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The Ego drive by the ID and confined by the superego employs defense mechanism to cope with


1. Adult who repressed the memories of abuse during childhood may experience difficulty of
forming relationships with others
2. Eg: Victims of traumatic events or tragedy may deny that the experienced event ever

3. Eg: We believe that someone whom we dislike does not like us.
4. Eg: Instead of directly expressing the anger to the boss, we express the anger to our spouse
or children who are less threatening
5. Eg: We might cry like a child or behave immaturally when facing any stressful event such as
getting a bad news

6. Eg: A person with aggressive impulses may engage with boxing activities to vent out the
impulses. This defense mechanism was recognized as a sign of maturity which leads people
to function in a more socially acceptable ways.
7. Eg: A student may blame the teacher's responsibilities for asking illogical questions in the
exam, in fact he himself who did not do enough revision.
8. Eg: A person who feels angry with his colleague ends up being friendly towards him.
9. Eg: A cancer patient intensely focuses on learning everything about the disease and tries to
remain distant from the reality of the situation.

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