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All questions are compulsory.

Q1. Answer the following questions 01 mark each

a. How many peristomial teeth are produced in exostome of Funaria?
b. In which bryophyte prenoides are present in the chloroplasts?
c. Name an aquatic species of Riccia.
d. Father of Indian Bryology. Prof.
e. What is protonema?
Q2. Fill in the blanks 01 mark each
a. Barrel shaped air pores are the characteristic feature of antheridiophore of …….. species.
b. The number of venter canal cell in Bryophytes is always ……..
c. Spore mother cells in bryophytes are ………….. in nature.
d. The conducting strand in Funaria is known as ………

Q3. Difference between the following (minimum 2 differences) 01 mark each

a. Gametophyte and Sporophyte
b. Hipaticopsida and Bryopsida
c. Elaters and Pseudoelaters
d. Capsule of Marchantia and Anthoceros

Q4. True or false 1/2 mark each

a. Vascular tissues are present in Bryophytes.
b. The dominant phase in the life cycle of Bryophytes is gametophyte.
c. Tuberculated rhizoids are present in Anthoceros.
d. Elaterophores are present in Marchantia.
e. The outermost layer of capsule of Anthoceros has stomata.
f. In Funaria archesporium originates from amphithecium.
g. Bryophyta is a group of the simplest and primitive plants without embryo.
h. Club moss does not belong to the class bryopsida.

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