies? One of the thing is that ancient
societies trying to do through mummification was to protect the loved ones from death even
though the loved one may be a father, may be a daughter are actually died. They want to preserve
them in this world, to retain the family relationship. Surely this is an understandable feeling. The
other side of it is that rich people in particular were trying to cheat death. And human beings are
still trying to do this. I have read a newspaper article only this week about a company in
California that freezes your body after your die. The hope is that medical science will be able to
bring you back in life in 50 or 100 years. So we wish to mummify our self. But where did it
actually start?

Well not in Egypt, you may be surprised here. The first known mummies dies around
6000BC and was discovered in South America on the fringes of Atacama desert in southern
crude and northern chilly they were made by the chinch ore people who literally took the body
into pieces and put into pieces and it back together again they would removes the flush and the
internal organs from the corpse, dry out bones and then recreate the shape of the body using the
bones and branches a bit like mummies culture. They could then replace the skin which should
treated of course and place a clay mask over the face. The mummies would be placed in family
groups and could eventually be buried together. So again they have this idea of trying to keep the
family the loved ones together in the face of death.

The Egyptians we think begin around 2000 years later, yes it is easy to loss perspective of
time friends involve that 2000 years firstly they simply buried their dead in sand. The bodily
fluid which normally cause the body to decompose drained away into the sand and the bodies
were preserved. But it was not for another 1000 years that the Egyptians really became the
master of the mummification. This was when they started to internal organs; they also screwed
out the brain using a sort of long spoon and them after they worked out how to preserve the body
perfectly. Then they had hair dresses, manicures, working on the preserved mummies to make
them look as beautiful as they had in life. Yes as they mastered the process, they become to build
graves to house the mummies and it eventually turned into the great pyramids.

What has the western to mummies been well that is pointing I am afraid. In South America
the Spanish conquest was destroyed all the mummies they would find it offended the religious
beliefs that the body should be preserved without a soul. The British and the Americans are
tended to take a pseudoscientific interest but the public mummy unwrapping would really little
more than a freak show. Now that’s just a very brief introduction to the vast subject of mummies
and mummification. Now I like you to ask me questions and we will explore the aspects that I
really interest about the subject.

1. Gathering where mummies were unwrapped demonstrate that

Answer: people have always interested in mummies

2. One of the main objectives of mummification was

Answer: to keep the family together

3. The earth known mummies are

Answer: 6000 years old

4. The chinch ore people mummified their dead by

Answer: drying the bones and preserving their skin

5. The speaker stresses that we are

Answer: dealing in huge time spans

6. The key to successful mummification is

Answer: taking out the organs

7. The speaker points to another outcome of the preservation of the dead

Answer: spectacular tombs

8. what does the speaker think of the western attitudes of mummies?

Answer: he is saddened by the lack of respect for the culture.



Dave: Look at this, hoe they go again the tree huggers on route I has been suspended due to
protest over the impact the proposed highway will have on the habitat of massupeo mouse.

Charles: I mean, come on.

Tasman: Come on, these things are important we are not talking about one mouse, we are
talking about the kind of world we are going to leave for future generations, And quite
frankly, it’s going to be the world covered by concrete and tarmac. Is that really what you

Dave: Well for a start, that’s a massive over action. Yes, we do move forward, we develop; we
build hospitals and schools and how much point in having hospitals and schools if there
are no roads to get to them, is there? But we also have national parks, we also protect the

Charles: Yeah, we are very good at protecting the environment we don’t want. But hoe serious
is that?

Dave: What do you mean, Charlie?

Charles: Oh, just one example. In the 1860’s the Native Americans were given protective land
and perpetuity forever right. How long that last? Exactly, as long as it discover the gold
on the land. Then they were immediately driven off and so called protective land was dug

Dave: Yes, but times have changed since then.

Tasman: Have they, Dave? What about western mining companies going into developing
countries and kicking out the villages, polluting the water they drink, destroying the eco-
Charles: Exactly, nothing is really changed. But there’s got to a balance we do need progress,
Tasman. This new road Dave’s talking about. How many hours have spend sitting in
traffic jam waiting to get into the city? How many productive hours is been lost to the
economy. Sure, it is bad luck on the mouse but we have to balance the benefits and costs.

Tasman: Well, I’m sure mice will find it very comforting to know that you thought it off
through. You know where your argument pulls down; it is when you start speaking about
progress. You say that new schools and hospitals is progress. But, Are people happier?
Are they spending time with their families? Are they enjoying nature?

Dave: So, what are you proposing? Is that we all go back to nature and live in eco-communities
milking cows and collecting berries?

Tasman: Well, I think if you did live on the land in a community like I don’t the mesh, you
would find reexamining you values. You would ask why you are so desperate to spend
your life sitting in a car and in office, saving up to buy things you don’t really need.

Dave: You mean things like clothes and eating and drinking at the café with friends and the car
you’re so keen on.

Charles: Yes Tasman, why do you think so? Few people do live on the land. Because it is a
miserable life. Development has given us lots of things we really missed if we didn’t
have them. Probably the best example is the modern medicine. Do you know how many
women used to die in child birth?

Tasman: What’s wrong with the natural remedies?

Charles: What’s wrong with them is that most of them didn’t actually work. Look I think what
we talking about is trying to improve the way we live practically. I mean having a nice
house to live in, having warm clothes and I don’t know. Shampoo while still having the
respect for the environment.

Dave: Well, Charles that’s all very fine in theory. But I am afraid that the world doesn’t work
like that. It’s against human nature and it’s not going to work. We have chance to get
ahead to make money to provide for yourself. You going to take it. And if environment
gets in the way then it’s bad luck for the environment. That’s why we have progress and
that’s why I am afraid that highway’s going to win and massupeo mouse is going to lose.

1. The first speaker consider the protests to be ridiculous.

2. The female speaker believes that we need to protect the environment in general.

3. Charles’s attitude towards society’s environment is cynical.

4. The female speaker believes that nothing has changed since the 1860’s.

5. Do you think Tasman is proposing to live off the land? No.

6. Charles believes in a balance between development and environment concern

7. Dave’s attitude to people who live off the land is unsympathetic.

8. Dave’s prediction for the environment are bleak.



Practice Good Nonverbal Communication

It’s about demonstrating confidence: standing straight, making eye contact and connecting
with a firm handshake. That first nonverbal impression can be a great beginning – or quick
ending – to your interview.

Dress for the Job Or Company

Today’s casual dress codes do not give you permission to dress as “they” do when you
interview. It is important to know to wear an interview and to be well-groomed. Whether you
wear a suit or something less formal depends on the company culture and the position you are
seeking. If possible, call to find out about the company dress code before the interview.


From the very beginning of the interview, your interviewer is giving you information, either
directly or indirectly. If you are not hearing it, you are missing a major opportunity. Good
communication skills include listening and letting the person know you heard what was said.
Observe your interviewer, and match that style and pace.

Don’t Talk Too Much

Telling the interviewer more than he needs to know could be a fatal mistake. When you have
not prepared ahead of time, you may ramble when answering interview questions, sometimes
talking yourself right out of the job. Prepare for the interview by reading through the job posting,
matching your skills with the position’s requirements and relating only that information.

Don’t Be Too Familiar

The interview is a professional meeting to talk business. This is not about making a new
friend. Your level of familiarity should mimic the interviewer’s demeanor. It is important to
bring energy and enthusiasm to the interview and to ask questions, but do not overstep your
place as a candidate looking for a job.

Use Appropriate Language

It’s given that you should use professional language during the interview. Be aware of any
inappropriate slang words or references to age, race, religion, politics or sexual orientation –
these topics could send you out the door very quickly.

Don’t Be Cocky

Attitude plays a key role in your interview success. There is a fine balance confidence,
professionalism and modesty. Even if you’re putting on a performance to demonstrate your
ability, overconfidence is as bad, if not worse, as being too reserved.

Take Care to Answer the Questions

When interviewers ask for an example of a time when you did something, they are asking
behavioral interview questions, which are designed to elicit a sample of your past behavior. If
you fail to relate a specific example, you not only don’t answer the question, but you also miss
an opportunity to prove your ability and talk about your skills.

Ask Questions

When asked if they have any questions, most candidates answer, “No.” wrong answer. Part of
knowing how to interview is being ready to ask questions and demonstrate an interest in what
goes on in the company. Asking questions also gives you the opportunity to find out if this is the
right place for you. The best questions come from listening to what you’re asked during the
interview and asking for additional information.

Don’t Appear Desperate

When your interview with the “please, please hire me” approach; you appear desperate and
less confident. Reflect the three Cs during the interview: cool, calm and confidence. You know
you can do the job; make sure the interviewer believes you can, too.
Here are several tips to crake the job interview:

1- Candidates must have good command on communication skills

2- They must be aware with job profile and responsibilities
3- Must be positive thinker and happy
4- Plan to be 15 minutes before the time schedule
5- Ensure that you fully aware with job description
6- Know the time and place of interview
7- Dress professionally
8- Speak clearly and slowly, don’t try to rush your answer
9- Avoid saying negative things about your previous or current employers
10- Relax, smile and positive during the interview

Most common interview questions that you need to prepare:

1- Can you tell me something about yourself?

2- Introduce yourself
3- Why you want to change your current company?
4- Can you tell me your short term and long term goals?
5- What are your achievements?
6- Why should, we hire you?
7- Tell me some more about you overall experience
8- What do you know about our organization?
9- What can you do for us that others can’t?


In modern English, presentation tend to be much less formal then they were even twenty
years ago. Most audience these days prefers a relatively informal approach. However, there is a
certain structure to the opening of a presentation that you should observe.

Theme of Presentation

It is important to have a theme for the presentation. The theme is different from a subject. A
presentation cannot be on a subject of Alcohol Abuse. Rather it should be a theme which zeros in
on the particular aspect of Alcohol Abuse, e.g. Abuse of Alcohol my Manual Labourers in Tamil
Nadu. Use of such a theme can give us an angle, an approach to presentation of the presentation.
It can help us avoid all other aspects of Alcohol which can be very voluminous. The opening
words of the presentation should be courteous, beginning with a “Good Morning” or “Good
day,” and introduce ourselves to the audience. For example, we can use such words as;-

“I am Mr. Jagdish Shah. I am in-charge of the arrangement of today’s function.”

We should open the presentation with an introduction of the Theme of the presentation. To
being with, we can talk on a recent news items on the subject or we can raise a serious of pointed
questions relating to the subject, which questions, the presentation is likely to answer. Such
opening words are likely to evoke interest in the audience and prepare them to look forward to
the answers in the course of the discussion. The introduction should make clear the purpose of
your presentation.

After the introduction of the presentation, we should go into three or more major aspects of
the subject which will be presented, one by one.

You should liberally use illustrations, pictures, photographs, statistics, latest news, popular
opinion, sayings of renowned persons etc. on the subject.

After introduction you should go on expanding the presentation by using the following
At times do you practice your speech? As a general rule, you should spend about 30 hours of
preparation and rehearsal time for every hour you will be speaking.

Use a tape recorder or videotape yourself. This will help you to get an accurate picture of how
you speak.

Give of Yourself – Use personal examples and stories in your speech whenever possible. Make
sure your stories help to emphasize or support your point. The stories must match your message.
Use examples from your personal and professional life to make your point. In either case be
willing to give of yourself by sharing some of yourself with the audience.

Stay Relaxed – To stay relaxed you should be prepared. Also, focus on your message and not
the audience. Use gestures, including walking patterns. Practice the opening of your speech and
plan exactly how will say it. The audience will judge you in the first 30 seconds they see you.

Use Natural Humor – Don’t try to be a standup comedian. Use natural humor by poking fun
at yourself and something you said or did. Be sure NOT to make fun of anyone in the audience.
People will laugh with you when you poke fun at yourself but don’t overdo it.

Plan Your Body & Hand Positions – During the practice of your speech look for occasion
where you can use a gesture. Establish three positions where you will stand and practice not only
how to move to them but where in your speech do you move. Pick three positions, one on center
stage, one to your right, and one to your left. Do not hide behind the lectern. When you do move
maintain eye contact with the audience.

Pay attention to all details – Make sure you have the right location (school, hotel, room &
time). Make sure you know how to get to where you are speaking. Ask how large an audience
you will be speaking to. Make sure you bring all your visual aids and plenty of handouts. Arrive
early so you can check out where you will be speaking and make any last minute adjustments.

It is very important that you pay attention to even the smallest details. You can never over
plan. Remember, “He who fails to plan is planning for failure”
After covering all the important points of the outline of your presentation, you should give an
effective summary of the discussion and appropriate words of conclusion. The words of
conclusion should be on positive note and motivate the audience to positive action.

Use of Audio / Video material

The presentation can be made more effective by adding Audio Video materials wherever
required and also can include interviews with individuals / government officials / NGOs from the
respective field of activity.



Group discussion is a new trend that has come up in order to evaluate student personality. A
group of participants are made to discuss on a topic or subject for a limited time and then
assessed accordingly. It is a chance for you to be more vocal.

There are a lot of advantages of a group discussion:

1- It helps to shed away the shyness of a candidate and brings his viewpoint amidst all.
2- It stimulates to think in a different, new way.
3- It helps the candidate in understanding his/her own strengths and weakness.
4- It acts as an aid in expansion of the knowledge of the participant.
5- It helps to analyze the social or economic issues more logically.


A group discussion (GD) is a simulated exercise, where you cannot suddenly put up a show,
since the evaluators will see through you easily. In this page you can find tips on GD and how to
handle them to ensure a positive outcome.

Here’s how most group discussions work

● Normally groups of 8-10 candidates are formed into a leaderless group, and are given a
specific situation to analyze and discuss within a given time limit.
● The group may be given a case study and asked to come out with a solution for a
● The group may be given a topic and asked to discuss on the same.

A panel will observe the proceedings and evaluate the members of the group.

Let us start from the basic. One needs to know what one’s objective in the group is. A good
definition of your objective is – to be noticed to have contributed meaningfully in an attempt to
help the group reach the right consensus. What does this essentially mean?


1) The first implication is that you should be noticed by the panel. Merely making a
meaningful contribution and helping the group arrive at a consensus is not enough. You have to
be seen by the evaluating panel to have made the meaningful contribution. What does that mean
in practice?

● You must ensure that the group hears you. If the group hears you, so will the
evaluator. That does not mean that you shout at the top of your voice and be
noticed for the wrong reasons.
● You have to be assertive. If you are not a very assertive person, you will have to
simply learn to be assertive for those 15 minutes. Remember, assertiveness does
not mean being bull-headed or being arrogant.
● And most importantly, you have to make your chances. Many group discussion
participants often complain that they did not get a chance to speak. The fact is that
in no group discussion will you get a chance to speak. These is nothing more
unacceptable in a GD than keeping one’s mouth shut or just murmuring things
which are inaudible.
● Participate in as many practice GDs as possible before you attend the actual GD.
There is nothing like practice to help you overcome the fear of talking in a GD.

2) The second important implication is that making just any sort of contribution is not
enough. Your contribution has to be meaningful. A meaningful contribution suggests that

● You have a good knowledge base

● You are able to put forth your arguments logically and are a good communicator.
● The quality of what you said is more valuable than the quality. There is this myth
amongst many group discussion participants that the way to succeed in a group
discussion is by speaking loudly and at great length. One could not be more
wrong. You must have meat in your arguments.
Therefore, think things through carefully.

Always enter the room with a piece of paper and a pen. In the first two minutes jot down as
many ideas as you can.

When you jot down points, keep these pointers in mind. If it is a topic where are you are
expected to take a stand, say for examples, “Should India sign the Comprehensive Test Ban
Treaty?” note down points for both side of the argument. It will be useful on two counts –

● One, if you do not start the GD and are not amongst the first five speakers and find that
everyone in the group is talking for the topic, and then it makes sense to take the alternate
approach and oppose the topic even if you initially intended to talk for the topic.
● Second, it helps to have knowledge of how group members who take a stand
diametrically opposite to yours will put forth their argument and to be prepared with
counter arguments.

3) Everybody else will state the obvious. So highlight some points that are not obvious. The
different perspective that you bring to the group will be highly appreciated by the panel. Some
pointers on being relevant while having a different perspective are:

a) Be careful that the “something different” you state is still relevant to the topic being
b) Can you take the group ahead if it is stuck at one point?
c) Can you take it in a fresh and more relevant direction?

4) The last implication is that you must be clearly seen to be attempting to build a

5) Gaining support or influencing colleagues is the mantra adopted by many a successful

Business Leaders.

6) Nobody expects a group of ten intelligent, assertive people, all with different points of
view on a controversial subject to actually achieve a consensus. But what matter is “Did you
make attempts to build a consensus?”
7) The reason why an attempt to build a consensus is important is because in most work
situations you will have to work with people in a team, accept joint responsibilities and take
decisions as a group.

8) You must demonstrate the fact that you are capable and inclined to work as part of a

Dos & Don’ts

Here is a list of what should be done and what should be avoided at a Group Discussion (GD)

1) Be as natural as possible. Do not try to be someone you are not. Be yourself. In an

attempt to be someone else, your opinions will not be portrayed.

2) Sit with a straight and confident posture.

3) Do not start speaking until you have clearly understood and analyzed the subject.

4) Be assertive yet humble. You need to stick to your values and beliefs, but learn to respect
the values and opinions of others too.

5) Grab the opportunity to speak first, i.e. to start the group discussion with your opinion. It
generally leaves a good impression on the evaluator, but take the move only if you have
complete knowledge of the subject.

6) Do not repeat a point, or be lengthy or irrelevant. Also intervene, if someone else is going
on an irrelevant track.

7) Facilitate contribution from others. Do not just go on and on with only your opinionated
view. Remember, it is a group discussion. Allow others to speak too.

8) Make an eye contact with all the participants. It creates more room for conversation. Also
keep nodding, when others speak, it shows receptivity.

9) Be an active and dynamic participant. The examiner wants to hear you speak. So do put
forth your views.

10) Be positive and prepare your thoughts well but do not be over-confident.
11) Think well before you speak. You are being heard and judged upon.

12) Do not lose your cool if anyone says anything you object to. The key is to stay objective;
Do not take the discussion personally.

13) Always be polite: Try to avoid using extreme phrases like “I strongly object” or “I
disagree”. Instead, try phrases like: “I would like to share my views on…” Or “One difference
between your point and mine is…” or “I beg to differ with you”.

14) Understand that the aim is not to speak often or for long periods. The aim is to be precise
and clear with your points. Ultimately, the discussion has to reach a conclusion and you must
strive towards that.

15) When raising an objection to a point kept by another speaker, back it up with a sold
reason to get the point across.

16) Use quotes, facts and figures, statements, everyday life examples to express a clear chain
of thoughts. Also it might leave a good impression on the examiner and help you score well.

17) These are some basic yet very vital tips that will help feel a bit more confident about
yourself and make you ready to appear for that group discussion trend. Apart from the above
points, the panel will also judge team members for their alertness and presence of mind,
problem-solving abilities, ability to work as a team.

Apart from the above points, the panel will also judge team members for their alertness and
presence of mind, problem-solving abilities, ability to work as a team without alienating certain
members, and creativity.

TIPS to Ace Your Group Discussion

In a Group Discussion (GD), you are expected to contribute meaningfully and help arrive at a
consensus. It is not a platform for you to fight your way through and dominate. Flexibility and
gelling with the group is also very important.
Make a note of the following points and you’ll get through with flying colours:

1) Arrive on time and dress formally. This is not a casual discussion, but one that will help
you get a job with a company. You need to look impressive, well groomed and confident.

2) If you have some doubts or want some clarifications on the subject/topic of the
discussion, make sure to ask and clear them out before the discussion begins and not after that.

3) Always carry a pen and a notebook. This allows you to prefer to what others have said

4) Initiating the discussion is a major plus point but do so only if you’re very clear about the
topic and know a lot about the same.

5) Maintain eye contact with team members and not evaluators. They’re not a part of the
discussion. Ensure that you get to speak your point, if the other members hear you, the evaluators
will too.

6) Having said that, ensure that you listen as well and appreciate what others are saying. If
you do not agree with someone’s point, let them complete and then raise your objection. Do not

7) Be positive and do not be over confident.

8) Try and sort out contradictions and arguments. Providing a meaningful direction to the
discussion always leaves a good impression on the evaluators.

9) Understand that aim is not speak often or for long periods. The aim is to be precise and
clear with your points. Ultimately, the discussion has to reach a conclusion and you must strive
towards that.

10) Listen to the Topic Given during GD carefully: Listen to the topic carefully and
understand it… Be alert and vigilant. Sometimes, the topic may be really simple but the manner,
in which it is presented to you, can be baffling. The first thing that you should do after hearing
the topic is by structuring it on the sheet that is given to you to make notes. Make a rough sketch
of the points that you would like to speak aloud. You will be at an advantage if you open the
discussion, but then beware of what you speak. Deviating from the main topic or passing strong
statements like ‘I agree/ or disagree …’ should be avoided. Your strategy should be test the
waters and make a generic statement relevant to the topic. If you can, back it up by relevant data.

11) Try and Maintain a Balance in your Tone: Besides what you are saying, remember that
the panelists are observing your body language as well. If you do not agree with the other
student’s point of view, do not raise your tone in objection. Listen to his point of view and
instead of dismissing it upfront, try and draw a common ground.

12) Listening Skills are Essential: Carefully listen to what others have to say. Just speaking
throughout the discussion doesn’t make you smart; you should also give others a chance to
speak. Try and listen to him/her, respect their view point too. If the speaker is making an eye-
contact with you remember to acknowledge him by saying “yes, you agree” or just by nodding
your head, so that the speaker is aware that his listeners are listening to him and paying full
attention. This will also show that you are vigilant and are active participant in the discussion.

13) Body Gestures are very important. The panelists observe the way you sit and react in the
course of the discussion. Body gestures are very important, because your body language says a
lot about you. In a GD, sit straight; avoid learning back on to the chair or knocking the table with
pen or your fingers. Also, do not get distracted easily. For example, if the door in room you are
sitting in opens, do not look back to see who it is, this will how distracted you are.

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