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“count the towers!

(Keynote address by R. Stanley in the Silver Jubilee Celebrations
of the Karaikudi Campus Fellowship(1988), which he started in 1963)

L et’s turn to Psalm 48 the first two

verses of which we repeatedly sing as
a chorus whenever we gather to worship the
This was our starting point. A growing
dissatisfaction over the condition of the
Church and Christendom threw us onto
greatness of God. I believe that the last three our knees to cry to God to show His power
verses of this Psalm give us God’s message again by lifting up His arm as in the days
for this significant gathering— “Walk about of old. We used to read the revivals under
Zion, and go all around her. Count her Charles Finney, John Wesley and Jonathan
towers; Mark well her bulwarks; Consider Goforth, and would fall prostrate before
her palaces; that you may tell it to the God on the rough, thorny fields around
generation following. For this is God, our the college campus. We cried, “Lord, do it
God forever and ever; He will be our Guide again! Bring back the Church from where
even to death” (vv12-14). Let’s use the it is to where it should be. The days are so
Book of Zechariah as our guide to conduct difficult and crucial that just the spirit of
the tour around Zion and count its towers Elijah won’t suffice. We need the double
one by one. There are ten in all. These portion of it as it came upon Elisha!” When
towers are the pillars or the distinctives of we drafted the first write-up to introduce
the ministry of Blessing Youth Mission
our ministry. The Blessing Youth Mission
(formerly FGYMA), this was the primary
has its roots in the small fellowship started
objective presented: “Revival among
in the Engineering College Campus in
young men and Evangelism through
Karaikudi. This experience of counting the
young men.” Nothing can be accomp-
towers is to serve as a reminder, renewal
lished without Revival power. It is when
and rededication. Please keep the Book of
God revives us and grants us a free spirit we
Zechariah open. can teach sinners His ways (Psa 51:12,13).
1. Revival and Restoration Without revival, Mission will
Zech 1:17, “Thus says the Lord of become a machine and missionaries will
Hosts: My cities shall again spread out become machinery! (Theme of Revivo ’83:
through prosperity; the Lord will again “I will Restore!”)
comfort Zion, and will again choose 2. Holiness unto the Lord
Zech 3:3-5, “Now Joshua was clothed
2:12, “The Lord will take possession with filthy garments…See I have removed
of Judah as His inheritance in the Holy your iniquity from you, and I will clothe
Land, and will again choose Jerusalem.” you with rich robes… Let them put a clean
9:12, “Return to the stronghold, you turban on his head.”
prisoners of hope. Even today I declare that 8:3, “The Mountain of the Lord of
I will restore double to you.” Hosts, the Holy Mountain.”
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14:20, “In that day HOLINESS-TO- With a thirst never quenched, a cry
THE-LORD shall be engraved on the bells never silenced, a hunger never satisfied, a
of the horses. The pots in the Lord’s house zeal never diminished—FOR REVIVAL—
shall be like the bowls before the altar.” about 30 of us, mostly college students,
gathered in the Kottaiyur forests of Karaikudi
Holiness is our watchword. It begins
in October 1970 for three days with fasting
with the individuals. Joshua is sanctified.
and prayer. The answer from the Lord was
“Rich robes and clean turban!” Pure
the glorious promise from Ezek 34:26,
heart and clean mind! When individuals “There shall be showers of Blessing!”
are sanctified, the entire group or the So our camps, programmes and magazines
assembly is holy. “Holy Mountain!” Then were named after this word, “BLESSING!”
follows the ministry. The bowls of the altar The Lord has been graciously granting us
and the bells of the horses! Worship and fresh outpourings of His Spirit. People from
warfare! Holiness in personal, corporate all denominations continue to flock to our
and ministerial life! Any of our camps programmes to receive the Baptism with the
or programmes begins with a message Holy Spirit. Over the years we have had the
on holiness leading to a time of self- privilege of leading several thousands into
examination and cleansing. Blesso ’78 was this glorious experience. Many theological
exclusively dedicated to study the theme, arrows from anti-charismatic circles were
“Holiness unto the Lord.” No holiness shot at us but our bow remained in strength
means only hollowness. I remember the by the hands of the Mighty God of Jacob!
scores of self-examination questionnaires The devil laughs at frenzied activities, all
we used to copy from the earlier editions done in fleshly enthusiasm and human
of Herald of His Coming and use them on strength. Jesus was conceived by the
a regular basis, weekly or fortnightly, to Spirit, anointed by the Spirit, led by the
search our hearts with fasting and prayer in Spirit, raised up by the Spirit, and He gave
our gatherings. The devil is least bothered us this Spirit from His Father. We have no
about a ministry which has sacrificed other pattern. Any day this ministry must
holiness. The Lord rebuked Satan who was be clothed with the Spirit’s power. Let’s
rejoicing over the filthy garments of Joshua not allow this tower to crumble. This is our
the high priest (3:1-3). Loss of holiness distinctive. We shall never grow tired of
leads to hellishness. singing that promise-cum-prayer hymn —
3. Anointing of the Holy Spirit There shall be showers of blessing;
This is the promise of love;
Zech 4:6, “This is the word of the Lord
to Zerubbabel: Not by might nor by power, There shall be seasons refreshing,
but by My Spirit, says the Lord of hosts.” Sent from the Saviour above.
10:1, “Ask the Lord for rain in the Showers of blessing,
time of the latter rain. The Lord will make Showers of blessing we need;
flashing clouds; He will give the showers of Mercy drops round us are falling,
rain, grass in the field for everyone.” But for the showers we plead.
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4. Joyful Worship and Prayer These are the eyes of the Lord, which scan
Zech 2:7,10, “Up, Zion,… Sing and to and fro throughout the whole earth.”
rejoice, O daughter of Zion!” 8:3, “Jerusalem shall be called the
14:17,18, “…Worship the King, City of Truth.”
the Lord of hosts … keep the Feast of I believe the plumb line in our hand
Tabernacles.” is the Holy Bible. The City of Truth is the
12:10, “I will pour on the house of Church founded on the Rock of God’s Word.
David and on the inhabitants of Jerusalem We are to walk in truth, being constantly
the Spirit of grace and supplication.” checked and measured by God’s Word. We
have always maintained a balance between
This ministry did not have its prayer and Bible meditation. From the
beginning on pulpits or platforms but in beginning the Lord instilled in our hearts a
prayer closets and intercession chambers. great love and desire to read and meditate
We started on our knees. We realized from His Word. I remember my student days
the beginning that the first secret of a when I always carried a pocket Testament
successful ministry is prayer; the second with me. I had to get my daily bread and
secret is prayer; and again the third, prepare food for others — those who would
prayer. Because we used to gather in the assemble for the evening prayer! I was a
open-air near bushes, we were sometimes student pastor for five years (1963-1968)
called bush prayer cells! Yes we got our in Karaikudi for the fellow students. I did
vision before bushes, like Moses. After not start as a leader of a Mission but a
the afternoon classes were over, we would shepherd of a little flock. By the grace of
be on our knees alone with God from six God I was faithful in my humble calling,
to seven and then gather for an hour of feeding the lambs of God, leading them
meditation, praise and prayer. This was done to green pastures in God’s Word. Moses
daily, and I rejoice to find this holy custom and David were shepherds before their
being followed after 25 years by the present call to leadership. After me Brother Lionel
batch of students in this Fellowship here in took over, and there has been a continuous
Karaikudi. Our trousers must be torn at our succession of leadership till now. Our
knees and not at our seat! Besides this daily Mission among all the other Missions in
gathering, the hostellers would again gather India is known for its solid teaching of
at late nights and we had weekly fasting God’s Word, and I am proud to say that our
prayer on Sundays. Let’s beware of ending missionaries and lay leaders are provided
in the flesh what was begun in the Spirit! with more self-study aids to the Bible than
Away with all formalism! Let’s continue any other group of missionaries. We give
to be hilarious worshippers, singing and God the glory for this distinctive. The theme
dancing! of Revivo ’78 was, “It is written!”
5. Word of God 6. Grace of Christ
Zech 4:10, “These seven rejoice to see Zech 4:7, “Who are you, O great
the plumbline in the hand of Zerubbabel. mountain? Before Zerubbabel you shall
BLESSING / February 2019 4
become a plain! And he shall bring forth this book only. For example, look at verses
the capstone with shouts of ‘Grace, grace 3,4,6,12,14,17 of chapter one.
to it!’ ” Again and again the Lord reminded
This speaks of the New Testament us not to underestimate the power of the
blessings through Christ “the Branch!” enemy. The experience of Satan is more than
(3:8; 6:12,13; 9:9; 13:7). Here is prophecy any man or woman who lived at any time
concerning Him as the Shepherd, High Priest on this planet earth. He is the prince of the
and Lord of the Church. One of the truths world and the prince of the air. Nothing but
we very often meditated in our evening the “whole” armour of God will protect us
gatherings was our position in Christ. Dead from his onslaughts. The wisdom and the
with Him! Buried with Him! Resurrected power of the Holy Spirit alone can detect his
with Him! Ascended with Him! Seated evil and subtle plans against God’s people.
with Him! Blessed with Him! ALL spiritual When we used to deal with some young
blessings! Every day we would study a new people who had gone to depths of sin, we
aspect of the difference between the Old had a tough time against the oppressing
Testament and the New. The truth that the forces of Satan. After hours of intercession
Deity cannot be localized is yet to be learnt for certain individuals to be delivered from
by certain even senior and popular preachers ungodly grips, some of us could not sleep
of today. “Neither on this mountain, nor in well at nights. All such experiences led us
Jerusalem” — This we learnt even in our to carefully study the strategies of Satan as
infant years. God has made a New Covenant revealed to us in God’s Word so we could
be fully armed. Ephesians 6:10-20 was
with us but people still want to embrace
meditated very often. Young believers were
the old and the obsolete. Why do preachers
asked to memorize verses like 1 John 4:4. A
invite prayer letters to be sent to a “holy”
fresh shout of victory would be there while
mountain, so called? Why do evangelists
praying or praising whenever someone in
erect shrines on a “holy” spot, so called?
the gathering addressed the Lord as the
There is a crack-down on the understanding
Lord of Hosts! Do you remember this was
of the basic New Testament teaching. Let’s
the theme we studied in Blesso ’86?
not try to stitch the top-to-bottom tear in
the veil! And in some quarters there is a 8. Youth Emphasis
return to “works,” and folks are becoming Zech 2:4, “Run, speak to this young
foolish Galatians. Beware! Say, “I cannot man, saying: Jerusalem shall be inhabited
come down!” (Blesso ’76). Keep shouting, as towns without walls, because of the
Grace! Grace! That’s victory! (The theme multitude of men and livestock in it.”
of Revivo ’76: “His Grace”).
8:5, “The streets of the city shall be
7. Spiritual Warfare full of boys and girls playing in its streets.”
The oft-repeated name of our Lord 9:17, “How great is their goodness
in the Book of Zechariah is the Lord of and how great their beauty! Grain shall
Hosts. Next to the Book of Isaiah we have make the young men thrive, and new wine
the maximum occurrences of this name in the young women.”
BLESSING / February 2019 5
The greatest failure of the Church is 9. Team Work
in attracting and challenging young people. Zech 3:8, “Hear, O Joshua, the high
Age is no criterion for God but we cannot priest, you and your companions who sit
overlook the many examples of youth before you, for they are a wondrous sign.”
singularly used by Him. Joseph, David,
Daniel, Timothy! There is a special place 7:10, “Let none of you plan evil in his
heart against his brother.”
for young men and young women in
the end time outpouring of God’s Spirit 8:17, “Let none of you think evil in
(Joel 2:28). “Dreams” are for the old, but your heart against your neighbour.”
“visions” for the young! Solomon the wisest There is no superstar among us. We
preacher addressed young people so often in are all companions, comrades, colleagues
his writings. John wrote his Epistles when or coworkers. Even God calls us coworkers
he was probably over ninety. He did not with Him. And Jesus calls us His brothers.
fail to address young people specifically (1 We are joint-heirs with Him. We were
Jn 2:13, 14). It is true young people make convinced from the beginning that only
mistakes. For that matter who does not? a team work can accomplish things for
We praise God that youth and students God. Daniel and his team! Joshua and
constitute the core of this ministry. I his team! Paul and his team! In 1965 we
am sorry I am not a teenager, but I am needed a name for follow-up purposes. I
happy I am 42 years (1988) young! It is do not know how many of you remember
never a waste when we invest our time our first name? “Gospel Team!” That’s it.
and life on young people. Several of you When we launched out our public ministry
dear families are joining this Students’ on a wider scale in 1971 we called ourselves
Fellowship for worship and ministry, and an Association. Now since 1987, to be
I am glad you accept the leadership of the more specific we call it a Mission. It’s true
God gives special grace and enablement
youth willingly. By giving this privilege
to certain individuals for special task but
and opportunity to young people, you are
they should always hide themselves and
sending leaders into this world. Lionel
project the cause, not their name. This is
is a senior Engineer in the Government. how team spirit can be maintained. In the
Sekar is a building contractor and spiritual circles we see exactly the opposite.
part-time pastor. Lakshmanakumar is Dear young people, don’t learn that stuff.
a senior technical officer in a Bank. We don’t want superstars in Christian
Ramamoorthy is in the Indian Foreign ministries. There will be utter confusion
Service. Nearly 80 Engineering graduates after them!
have gone out from this college as committed
10. Evangelistic Outreach
believers and leaders over these 25 years.
There is a sphere of influence around each of Zech 6:8, “See, those who go toward
them in public life. The earth is being filled the North Country have given rest to My
with the knowledge of the Lord! (The theme Spirit in the North Country.”
of Blesso ’72: “Now David!”) 6:12, “From His place He shall
BLESSING / February 2019 6
branch out, and He shall build the temple
For Contribution
of the Lord.”
All those who want to send their offerings
8:23, “In those days ten men from to BYM, please note the following
every language of the nations shall grasp accounts’ details. When you transfer
the sleeve of a Jewish man, saying, Let us any amount online, do send an email to
go with you, for we have heard that God is stating the purpose.
with you.” Home & NRE donors
9:6, “I will cut off the pride of the Name : Blessing Youth Mission
Philistines.” A/c No. 10545849472
9:16, “His people shall be like the Bank: State Bank of India
jewels of a crown, lifted like a banner over Branch Name : Siruthozhil,
His land.” Vellore 632 006
14:9, “And the Lord shall be King Branch Code: 007274
over all the earth. In that day it shall be — IFSC No: SBIN0007274
The Lord is one, and His name one!” Overseas Donors
Revival, Holiness, Anointing, Name : Blessing Youth Mission
Worship, Bible, Grace, Warfare, Youth A/c No. 1074703964
Emphasis, Team Spirit – All these nine Bank: Central Bank of India
towers are the supportive towers from around Vellore 632 004
for the tenth tower which is Evangelistic
IFSC No :CBIN0280887
Outreach. People come to know the Lord is
one, His name is one, and He alone is King. MICR Code:000016000
Every knee bows before Him and every Gulf Donors
tongue confesses that “Jesus is Lord!”—TO A/c Name : T. Prince Stachys Ravindran
THE GLORY OF THE FATHER! A/c No: 35374362080
Conclusion Bank Name : State Bank of India
Branch Name : Siruthozhil,
Take this promise with you while you
go from here. “The hands of Zerubbabel Vellore 632 006
have laid the foundation of this temple; His IFSC No : SBIN0007274
hands shall also finish it!” (Zech 4:9). What (You can also use our ONLINE
God has founded through us will be finished PAYMENT GATEWAY through our
through us! We had our beginnings in the website
1960s. “Who has despised the day of small
Do not miss the revival
things?” (Zech 4:10). Only we should not
forget these towers but keep counting and messages in Tamil that
considering them always “that we may tell we air in the Sathiyam TV
it to the generation following!” Thanks to every Wednesday
Zechariah for conducting this tour for us! 5:30 AM - 6:00 AM.
BLESSING / February 2019 7
Am I Addicted to my Smartphone?
1. Do you find yourself spending more time on your smartphone than
you realize?
2. Do you find yourself mindlessly passing time on a regular basis by
staring at your smartphone even though there might be better or more
productive things to do?
3. Do you seem to lose track of time when on your cell phone?
4. Do you find yourself spending more time texting, tweeting, or emailing as opposed to
talking to real-time people?
5. Has the amount of time you spend on your cell phone been increasing?
6. Do you secretly wish you could be a little less wired or connected to your cell phone?
7. Do you sleep with your smartphone on or under your pillow or next to your bed
8. Do you find yourself viewing and answering texts, tweets, and emails at all hours of
the day and night, even when it means interrupting other things you are doing?
9. Do you text, email, tweet, or surf the internet while driving or doing other similar
activities that require your focused attention and concentration?
10. Do you feel your use of your cell phone actually decreases your productivity at times?
11. Do you feel reluctant to be without your smartphone, even for a short time?
12. When you leave the house, you ALWAYS have your smartphone with you and you
feel ill-at-ease or uncomfortable when you accidentally leave your smartphone in the car
or at home, or you have no service, or it is broken?
13. When you eat meals, is your cell phone always part of the table place setting?
14. When your phone rings, beeps, buzzes, do you feel an intense urge to check for texts,
tweets, or emails, updates, etc.?
15. Do you find yourself mindlessly checking your phone many times a day even when
you know there is likely nothing new or important to see?
This self-assessment will give an indication of how far you have been addicted to
smartphone. If the addiction is strong, (If your answer is ‘yes’ to more than 10 questions)
then the readers are requested to seek spiritual counsel.
- Selected
BLESSING / February 2019 8
The Responsibility For Revival
Oswald J. Smith
As far back as I can remember my along these lines, but lately I have been led
heart has burned within me whenever I to lay all else aside and to literally devour
have heard or read accounts of the mighty everything I could lay hands on regarding
work of God in the great Revivals of past Revival work. And as I studied the lives
years. The heroic missionaries of the cross of those whom God has used all down
in foreign lands, and the lonely men of the centuries, especially the labors of the
God in the home field around whom these Puritans, the early Methodists and others of
gracious Visitations have centered, have later years, and saw how wonderfully they
always been a source of untold inspiration to were owned of Him – how they worked
my life. David Brainerd, Adoniram Judson, for, expected and got what they sought – I
Charles G. Finney, Robert McCheyne – was compelled to admit that I saw nothing
these and many others have been my bosom like it today either in my own ministry or in
companions and friends. I have watched the ministry of others. The average church
them, listened to them, lived with them, does not aim at, let alone get, results. Men
until I have almost felt the spirit of the preach and never even dream of anything
atmosphere in which they moved. Their happening. Oh, how far away we have
trials and hardships, their prayers and drifted! How powerless we have become!
tears; their joys and sorrows, their glorious
It is reported that there were 7,000
triumphs and victorious achievements have
churches that did not win a single soul for
thrilled my very soul until I have fallen
Jesus Christ in an entire year. That means
down upon my face and exclaimed with
the prophet of old: “Oh, that Thou wouldst that 7,000 ministers preached the Gospel for
rend the heavens, and that Thou wouldst a whole year without reaching even one lost
come down!” soul. Supposing that they preached, putting
it at a low average, on 40 Sundays, not
The Great Awakening of the 18th including extra meetings, that would mean
century under John Wesley, the stirring that these 7,000 ministers preached 560,000
Irish Manifestation of 1859, the glorious sermons in a single year. Think of the work,
American Visitation in the 19th century the labor, the money expended in salaries,
under Charles G. Finney, and in our own etc., to make this possible. And yet 560,000
day the mighty Welsh Revival of 1904- sermons preached by 7,000 ministers in
05–Manifestations such as these have been 7,000 churches to tens of thousands of
my meat and drink for years past. I have hearers during a period of twelve months,
heard again the uncontrollable sob and failed to bring a single soul to Christ.
groan of the convicted, the exceeding bitter
cry of the penitent, and the unspeakable Now, my brethren, there is something
expressions of joy of the delivered. And I radically wrong somewhere. There is
have sighed within myself for another such either something the matter with these
Manifestation of God’s presence and power. 7,000 ministers or else with their 560,000
sermons, or with both.
From my boyhood it has been my
delight to read more or less of God’s work In reading over the Twelve Rules of
BLESSING / February 2019 9
the Early Methodist church I was struck his remark to a friend, on sermons in which
with the fact that they aimed at and looked power of intellect or imagination is almost
upon soul-winning as their supreme task. exclusively predominant - “They achieve
Let me quote from one of them: “You have nothing, Sir” (Taken from Life of John
nothing to do but to save souls. Therefore Smith).
spend and be spent in this work. It is not “If your hearts be not set on the end of
your business to preach so many times; but your labors, and you do not long to see the
to save as many souls as you can; to bring conversion and edification of your hearers,
as many sinners as you possibly can to and do not study and preach in hope, you
repentance, and with all your power to build are not likely to see much fruit of it. It is an
them up in that holiness, without which they ill sign of a false, self-seeking heart, that
cannot see the Lord.” (From “The Twelve can be content to be still doing, and see no
Rules”– John Wesley). fruit of their labor” (From the writings of
The practical application of this rule Richard Baxter).
is demonstrated in the life of Bramwell one Then I compared the results of my
of their most remarkable men. “He was not, ministry with the promises of God. In
as the words are commonly understood, a Jeremiah 23:29, I read: “Is not My Word like
great preacher. But if that man is the best a Fire, saith the Lord; and like a Hammer
physician who performs the most cures, that that breaketh the rock in pieces?” And in
is the best preacher who is the instrument Ephesian 6:17, “The Sword of the Spirit,
of bringing the greatest number of souls to which is the Word of God.” But the more I
God; and in this view Mr. Bramwell will pondered over it, the more I was convinced
be entitled to rank amongst the greatest that in my ministry the Word of God was
and best Christian ministers” (Memoir of not a Fire, a Hammer, and a Sword. It did
Bramwell). not burn, break and pierce. There was no
John Oxtoby was so used of God that execution. Hebrews 4:12, declares that “the
he was able to say - “I am witnessing daily Word of God is quick and powerful, and
the conversion of sinners, I seldom go out sharper than any two edged sword, piercing
but God gives me some fruit.” even to the dividing asunder of soul and
It was said of John Smith, one of spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is
their most wonderfully anointed men and a discerner of the thoughts and intents of
the spiritual father of thousands, that “he the heart.”
ceased to estimate all preaching, and indeed I had never seen it so. John Wesley saw
all ministerial labor except as it produced it. John Smith was a constant observer of it.
saving effects. “I am determined by the David Brainerd witnessed its sharpness; but
grace of God to aim at souls,” he exclaimed. I did not. “So shall My Word be that goeth
‘A minister of the Gospel is sent to turn forth out of my mouth; it shall not return to
men from darkness to light, and from the me void, but it shall accomplish that which
power of Satan to God!’ Of that species of I please, and it shall prosper in the thing
preaching which only produced intellectual whereto I sent it” (Isa 55:11). And I knew
pleasure, he had a holy abhorrence. Nothing that this wonderful promise had not been
can be more characteristic of the man than fulfilled in my preaching. I had no evidence
BLESSING / February 2019 10
such as Paul, Bramwell and Charles G. of the Spirit, and were in earnest, that the
Finney that it did not return void many Spirit of God would be poured out, that they
and many a time. And I had a right to the would have a revival of religion, and that
evidence. Was it any wonder that I began the impenitent would be converted. But in
to challenge my preaching? their prayers and conference meetings they
And not only my preaching, but my would continually confess, substantially,
prayer life as well. This also had to be that they were making no progress in
challenged and tested by the outcome. And securing a revival of religion.
I was forced to admit that the confident This inconsistency, the fact that they
assertion of Jeremiah 33:3, “Call unto Me, prayed so much and were not answered,
and I will answer thee, and show thee great was a sad stumbling block to me. I knew
and mighty things, which thou knowest not what to make of it. It was a question in
not,” was not realized in my experience. my mind whether I was to understand that
The “great and mighty things” were these persons were not truly Christians. and
almost daily witnessed by Evan Roberts, therefore did not prevail with God; or did I
Jonathan Goforth and others, but not by misunderstand the promises and teachings
me. My prayers were not definitely and of the Bible on this subject, or was I to
daily answered. Hence, John 14:13-14, conclude that the Bible was not true? Here
“Whatsoever ye shall ask in My name, that was something inexplicable to me, and it
will I do,” and “If ye shall ask anything in seemed, at one time, that it would almost
My name, I will do it,” was not real in my drive me into scepticism. It seemed to me
case. To me these promises were not vital that the teachings of the Bible did not at all
since I asked for many things that I did not accord with the facts which were before
receive, and this was not according to the my eyes.
promise. On one occasion, when I was in the
Thus I came to realize that there was prayer meeting. I was asked if I did not
something radically wrong with my prayer- desire that they should pray for me. I told
life. And in reading the autobiography of them no, because I did not see that God
Charles G. Finney, I found that he, too, answered their prayers. I said, ‘I suppose
had experienced the same failure. “I was I need to be prayed for, for I am conscious
particularly struck,” he relates, “with the that I am a sinner; but I do not see that it
fact that the prayers that I had listened will do any good for you to pray for me; for
to, from week to week, were not, that I you are continually asking, but you do not
could see, answered. Indeed, I understood receive. You have been praying for a revival
from their utterances in prayer, and from of religion ever since I have been in Adams,
other remarks in their meetings, that those and yet you have it not.’”
who offered them did not regard them as When John Wesley concluded his
answered. message he cried to God to “confirm His
“They exhorted each other to wake up Word,” to “set to His Seal,” and to “bear
and be engaged, and to pray earnestly for witness to His Word.” And God did. Sinners
a revival of religion, asserting that if they were stricken immediately, and began to cry
did their duty, prayed for the outpouring for mercy under fearful conviction of sin,
BLESSING / February 2019 11
and soon after, in a moment they were set added unto them about 3,000 souls” (2:41),
at liberty, and filled with unspeakable joy in “Many of them which heard the Word
the knowledge of a present Salvation. believed, and turned unto the Lord” (11:2),
Such was also the experience of the “Much people was added unto the Lord”
Early Church. “Now when they heard this (11: 24), “A great multitude believed” (11:
they were pricked in their hearts, and said 1), “Some believed, of the devout Greeks a
unto Peter and to the rest of the Apostles, great multitude, and of the chief women not
men and brethren, what shall we do?” (Acts a few” (17:4), “Many believed.” (17:34)
2:37), “Long time therefore abode they “Some believed” (28:24). And Paul was
speaking boldly in the name of the Lord, able to declare “what things God had
which gave testimony unto the Word of His wrought by His Ministry” (21: 19).
grace, and granted signs and wonders to Oh, how far short I fell! How fearfully
be done by their hands” (Acts 14:3).They I had failed! failed in the very thing for
prayed “that signs and wonders” might which God had called me into the Ministry.
“be done” (Acts 4:30). And Paul declared How seldom I could write after having
that the Gospel is “the power of God unto preached that “a great number believed and
Salvation” (Rom 1:16). Yet all this was turned unto the Lord,” or even that “some
utterly foreign to my work. believed.” Nor was it possible for me to
In the Irish Revival of 1859, “signs declare with Paul “what things God had
and wonders” were seen on every side. wrought by my Ministry.”
Among the Early Methodists they were of God clearly and emphatically states
daily occurrence. But with me the Gospel that it is His will that every servant of His
was not “the power of God unto Salvation.” should bear fruit. “I have chosen you and
God did not “confirm His Word,” “set to ordained you” he affirms, “that ye should
His seal,” or “bear witness to His Word,” go and bring forth fruit” (John 15:16). Too
when I preached. And I knew I had the long was I content to sow and evangelize,
right to expect it for Jesus Himself had using the excuse that I left the results with
given the promise. “The works that I do,” God, thinking I had then done my duty.
He declared, “shall ye do also and greater When people are saved and greatly blessed
works than these shall ye do” (John 14:12). they will say so, and if they don’t there is
Then one day I read the Acts of the reason to doubt the reality of an outcome.
Apostles to find out if God’s servants in George Whitefield sometimes received
the Early Church got results wherever they hundreds of letters after he had preached
went. And I found as I read that they aimed telling of blessing and conversions.
at, worked for, expected, and never failed “Go into the public assembly with a
to get fruit. Peter preached on the day of design to strike, and persuade some souls
Pentecost and 3,000 responded to that first there, into repentance and salvation. Go to
appeal. There was a definite Outcome. With open blind eyes, to unstop deaf ears, to make
Paul it was the same. Follow him from place the lame walk, to make the foolish wise,
to place, and wherever he goes churches to raise those that are dead in trespasses
spring up. See how repeatedly the results and sins to a Heavenly and Divine life, and
are noted throughout the book. “They were to bring guilty rebels to return to the love
BLESSING / February 2019 12
and obedience of their Maker, by Christ of God. That although some preachers
Jesus the great Reconciler, that they may might have a peculiar talent for comforting
be pardoned and saved. Go to diffuse the and edifying believers, yet that Christ’s
saviour of Christ and His gospel through true servants, those whom He sent into His
a whole assembly and to allure souls to vineyard, could do all sorts of work. They
partake of His grace and glory” (From the could plough, dig, plant, sow, water, etc.,
writings of Dr. Watts). and he earnestly entreated the preachers
There are men who feel they have not to be satisfied without seeing the
special talents for the edification of believers, fruit of their labors, in the awakening and
and so they give themselves entirely to conversion of sinners.”
building up Christians in the Faith. This “The building up of believers in their
was where I was side-tracked. I felt that I most Holy Faith was a principal object
had special gifts for teaching and speaking of Mr. Smith’s ministry; but he never
to young Christians on the Deeper Life, and considered this species of labor successful,
so I prepared a number of addresses with the except as its results were indicated in the
idea of devoting my time to this work, until conversions of sinners. He most certainly
God mercifully opened my eyes and showed and perfectly edifies believers who is most
me how far I was astray. There is nothing ardently and scripturally laborious for the
that will deepen Christian experience, edify conversion of sinners”(Life of John Smith).
believers and build them up in the Faith
so rapidly and thoroughly as seeing souls Work among believers of itself will
saved. Deep Holy Spirit meetings where not suffice. It matters not how spiritual a
the power of God is working mightily in church may profess to be, if souls are not
the conviction and Salvation of sinners will saved something is radically wrong, and
do more for Christians than the teaching of the professed spirituality is simply a false
years without it. Such was the experience experience, a delusion of the devil. People
of David Brainerd. In writing of the Indians who are satisfied to meet together simply
among whom he labored he says, “Many to have a good time among themselves, are
of these people have gained more doctrinal far away from God. Real spirituality always
knowledge of Divine truths since I have first has an Outcome. There will be a yearning
visited them in June last, than could have and a love for souls. We have gone to places
been instilled into their minds by the most that have a name of being very deep and
diligent use of proper and instructive means spiritual, and have often found that it was
for whole years together, without such a all in the head, the heart was unmoved;
Divine influence.” and there was, not infrequently, hidden sin
somewhere. “Having a form of Godliness
An incident is related of Bramwell:
but denying the power thereof.”
“Several local preachers,” it states, “had
said that their talents were not to awaken Oh, the pathos of it all! Let us then
and arouse careless and impenitent sinners, challenge our spirituality and ask what it
but to build up believers in the Faith. produces; for nothing less than a genuine
Mr. Bramwell endeavoured to prove that Revival in the Body of Christ resulting in
such reasoning was frequently used as an a true Awakening among the unsaved will
apology, for the loss of the life and powers ever satisfy the heart of God.
BLESSING / February 2019 13
Zimri & Cozbi
A love story
Zimri was his name. His name meant, “my praise”,
“my music”. He was the son of a leader of the tribe
of Simeon. The Israelites were on their way to the
promised land – Canaan. They had just encamped
at Shittim. This new place seemed enchanting for
Zimri. As he started to wander, his eyes fell on Cozbi,
the daughter of a tribal chief of the Midianites.
Zimri forgot that he was an Israelite. He never realised that a Hebrew cannot marry
a non-Hebrew, that he is a holy race and that God will not share His Glory with others.
Zimri was not the only one to falter. Many more were involved. So maybe he thought,
‘Everybody does it. So why not I?’ God’s anger was kindled. The plague had started to
wreak havoc. He was so enthralled by Cozbi that he failed to see the plague that was
sweeping across the camp because of their sin. Lost in love, he walks in with Cozbi, in
the full sight of the mourning assembly. Being children of prominent people, they might
have thought that nobody could question them. So they decided to cross the line. Love
knows no limits!!?? For Zimri and Cozbi, everything seemed perfect for a fairy tale ending.
But, his brazenness was countered by Phinehas’ zeal. Perhaps, Phinehas was driven
by a different kind of love. He was passionate for God’s glory. His spear drove through
both of them, just like we notice in the symbol of contemporary love. The wrath of God
was quenched. The plague stopped! (Num 25)
Dear friends, the devil doesn’t put on a black dress to look scary. He knows our
weakness and uses the right bait. At the forefront, all may seem conducive and so promising
just as it was for Zimri. Good social status, charming, well qualified… Why, even the
society may support you! But, you can never be yoked with an unbeliever (2 Cor 6:14-16).
To put it in plain terms, YOU CANNOT MARRY AN UNBELIEVER. Today people call
themselves as Christians, but being a believer is altogether different.
The Bible has been given to us to teach, rebuke and correct us (2 Tim 3:16). Whenever
we see the love symbol, let us remember Zimri and Cozbi – how they were speared to
death. Let us learn from them. Let us not be carried away by lust and incite God’s wrath
on us. Zimri yielded to the lust of his eyes and the lust of his flesh. This made him lose
what God had kept in store for him.
“Let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And
let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us,” (Heb 12:1). Let us stay focused
in our track and win the prize. The adage, “All that glitters is not gold”, holds true. Let
us not be distracted, run off-track and miss that which God has kept in store for us. Let
us run to win.
- Jerisha Melbin, Missionary, Chennai
BLESSING / February 2019 14
Candles In The Night
(Testimonies of Native Missionaries)
Gopi Bagh was born in a remote village in Odisha. He was born
out of second wedlock of his mother. Even before his birth his life took
a miserable turn. His mother was not even given proper food. Many
times, she used to sleep with an empty stomach. One day when Gopi
was still in his mother’s womb, his father beat his mother and kicked
her in the stomach. He left her in the jungles. Miraculously the fetus
survived. Gopi’s mother did not have a choice. She had no one to turn to. She returned
home in spite of all this ill-treatment. She wanted the child and it was her only hope.
Gopi was born in such a tumultuous situation. He wanted to go to school. But poverty
stopped him. He grew up as a child labourer just to make a survival. He was married to
a girl named Subarna Nag at a very young age. Gopi did not have peace of heart and his
life seemed meaningless. So he resorted to drinking. But his mind was restless.
Finally he decided to take his life. He planned to kill himself by hanging on a tree.
On that very particular day, while he was going to kill himself, an old friend of him named
Tularam met him on the way. He was going to a prayer meeting in a particular village.
Tularam encouraged Gopi to come to that meeting. Gopi reluctantly agreed. Once they
reached the village, there was a prayer meeting going on. Missionary M.C. Ponniah was
sharing from God’s Word. He was speaking about life, death, Heaven and Hell. These strange
teachings inspired Gopi. He started to know more about Jesus Christ. Gopi accepted Jesus
as his personal Saviour. He passed on from death to life. Hallelujah!
Later on, his mother also accepted the Lord and they found that the life in Jesus was
a blessed one. In the year 1997, Gopi decided to work for the Lord and tell his friends and
relatives about the Lord Jesus Christ. Missionary Ponnusamy encouraged him and taught
many things from the Bible and about God’s ministry. He started visiting interior villages
along with the other workers like Hiron Khosla and Dhaneshwar Jena. God attested the
ministry of this humble servant by performing signs and miracles. Gopi was blessed with
the gift of healing. Whenever he used to pray for the sick, they were healed. Village after
village, he made inroads so that God’s work was spreading like a wild fire. God honoured
his labour and today there are more than ten churches established because of his ministry.
Since he was a native worker, financial help from the Mission was minimal. But God
who has called him is faithful. He did not even have a proper house to stay but through the
mercies of God, he secured help from the Government Housing Scheme. God has blessed
Gopi with three children. The elder son, Arun studied in the Blessing Children Home at
Ramagiri and finished his Higher Secondary. He is in the God’s work and is married. His
daughter, Martha is also married to a God’s servant. The other girl, Marium is also married.
His mother who had seen the rough side of life died at the age of 80.
Gopi still serves the Lord with minimum facilities. For him, the only job that he knew is
to serve the Lord. Even now, he visits not less than three villages a day. God sometimes takes
him to rare people groups because of his gifts. He also distributes tracts in the market place.
He was once beaten up in a village for preaching the Gospel. But like, Paul, he moves on.
“I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion
at the day of Jesus Christ” (Phil 1:6).
BLESSING / February 2019 15
assam Memorial Church and at the Family Youth
➢ Christmas programmes were celebrated Fellowship of BSI Christmas programme
in 3 places. A total of 260 people at Visakhapatnam on 23rd December.
participated and were blessed. ➢ “Ride for Jesus” Vijayawada Gospel
➢ 17 houses were visited in 4 villages Outreach Programme was arranged on
during Christmas. 24th December in which 28 villages were
andhra pradesh reached. Gospel tracts, Bibles and blankets
were distributed to the poor & needy. This
programme was coordinated with the
help of 15 volunteers by the Lay State
Coordinator of Andhra, Mr. John Sunand.
SFJ teams of Guntur & Vijayawada
participated enthusiastically.
➢ 25th evening added colors to our
Vizianagaram office campus as neighbors
➢ Christmas was celebrated among the and slum children gathered to celebrate
partners of Guntur, Kurnool, Ongole, Christmas. Around 50 were present. Our
Vizianagram and Visakhapatnam. Pondicherry coordinator Mr. Britto and
➢ More than 500 New Testaments and family participated in this function.
Gospel tracts were distributed to tourists ➢ “Blankets for Beggars” drive on
on 11th December by the Vizianagaram national highway was conducted on
team. December 24th. It was a blessed day for
➢ Lay leaders have started a Police the Vizianagaram team driving on the
Prayer Fellowship in a city. They meet highways in search of isolated beggars and
for Bible study and pray regularly. They the marginalised of the society. We met at
also initiated the Christmas programme least 40 of them between Vizianagaram to
for Police personnel on 20th December. Visakhapatnam. Shared the love of Christ
Around 700 members from Police with blankets and fruits.
Department attended. Pray
➢ Praise God for the Youth Christmas ➢ Pastor Paul Suryanarayana Garu had his
programme for non-Christians at a Hostel homecall on 21st December. He was called
where 22 youth were blessed by God’s to ministry from Electricity Department
Word through missionary Saroj. while working at Machkund, Odisha. He
➢ Bro.Saroj shared God’s Word at continued to serve the Lord as the senior
Hebron Church, CSI London Mission Pastor of Jehovah Shammah Church,
BLESSING / February 2019 16
Vizianagaram till he breathed his last. He ➢ 3 obeyed the Lord.
was a well-wisher of BYM. ➢ Missionary Pawar had the opportunity
chattisgarh to share in an Open Christmas Programme
at Bagalkot arranged by Zoe Ministries.
350 heard the gospel.
➢ SFJ boy’s team from Hubli presented
gifts to our believers at Kathur on 18th of
Dec, 150 blessed by the Word of God.
➢ Alnavar SFJ boys shared the love of
➢ God blessed the Bilaspur Youth team Christ to 18 widows by presenting warm
Christmas programme. 35 young people clothes at Saundatti on 26th December.
and 10 of our well wishers went to Asha ➢ Christmas Programmes were celebrated
Bhawan, Mother Teresa Mentally Disabled in 45 places in our fields. 7,590 participated
and Old Age Home. They visited and spent and were blessed.
time with people, shared the Gospel and maharashtra
distributed 125 towels to them. They also ➢ Christmas programmes were organized
performed special programmes for them. in 10 villages. A total of 2567 people were
➢ Missionary Carol Service was held at blessed.
Bhilai. Our partners visited 215 families
on this occasion.
➢ Christmas was celebrated for the first
time in 3 of our village churches. A total of
130 believers were blessed.
➢ 55 New Testaments and Gospel packets
were distributed in a Christmas rally.
➢ 11 were added to His Kingdom.
➢ 2 new tribal children’s education ➢ Christmas outreach was organized in
sponsorships were raised. Vasai beach on 23rd December. A team of
➢ Prof. Robinson’s (District Coordinator) believers walked on the beach, singing and
daughter, Sangeet Shikha joined hands in presenting the Gospel through action songs.
marriage with Badal on 28th December. More than 500 tracts were distributed.
Pray Dr. Subhash Waghmare shared God’s
➢ Pray for the healing of Ganga Laxmi Word.
Prasad (Cancer); Missionary Christodas & odisha
Mrs. Ramana (Blocks in heart valve) and ➢ Praise God that Christmas programmes
Padman Bagh(Paralysis). were organized in 158 Churches in which
karnataka 12,597 received the message of the Gospel.
➢ One of our Jamkhandi Church believers ➢ For the first time Christmas was
shared the love of Christ by distributing organized among Gond tribe in which 550
saris to 12 widows on Christmas occasion. attended.
BLESSING / February 2019 17

➢ Christmas function was organized in

the slum area in Rayagada in which 45
children received the Gospel. Even the ➢ Christmas program was conducted on
remote villages were presented with the 14th December for Agriculture University
Gospel of Christ. students in which 14 young people attended
➢ Family Joy Meet was held at at Ludhiana.
Visakhapatnam for partner families ➢ A special Christmas program was
of Nabarangpur and Koraput districts. conducted for rickshaw pullers on 27th at
Missionary couple Ruth and Manivannan Jalandhar. About 30 rickshaw pullers heard
and Pastor Asish Abraham were the the Gospel for the first time.
resource persons in which 34 families ➢ Christmas programme was organized in
participated. a village in which 60 were blessed.
➢ Sarodapalli believers celebrated ➢ 20 people heard the Good News of
Christmas amidst persecution. Jesus Christ in a meeting organized by
➢ Youth Meet at Balimela was a blessing Dr. Sanjeev Kumar.
to 80. rajasthan
➢ Kedar, Rahas, Shakti, Jogi, Kholi, Ullas
came to the Lord.
➢ Pray for the bereaved family of Joshna
(35) who entered Glory leaving behind her
husband and 3 children.
➢ Pray for the healing of Rebekka whose
leg is fractured in an accident. ➢ Christmas programmes were conducted
➢ For the healing of Mindu who is in the in 11 places through which 2380 people
last stage of Tuberculosis. heard the Good News of Christ.
➢ New contacts - Gouri, Bistu, Bisnu, ➢ Anil got a suitable life-partner.
Bijaya, Ashu, Mulya, Betru, Bursha and ➢ God protected our believers Dinesh,
Ratna family. Kissen from accident.
➢ For the health of our missionaries ➢ Our believers Akash and Lalchand got
Kailash Nag who is suffering from spinal Government jobs.
problem and Abhimonyi Bhatra whose ➢ New contacts - Shivasaran, Santhosh,
haemoglobin level is low. Prem, Narendra, Kamla, Rajesh, Shersingh.
BLESSING / February 2019 18
➢ Sohanlal was healed from TB, Nancy organize Christmas programme for
from Pneumonia and Nathulal from piles. “Sehariah” community for the first time.
➢ Pangli and Kama were delivered from Praise God for the opening.
the clutches of evil spirit. ➢ They also had 11 small programmes in
➢ 25 were blessed in a Widow’s Meeting. which 1175 attended.
➢ Ashok from Anguliapada accepted ➢ On 25th they organized Christmas
Jesus Christ as his personal Saviour programme in a village where 850 people
Pray gathered. And on 27th Christmas was
➢ Shanthlal and Komal to be saved. celebrated in another village in which 500
➢ Umesh to get a good job. participated.
➢ Ajay and Sharmila to be delivered from Pray
evil spirit. ➢ For a church to be built in a village
➢ For the sick - Devi (Liver problem); where the land has been purchased for it.
Anil (Low blood count); Narayan (Cancer); ➢ For temporary worship sheds which we
Santhosh (Bone disease); Eshwar (Renal need in 2 villages.
colic) and Rasnu (TB). ➢ Guddi to be healed from skin disease.
➢ Sanjiv, Ramesh and Vinod to give up Also for Gokul to be healed from knee pain
drinking. and his wife to be healed from paralysis.
➢ Nirmala to know Christ. ➢ Angoori is childless for 20 years. Pray
telangana for a miracle.
➢ On 22nd December 2018, Partners’ ➢ Gendhari, Ananthram and Kamode to
Christmas was celebrated in Bheemaram. be delivered from evil spirit.
Pastor Moses shared the Word in which 55 west bengal
attended. ➢ The Good News of Jesus Christ was
➢ 15 Erukala tribe people were presented presented to 647 people in 17 different
with the Gospel of Christ. villages.
tamil nadu field
VIJAYAWADA 27-28, Dec 2018
48 partners along with 17 children
were blessed at the Key Persons Family
Meet at Vijayawada. For the first time this
was planned with missionary families of
Andhra and Telangana. The messages
were shared by Mr. Vasanth & Mrs.
➢ Christmas programmes were organized Praneeta Vasanth from RWB Family
in 28 villages in which 5120 people were Ministries, Mr. P.G.A. Victor and Mr.
blessed. Needhidasan from BYM. The staff from
uttar pradesh Scripture Union handled the children’s
➢ God enabled the missionaries to session. Thank you for your prayers.
BLESSING / February 2019 19

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