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Watch Yourself and The Doctrine

A. Lionel, General Overseer, Blessing Youth Mission

1 Timothy 4:16 “Keep a close watch on yourself and on the teaching”
I greet you in the name of our Lord 1 Peter 5:8 – “Be sober-minded; be
and Saviour Jesus Christ. The Lord has been watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls
gracious to us and has led us thus far. He around like a roaring lion, seeking someone
has guided us through the rivers and fires. to devour.”
In spite of all such difficult circumstances
In this article I want to focus on two
the Lord’s grace was more than sufficient
main subjects based on Apostle Paul’s
for us. May the Lord grant us new blessings
exhortation to Timothy, “Keep a close watch
this year.
on yourself and on the teaching” (1 Tim
In Blessing Youth Mission, we have 4:16).
a custom of meditating one topic every
year during our major camps and in our A) Watch Yourself
magazine. 2018 was declared as the Year of 1) Wake Up and Strengthen
Integrity. Similarly, we have declared this
Apostle John when writing to the
year as the Year of Watchfulness.
Seven Churches in Asia, exhorts the
When Jesus lived on this earth, He believers to wake up from the spiritual
taught many things to His disciples. Once, slumber.
when He was sitting on the Mount of Olives,
His disciples came to Him and queried Him Rev 3:1,2 – “And to the angel of
about the signs that would precede His the church in Sardis write: ‘The words of
Second Coming. Jesus answered them that him who has the seven spirits of God and
they need to be watchful. the seven stars. “I know your works. You
have the reputation of being alive, but you
Mark 13:37 –“What I say unto you I are dead. Wake up, and strengthen what
say unto all, Watch.” remains and is about to die, for I have not
When we say that we need to be found your works complete in the sight of
watchful, it not only means that we stay my God.”
awake, but also stay alert, to be careful and
Again in the third verse God warns,
to be prepared.
“Remember, then, what you received and
The apostles of Jesus also taught this heard. Keep it, and repent. If you will not
truth. Apostle Paul taught the Christians at wake up, I will come like a thief, and you
Rome to be fervent in spirit. will not know at what hour I will come
Romans 12:11 – “Do not be slothful against you.”
in zeal, be fervent in spirit, serve the Lord.” When we meditate the Scriptures from
Apostle Peter too, in his letter, Genesis to Revelation, we find that many
emphasized the need to be watchful in his fell because they were not careful. Starting
letter. from Adam and Eve who were not careful
BLESSING / March 2019 2
in obeying the Lord, we find even today Many of us boast about many things
many are deceived by the devil. They are by saying, ‘I am strong and grown up’, ‘I
not awake and alert. have a lot of spiritual experiences’, ‘I walk
The same thing applies to us, if we with God’, ‘I minister and God uses me.’
are not careful in our day to day life, we But we need to be careful lest we fall.
will also get into several troubles. Consider Even before penning the contents of
a driver who drives a car. If while driving the 10th chapter of First Corinthians, we
he notices a warning which says, ‘Men Are find Paul writing about personal carefulness
At Work’, but ignores it, he might cause an and discipline in 1 Corinthians 9:27, “But
accident. Even while cooking in the house, I discipline my body and keep it under
if we are not careful, the food may become control, lest after preaching to others I
myself should be disqualified.”
Hence we need to be watchful always.
Apostle Paul was a dynamic minister.
We should not lead a lethargic lifestyle. We
He had several super-natural experiences.
should have constant self-assessment and
self-examination. Periodic times of personal He was used by God in a mighty way. He
fasting and prayer would help us keep our planted churches. He wrote theological
spiritual fervour intact. letters. Paul well knew that all these things
do not guarantee a holy living ahead. He
2) Work Out The Salvation understood that he needed self-discipline
Phil 2:12 - “Therefore, my beloved, and that he needs to be careful and alert.
as you have always obeyed, so now, not
Even spiritual giants can be
only as in my presence but much more in
disqualified. Hence, being watchful over
my absence, work out your own salvation
ourselves is of prime importance. If we
with fear and trembling.”
are not careful over ourselves, God would
In First Corinthians 10th chapter, bypass us.
we read about how the Lord led the
Israelites in the wilderness. They were led Some argue that once we are saved,
through the Red Sea and were baptised. we can live as per our whims and fancies.
They experienced all kinds of spiritual But, if we do not maintain a daily
experiences - salvation, baptism and also communion with the Lord, there is a
witnessed several mighty miracles of God. possibility that we might even lose our
But the Lord was not pleased with them. salvation. Hence we need to work out our
They were overthrown in the wilderness salvation with fear and trembling.
for their sinful acts. They did not inherit the
Promised Land. This is a warning to each 3) Watch What You Watch
and every one of us who are living in these Samson was endowed with super
last days. natural physical strength. He performed
Apostle Paul warns, “Therefore let mighty acts of valour. He was chosen by
anyone who thinks that he stands take heed God even before his birth. His mission was
lest he fall” (1Co 10:12). to deliver the Israelites from the hands of
BLESSING / March 2019 3
the Philistines who ruled over them for 40 same path. He helps us and also provides us
years. But sadly Samson fell prey to his own ways of escape as promised in I Corinthians
passions. He lost his strength and anointing. 10:13, “No temptation has overtaken you
He fell because he was not careful about that is not common to man. God is faithful,
himself. and he will not let you be tempted beyond
He trusted his own strength. He your ability, but with the temptation he will
trusted his past victories. He forgot that also provide the way of escape, that you may
his strength was given by God. He became be able to endure it.”
filled with pride and ego. He thought that Even Jesus was led by the Spirit into
he was invincible. He remembered how the wilderness to be tempted by devil (Matt
he fought the lion and tore it into pieces, 4:1). In the wilderness the devil tempted
how he was bound by the Philistines but Jesus through various tactics but Jesus
broke away easily. He thought that he overcame all those temptations through the
was indomitable. This pride led to his fall. Word of God. We should not be defeated
Does not the Bible say, “Pride goes before by sin in our personal lives. The world, the
destruction, and a haughty spirit before a devil and the flesh may be against us. But
fall”(Pro 16:18)? we need to stand on the Word of God.
Jesus warned His disciples regarding 4) Wrapped in Christ
pride. When Jesus warned Peter about the
impending difficult times, Peter trusted When a hen senses danger, it calls out
in his self and declared that he was even its chicks. On hearing the warning sounds,
ready to die with Christ. But we know what the chicks take shelter under their mother’s
happened later. wings. Similarly, when we foresee a danger,
we need to take shelter in the wings of the
Not only was Samson filled with pride Most High. Let us confess to the Lord that
but he was also lacking self-control. He we can do nothing apart from Him (John
was not watchful over his eyes. He aptly 15:5). Let us commit our lives in His hands
embodies, Proverbs 25:28 – “A man without so that He will keep us safe.
self-control is like a city broken into and left
without walls.” The Word of God says that the prudent
sees danger and hides himself (Pro 22:3,
He was led by his eyes. He let them 27:12).
roam freely. He went after women. He was
not watchful over his eyes. This led to his Though the prevalence of sin has
downfall. increased manifold, let us not lose heart. Let
us run to God and seek His help. He will not
Are we watchful over our eyes? Do allow us to be tempted beyond our capacity,
we have self-control? Let us not be careless for He is faithful. He sympathizes with us in
like Samson. our weaknesses. He understands. Since He
We might face a lot of temptations went through the same path, He understands
in our life. But we should be encouraged our human frailties. He remembers that
by the fact that Jesus too went through the we are dust. “For we do not have a high
BLESSING / March 2019 4
priest who is unable to sympathize with our false prophets. “God will any way take
weaknesses, but one who in every respect you to Heaven” will be their core doctrine.
has been tempted as we are, yet without We have so many such teachers today.
sin” (Heb 4:15). Multitudes throng to their meetings. But,
we need to be watchful with regard to such
Heb 2:18 - “For because he himself
has suffered when tempted, he is able to help
those who are being tempted.” 2 Tim 3:16,17 – “All Scripture is breathed
out by God and profitable for teaching, for
Hence, let us run to Jesus when we
reproof, for correction, and for training in
are tempted.
righteousness, that the man of God may be
Let us now study the second aspect of complete, equipped for every good work.”
the verse 1 Timothy 4:16. A preacher of the Word of God should
B) Watchfulness Over Doctrine be able to rightly handle the Word of God.
We are living in the last days and we He cannot cite a verse out of context to
establish a doctrine. He must be able to
are flooded with false teachings and false
teach the whole counsel of God. If not, he
doctrines. When Jesus’ disciples enquired
is deceiving us.
Him about the signs of His Second Coming,
He immediately replied that they need to I want to cite five wrong doctrines
be watchful lest they be deceived by false which are prevalent these days.
teachings. 1) Christ Has Suffered For Us, Hence We
Note the following verses: Need Not Suffer
Mat 24:4 – “See that no one leads you This teaching may sound sweet to our
astray.” ears. But what does the Bible say?
Mat 24:11 – “ And many false prophets will 2 Tim 3:12 – “Indeed, all who desire to
arise and lead many astray.” live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be
Mat 24:24 – “ For false christs and false
prophets will arise and perform great Phil 1:29 – “For it has been granted to
signs and wonders, so as to lead astray, if you that for the sake of Christ you should
possible, even the elect.” not only believe in him but also suffer for
His sake”
Mat 7:15 – “Beware of false prophets, who
come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly Ever since its inception, the Church
are ravenous wolves.” has been facing persecution. Hence, we
need to be prepared to face troubles and
Note how, time and again Jesus persecutions. Did not Jesus Himself say
warned His disciples about false prophets that we will have tribulation in this world(Jn
and false christs. In Matthew 7th chapter, 16:33)? So, let us not lose heart when we
when Jesus was talking about the narrow face trials and hardships. We need not be
gate and how hard it is to find the way to guilty when we suffer for Christ’s sake
life (v14), He immediately warned about (1 Pet 2:21).
BLESSING / March 2019 5
2) Prosperity Doctrine he was looking forward to the city that has
This teaching gives emphasis to the foundations, whose designer and builder
physical wealth and health of a believer. is God.”
“God will give us a big house and riches” is Our focus should be on the Kingdom
their core cry. But what does the Bible say? of God. Let us not strive to be rich. Let us
3 John 2 – “Beloved, I pray that all look to God and seek His righteousness.
When our prime aim is to get earthly
may go well with you and that you may be in
blessings,we might be deceived. “For
good health, as it goes well with your soul.”
the love of money is a root of all kinds of
While the Apostle John focuses on the evils. It is through this craving that some
soul, these preachers emphasize material have wandered away from the faith and
blessings. Christ warns us, that our life pierced themselves with many pangs. But
does not consist in the abundance of our as for you, O man of God, flee these things.
possessions (Lk 12:15). He calls us “Fools” Pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love,
when we lay up treasures for ourselves but steadfastness, gentleness” (1 Tim 6:10,11).
are not rich toward God (vv20-21).
3) Teachings Based on Emotionalism
All the desires of the world will pass
Some people base their teachings
away (1 John 2:17) and “if in Christ we have
on their super-natural experiences. They
hope in this life only, we are of all people
claim to have super-natural visitations
most to be pitied.” (I Cor 15:19). If being a
by the angels and base their authority on
Christian is of value to us only now in this
such dreams and visions. These kind of
life, we are the most miserable of creatures.
teachings look very attractive to people.
We should never focus our attention People consider the preachers to be spiritual
upon earthly blessings. We need to keep giants and slowly start to worship them.
our minds on things above (Col 3: 1,2). This approach creates a chasm between
Preachers who preach this ‘Health and the preachers and the hearers and keeps the
Wealth Gospel’ would never preach on preachers on a higher spiritual plane, while
the subjects like holiness, evangelism and the hearers follow them blindly.
missions. Their talks and teachings would
The hearers drift away from the Lord
be focused on acquiring wealth, being
Jesus Christ and are lured towards such
successful in businesses, climbing up the
experiences and dreams.
ladder and all such things.
These dreamers say and teach things
I am not saying that God will not bless that which are not found in the Bible. They
us materially. God blessed Abraham. But do this with much boldness. The Apostle
see how Abraham lived: Paul warns us against such teachings in
Heb 11:9,10 – “ By faith he went to Colossians 2: 18,19 – “Let no one disqualify
live in the land of promise, as in a foreign you, insisting on asceticism and worship
land, living in tents with Isaac and Jacob, of angels, going on in detail about visions,
heirs with him of the same promise. For puffed up without reason by his sensuous
BLESSING / March 2019 6
mind, and not holding fast to the Head, from the ignorant and unstable twist to their
whom the whole body, nourished and knit own destruction, as they do the other
together through its joints and ligaments, Scriptures.”
grows with a growth that is from God.”
5) Perfection Doctrine
Let us not seek such visitations and
Phil 3:12 – “Not that I have already
dreams. Let us stay focused on Jesus Christ.
obtained this or am already perfect, but I
Such teachers will eventually make the
believers lose their salvation. Scripture press on to make it my own, because Christ
clearly states that all the things that are Jesus has made me his own.”
revealed to us belong to us. And all those These people teach that only after
things that are not revealed belong to God. you become perfect, you need to preach
Deu 29:29 – “The secret things belong the Gospel. But we find the Samaritan
to the Lord our God, but the things that are woman telling about Jesus to the village
revealed belong to us” people as soon as she found out that Jesus
was the Messiah. We also find that the man
Let us not poke into the territory of
who was delivered from the evil spirit was
the things that are not revealed.
immediately commissioned by Jesus Christ
4) Twisted Teachings to tell his relatives. I have known many
Acts 20: 29,30 - “I know that after my people who were once very active in the
departure fierce wolves will come in among Kingdom of God but are now backslidden
you, not sparing the flock; and from among because of believing this wrong doctrine.
your own selves will arise men speaking Some have even lost their salvation.
twisted things, to draw away the disciples Sanctification is an ongoing process. We
after them.” grow to perfection till the Lord’s Coming or
Twisted teachings are teachings that till we die. We cannot wait until we become
pull people to themselves. These teachings perfect.
will be against the sound teachings of We are living in the last moments of
the Word of God. Apostle Paul preached the last days. Many today have redefined
about Holiness, Resurrection, and Second sin and consider many sinful things as
Coming. But the teachers who twist the not sin. Even among Christians, love has
Word teach that holiness is not necessary become cold. All the prophecies concerning
and give no importance to the Lord’s Second
our Lord Jesus Christ are finding their
Coming. They are experts in diluting the
fulfillment. Hence, to be watchful is the
pure Gospel of Jesus Christ. They would
need of the hour. Jesus may come at any
twist the Word of God to suit their ambitions
and programmes. But they are unaware that
they do that to their own destruction. Even while you read this article, the
2 Pet 3:16 – “There are some things Lord may come. Hence let us be watchful!
in them that are hard to understand, which Maranatha!
BLESSING / March 2019 7
Self-Examination Questions To Watch Ourselves
Tim Keller and David Powlison
Think hard. Answer each question honestly after taking time to ponder. Set aside
a day or several evenings to reflect on your life and ministry. Wherever possible give
concrete examples of fruitfulness or failure, of growth or struggle.
Pray. Pray for wisdom to know God and yourself better. Pray for wisdom to serve
God more effectively. Pray to know yourself before the eyes of the God who is both light
and love.
Seek counsel from others. Many of the questions are difficult to answer about
yourself. This self-evaluation questionnaire will be most useful when you combine it with
feedback from others. Ask other leaders, friends, spouse, co-workers on a ministry team,
and so forth.
➢ Are you honest enough? Do you demonstrate a willingness to admit your limits,
mistakes, sins and weaknesses?
➢ Are you defensive, guarded, hypersensitive?
➢ Do you model that the Christian life is an open life?
➢ Do you demonstrate that the Christian life is a work in progress rather than a completed
➢ Do you deal forthrightly with the common temptations you face: anger, anxiety,
escapism, love of pleasure, self-love, materialism, perfectionism, and the like?
➢ Are you too open? Do you wear your heart on your sleeve, indulging and wallowing
in your limits, mistakes, sins and weaknesses?
➢ Are you morbidly or ‘exhibitionistically’ confessional? Or have you learned to speak
of your weaknesses in ways that (1) point to your confidence in Christ, (2) genuinely
seek help from people who can help, and (3) edify others?
➢ Are you flexible enough? Do you adapt faithfully, flexibly and creatively to the
unexpected? Do you value and encourage the ideas and gifts of others?
➢ Do you insist on your own way, whether forcefully or through subtle manipulation?
➢ Do you exemplify confidence in the sovereign control of God down to the details of
➢ Are you caught up in the various aggressions and fears produced by a drive to ensure
your own control? Are you willing to try things experimentally and then re-evaluate and
make changes? Are you evidently a learner?
➢ Are you too flexible? Do you bend too much?
➢ Do you blow in the wind of others’ opinions and get overwhelmed by people’s demands
and agendas? Do you compromise, under-assert, seek to please, fail to push things that
need to be pushed? Do you let people or circumstances control you rather than the Lord?

BLESSING / March 2019 8

To the attention of BYM Partners and Vacancies in Sitheri School!
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BLESSING / March 2019 9

Girls be wise!
(Message given by Mrs. Lalitha Benedict in the recently held
Aroma in Sitheri Hills, Tamil Nadu)
None can forget the exciting moments We see in this verse that the wise
of building sand castles on the beach. But woman pours forth wisdom. In the Old
we have seen them demolished by the Testament (1 Sam 25), we read about a
rushing waves of the sea or under the feet mean man named Nabal. We also read about
of men. Haven’t we? It takes only a few his beautiful and intelligent wife, Abigail.
minutes to build sand-castles whereas it David was fleeing from his father-in-law
takes much more wisdom and planning to Saul, and was living in the wilderness
build concrete buildings. of Carmel with his men. While Nabal’s
shepherds were tending their sheep, David
Notice what the Bible says,
and his men protected Nabal’s flock. When
“By wisdom a house is built, and it was time for sheep-shearing, David sent
by understanding it is established; by his young men to Nabal, asking for his
knowledge the rooms are filled with all favour. But foolish Nabal replied harshly
precious and pleasant riches.” (Pro 24:3,4). and sent away David’s servants empty
We are living in a time when families handed.
are being shattered because of foolishness. Hearing about the ill-treatment of his
Today, God is calling you to build a servants by Nabal, David became furious
Christian home with His wisdom. Only the and prepared to attack Nabal. On hearing
wise woman can build her house. this turn of events, the wise Abigail acted
Proverbs 14:1 - “The wisest of women swiftly. She took food for David’s men and
builds her house, but folly with her own met him on the way.
hands tears it down.” Note what she says to David,
Similarly, we also read about the wise 1 Samuel 25:24 - “On me alone, my
and the foolish man in Matthew 7:24-27. lord, be the guilt. Please let your servant
The wise man built his house on the rock speak in your ears, and hear the words of
whereas the foolish man built on sand. your servant.”
When the rains fell and floods came, the
By her wise and swift action she
house built on the sand collapsed. prevented a bloodshed that day.
Hence, God calls us to build our Notice the words she uses - ‘My lord’,
houses on rock with wisdom. I want to ‘Please’.
write on how we can build our house with
wisdom. Our words need to be seasoned right
from our young age. We should know to use
1. Be Wise In Speech words such as, ‘Thanks’, ‘Please’, ‘Sorry’
Pro 31:26 - “She opens her mouth and the like, frequently. Our language
with wisdom, and the teaching of kindness should be full of graceful words. We should
is on her tongue.” learn to speak with respect and dignity.
BLESSING / March 2019 10
We find young people giving more would be the chosen one. We find Rebekah
importance to external beauty. People might joyfully giving water to him and the camels.
be impressed by external things for a while By this Abraham’s servant understood that
but soon our inner self will speak out. Outer she was the girl chosen by God.
beauty fades away but inner beauty never Is it so easy to draw water for the
fades. camels? Rebekah was not lazy but was
1 Peter 3:3,4 - “Do not let your hard-working. Proverbs 31 is a must-read
adorning be external—the braiding of hair for all girls. The virtuous woman was hard
and the putting on of gold jewellery, or the working and industrious.
clothing you wear but let your adorning “She seeks wool and flax, and works with
be the hidden person of the heart with willing hands. She is like the ships of the
the imperishable beauty of a gentle and merchant; she brings her food from afar. She
quiet spirit, which in God’s sight is very rises while it is yet night and provides food
precious.” for her household and portions for her
Solomon has harsh words for women maidens. She considers a field and buys
who have external beauty but lack discretion. it; with the fruit of her hands she plants a
vineyard. She dresses herself with strength
Proverbs 11:22 - “Like a gold ring in
and makes her arms strong.”
a pig’s snout is a beautiful woman without
discretion.” My dear child of God, cultivate the
habit of rising up early in the morning.
2. Be Wise In Redeeming The Time
Learn the things which are necessary for
The days of our youth are the glorious everyday living like cooking, stitching and
time of our life. If we would make most use the like. Girls ought to learn to keep the
of time during these years, we would be household neat and clean. Cleanliness is
harvesting rich dividends in the years to next to godliness. We need to learn to be
come. In Colossians 4:5, Paul warns us to hospitable to the guests who come to our
“Walk in wisdom toward outsiders, making home. We should learn the basics of finances
the best use of the time.” so that we can cut down on unnecessary
The Bible teaches us to go to the ant expenses. We can also learn a new language
and learn to be wise. like Hindi.

Prov 6:6 - “Go to the ant, O sluggard; The Bible teaches in Ecclesiastes
consider her ways, and be wise.” 9:10, “Whatever your hand finds to do, do
it with your might, for there is no work or
Many of us need a lesson from the thought or knowledge or wisdom in Sheol,
ants. If you haven’t yet, I encourage you to which you are going.”
to do so.
Now, shout aloud and confess, “I can
In Genesis 24th chapter, we read about do all things through him who strengthens
the industrious Rebekah. When Abraham’s me “ (Phil 4:13).
servant came to seek a girl for Isaac, he had
asked of the Lord that whoever would give
3. Be Wise To Be Virtuous
water not only to himself but also the camels In 2 Samuel 13th chapter, we read
BLESSING / March 2019 11
about the tragic story of Tamar. She was were bought at a price. Therefore, honour
so beautiful that Amnon, her half-brother God with your body.”
was obsessed with her beauty. In order to God’s temple is holy and it should be
spoil her, Amnon acted craftily. He invited filled with praise, prayers and glory of God.
her to come to his chamber all alone. And
when she came, he forced himself on her. Be careful how you dress. Never wear
It was too late for Tamar. Her screams went anything that would provoke men. Precious
unheard. Poor girl! She went alone into things like gold, diamond, silver and pearls
his room not knowing the vile schemes of are all hidden deep underneath the earth.
Amnon. Since he was stronger than her, he Similarly, you must also be hidden in Christ.
raped her. You should learn to treasure your body.
Note the verses that follow this event: I Thess 4:3-5 “For this is the will of
God, your sanctification: that you abstain
(v 15) - “Then Amnon hated her with
from sexual immorality; that each one of
very great hatred, so that the hatred with
you know how to control his own body in
which he hated her was greater than the love
holiness and honour, not in the passion of
with which he had loved her. And Amnon
lust like the Gentiles who do not know God.”
said to her, “Get up! Go!”
Will you commit today?, “My spirit,
(vv 18,19) – “Now she was wearing
soul and body, my whole being belongs to
a long robe with sleeves, for thus were the
God and to God alone.”
virgin daughters of the king dressed. So his
servant put her out and bolted the door after 4. Be Wise In Choosing The Right Kind
her. And Tamar put ashes on her head and Of Friends
tore the long robe that she wore. And she I Cor 15:33,34 - “Do not be deceived:
laid her hand on her head and went away, “Bad company ruins good morals.”
crying aloud as she went.”
In Genesis 34, we read that Jacob
My dear child, we live in terrible travelled from Paddan-aram and settled
times. You need to be very cautious. It may in Shechem with his family. His daughter
be your very close relative, your uncle, Dinah went out to visit the women of the
cousin or any close family friend. Be bold land. Her mother would have stopped her
and wise enough to say “No, never.” Don’t saying, “My dear, this is a new place. We
go alone with any man. Do not think, “Oh, don’t know what kind of people live here.
that brother is very spiritual.” Beware of Stay home. Your brothers and father are
such spiritual brothers and uncles. If you not there.” Dinah would have answered
happen to stay in hostels, be wise to escape “Oh, mummy are you still in the stone age?
from the lustful traps of the perverted girls. World is becoming so modernized. Let me
1 Cor 6:19,20 - “Do you not know go out and check for myself. ” As she went
that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit repugnantly, it so happened that the eyes of
within you, whom you have from God? You Shechem, the son of the ruler of that land
are not your own, for you were bought with fell on her. His heart was drawn to Dinah
a price. So glorify God in your body. You and he spoke tenderly to her. Believing his
BLESSING / March 2019 12
enticing words, she lost her virginity and Our Bridegroom, Christ shall return
was defiled. very soon, hence be vigilant to safeguard
your anointing. James 4:4 says, “Do you
Her brothers came to know about this
not know that friendship with the world is
and slaughtered the whole city of Shechem.
enmity with God? Therefore whoever wishes
Dear child, to live a witnessing life in to be a friend of the world makes himself an
a particular place takes long years. But, one enemy of God. ”
foolish act will spoil the toils of many years.
Shout aloud and commit, “No more
Never give room for any kind of friendship friendship with the world, Jesus. I am Your
that would spoil the name and reputation of friend, and Your’s alone.”
your parents.
5. Be Wise In Facing The Victories &
Prov 27:12 – “The prudent see danger Defeats Equally
and take refuge, but the simple keep going
and suffer for it.” A coin has two sides. Likewise
victories and defeats are part and parcel of
If you feel that a particular friendship our life. Just as the night follows the day,
is leading you to an unholy lifestyle, so does defeat, victory.
you have to be wise enough to cut that
friendship. Yes, my dear, bad friendship Ecclesiastes 7:13,14 - “Consider
corrupts good character. Be very careful. the work of God: who can make straight
what he has made crooked? In the day
Are you in contact with unknown of prosperity be joyful, and in the day of
people through Facebook, WhatsApp adversity consider: God has made the one
Instagram or other such social media? Your as well as the other, so that man may not
future is in grave danger. Never reveal your find out anything that will be after him. ”
personal identity. Detach yourself from all
If we are victorious, it is by the Lord.
such entanglements this very day. Cultivate
If we fail, then we need to learn and correct
fellowship with girls who love the Lord. ourselves. That is the path towards greater
In Matthew 25:1-13, we read about victory. That’s why, David proclaims his
the wise and foolish virgins. Even in your dependence on God in Psalms 18:29 as,
church or fellowship, there may be girls “For by you I can run against a troop, and
who are foolish. Like a cat on the wall, we by my God I can leap over a wall. ”
might not know when they would follow And again in verses 34 and 35, he
the world and when they would follow the says, “He trains my hands for war, so that
Lord. Do not be led astray by them. Are we my arms can bend a bow of bronze. You
going to lose His Holy Spirit, His grace and have given me the shield of your salvation,
His holiness? and your right hand supported me, and your
The Scripture warns us in Matthew gentleness made me great. ”
10:16, “Be wise as serpents and innocent as Hence my beloved, as you take these
doves.” Just as the wise virgins were bold counsels, may God help you to become a
enough to say “No” to the foolish virgins, let virtuous and wise woman who builds her
us say no to the flesh, world and the devil. home
BLESSING / March 2019 13
andhra pradesh of new believers who were recently added
Praise into His Kingdom.
➢ Dongakhamoriya, an elder in our
➢ More than 500 New Testaments and
congregation is suffering from paralytic
Gospel Tracts were distributed to tourists
who spoke in English, Hindi, Bengali and
➢ Pray for our Missionary Yishudas
whose right hand elbow is dislocated. Pray
➢ 55 children were benefited by the
for speedy recovery.
Sunday School.
➢ Dinesh Thirthan, a 5 year old boy is
➢ 22 youth were blessed by God’s Word.
experiencing stunted growth. The parents
➢ Missionary Sudhakar shared the Word
of God at Light of Living God Church. He were saved through the tract distribution
also shared the message at Kurnool. ministry of our missionaries. Pray for a
➢ More than 180 participated in a one miracle.
day Youth Retreat arranged at CSI Jacob gujarat
Chamberlain Memorial Church. Mr. Praise
Christopher Raju and missionary Suresh ➢ 100 gospel tracts were distributed, 15
Babu shared the Word. new contacts were established and mission
➢ Missionaries Premalatha Chezhian & work started in 3 new villages.
Bharathi Saroj shared God’s Word in the ➢ Deliverance from demon possession-
Women’s Retreat held at Prayer Power Lalita, Biki, Kajal, Arvind and Rasila.
Centre. 100 women were blessed. Mr. ➢ Our youth leader Sharon got married
Chezhian shared God’s Word in the night with Ashish. The new family is helpful in
meeting. assisting youth ministry.
chhattisgarh Pray
➢ For Salvation - Rupa, Kajal, Vipul,
➢ ESAP Prayer was organized in Tarbahar. Deepak, Ramesh, Janak, Vigna, Jagu and
➢ Praise God for our well wisher Mr. Arvind.
Victor Anthony who recently met with a ➢ For deliverance from demon possession:
road accident and was admitted in serious Rasila, Sandeep, Deepak, Dharam, Mukesh
condition. After prayers, he is better now. and Shilpa.
➢ One Magazine Life Membership was ➢ For blessing of the womb - Chaku,Vigina
raised. and Heena.
Pray ➢ For suitable life partner - Rekha,
➢ For the spiritual growth and protection Jayanthi, Arpit, Ashish and Shelly.
BLESSING / March 2019 14
karnataka ➢ 2 people were healed from scorpion
Praise bite and Mohini is able to walk.
➢ 6 boys of other faith were blessed by
➢ 35 gathered for a one day Youth Meet. Friends Tea Time programme.
Mr.Sydney Gandi was the resource person.
➢ Ganapathy was delivered from alcohol
addiction. ➢ For blessing of the womb: Sunitha,
Sweety, Shalu, Sumitra, Elina, Neetal
➢ Jitendra & Mahendra were delivered
Ali, Paridhi, Neelish, Priyanka, Rethu,
from evil spirit.
Kamakshi, Akhansha and Sweta.
➢ Govindappa’s son was healed from
➢ Balram, Nandkumar, Akhansha, Arpit
stomach tumour. Morvin, Balchand, Ankit and Gajbhiye to
➢ 3 people consecrated their lives to God. get a good job.
➢ 22 new believers have started to attend ➢ Manmohan to be delivered from alcohol
Church. addiction.
➢ 6 new villages were visited. ➢ Ramabai & Shivani to be delivered
Pray from evil spirit.
➢ Healing: Susila (Typhoid); Vinoth ➢ Missionary Betibai lost her mother.
(Kidney stones); Suvarna, Gangu & Pray for the bereaved family members.
Bageerathi (Arthritis); Nissi (3 month ➢ For Salvation: Prakash, Munna family;
Shiv Prasad family, Ganesh, Parvathi,
old baby suffering from convulsions);
Jamuna Babu, Janakirani, Kiran family,
Basavaraj (Shoulder pain); Missionary R
Prahalath family, Sorab family, Sandeep
S Pawar’s sister Somakka (Cancer) and
family, Ghoduram family, Ramprasath,
Narayan (Unable to see). Sunil Kumar, Abinav.
➢ For the new contacts that they might ➢ For Healing: Mahima (Head injury);
be saved - Krishna, Subba, Thaddaraya, Daniel and Ajay William (Kidney failure);
Lurtha, Ganga, Lalitha, Jujubai, Ravi, Minakshi David (Weak bones); Vimala
Vidhyanand, Thurgappa, Sanjal, Yellappa, & Mariyam (Bedridden due to old age);
Narayan, Hanumanthappa, Manju, and Susila (Uterus cancer); Rashmi(Gall
Renuka. bladder stone); Juhi (Hip bone fracture);
➢ Caleb to be delivered from evil spirit. Hariram (Leg fracture); Narender (Critical
➢ For the 7 families which were ex- head injury); Vijay & Aarthi (Deaf &
communicated from the village for their dumb) and Kalu (Paralysis).
faith in Christ. ➢ Kala, a problem creator to come to the
➢ For suitable life partner: Shivrudrappa, Lord.
Pushpa, Deepa, Akshata, Babu, Nagaraj, ➢ For suitable life partner: Raja,
Maruti, Manjula and Sachin Sarikar. Raju, Umesh, Banti, Prathap, Sandeep,
Deepchand, Ashvin, Mayur Jha, Samuel,
madhya pradesh
Abhishit, Aline Rose, Sonu, Ankita,
Praise Ashish, Bhijoi, Sanjana, Nirmesh,
➢ Deendhayal was delivered from evil Rackshit, Mahima, Victoriya and Ashish.
spirit. ➢ Safe delivery for Sharon Srikanth.
BLESSING / March 2019 15
➢ Missionary family Teresa & Selwyn Pray
are shifting from Vasai (Maharashtra) to ➢ Anita and Chanchal are new believers.
Sagar (Madhya Pradesh). Pray for God’s They are committed to marry believing
guidance. boys. For this reason, they face strong
maharashtra opposition from their families. Uphold
Praise them in your prayers.
➢ Manasvi is in deep depression. Need a
➢ Blessing Church Anniversary function
was held in Jath in which missionary
➢ Safe delivery for Swarnima.
Ramanathan shared the Word of God.
➢ The English classes conducted in our
➢ A 3-day retreat for Maharashtra
staff was organized in Gargoti. Senior Hope Infinity Shelter(HIS) to be a blessing
missionary Mr. Y. Paul Dinakaran shared to young people so that they might know
the Word of God and encouraged the staff. the love of God. The classes for the third
batch have commenced since January.
Pray ➢ Sundari to be healed from Asthma.
➢ New contacts to know the Lord – ➢ Avinash and Surrendra to get good jobs.
Dr. Biswas, Kadam, Mane, Budhale, tamil nadu
Bandalkar, Moore, Khot and Shilde.
➢ For healing – Ravso, Sonali and Praise
Mahananda(Cancer);Ankit(Epilepsy); ➢ Kumaresan had a paralytic attack but
Smita & Malar (Severe headache) & after prayer he was healed.
Deepak (Hernia). ➢ The renovated building for the Girls
punjab Hostel at Sitheri School was dedicated
for the glory of God on January 12th.
Praise Believers, school children and partners
➢ One new village was visited. graced the occasion.
➢ Amerjeeth was delivered from evil ➢ Vengatachalam was healed from eye
spirit. problem.
➢ Harprit got a suitable life partner. ➢ Palanivel escaped with minor injuries
Pray when he met with a bike accident.
➢ For Salvation: Satnam, Amerjeeth and Pray
Mrs. Harprit’s parents. ➢ Our believer John to regain his sight.
➢ Murti and Tingu to be delivered ➢ Murugan, Sigaram and Venkatesan to
from evil spirits and Raj from alcoholic be delivered from alcoholic addiction.
addiction. ➢ Arul Kumar to be healed from nerve
➢ Missionary Rebecca James’ bones are
Praise very weak. She is undergoing treatment for
➢ 20 were added to His Kingdom. cancer. Pray that God would strengthen her
➢ 70 people saw ‘Jesus’ film in 3 villages. and heal her.
Pray for the seeds sown to bear fruit. ➢ Seekers – Gomathy, Nataraj, Priya
➢ Kavitha was healed from Pneumonia. Amalraj and Palaniyammal.
BLESSING / March 2019 16
telangana ➢ Missionary Guru Prasath is suffering
Praise from Pancreatic problem. Pray for healing.
➢ Rajiv to be saved.
➢ Two new missionary sponsors were ➢ Healing – Sheela (Heart problem);
raised. Pramila (Skin problem); Jane and Joseph
➢ Missionaries conducted Examination (Weakness).
Tonic; 70 students participated and Bro. ➢ Saravan is facing hostile situation in his
Sanjay Kiran shared the Word of God and home for his faith. Pray for boldness and
Bro. Sampath Kumar gave the examination strength.
➢ Warangal team visited Cancer patients west bengal
and shared the Gospel & prayed for them; Praise
65 of them heard the Gospel; 9 New ➢ Missionaries Pintu Bagh & Ushangini
Testaments & fruits were distributed. were blessed with a girl baby.
Pray ➢ Sithal was healed from bleeding nose.
➢ 10 children are regularly attending the
➢ Healing: Sionu Kumari (Pain in the
newly started Sunday school.
right side of her body) and Akash (Leg
pain). Pray
➢ For suitable life partner: Sharon, ➢ For healing: Pravin & Emil (Leg pain);
Sweety and Amala. Laxmi (Stomach tumour); Nikita (TB) and
➢ For Salvation: Prabhudas, Anil, Francis, Josbina (Unable to walk).
Ashok, Sthuthi, Sunny and Sony. ➢ Rajesh, Joseph, Praveen & Asith to be
uttar pradesh delivered from alcohol addiction.
➢ For suitable life partner: Arabind, Dilip
and Basanti.
➢ 25 people heard the Gospel in a ‘Bhajan ➢ For Backsliders - Plestia family &
Mandali’ programme in another village. Nandhini.
➢ Maya was delivered from evil spirit. ➢ For Salvation: Neela family, Sushoma,
➢ 6 accepted the Lord as their personal Sulpa, Sunita and Rohit.
Saviour. general
➢ 120 students participated in an ‘Exam ➢ Amelia daughter of our retired
Goers Meet’ held at Lucknow and Jhansi. missionaries Christmas David and
Pray Vasantha joined hands with David on 11th
➢ Aman, David, Ashish and Jolly to have January.
a suitable life partner. ➢ Tephillah Shulamite, the younger
➢ For the recovery of Henry who met daughter of our missionaries Anantharaj
with a road accident. and Jancy, joined in wedlock with
➢ Ganesh needs a miracle as he is suffering Immanuel on December 27th.
from headache for the past 20 years. ➢ Our retired missionary Y. Paul
➢ Raja, Kusum, Bandhana and Rajpal to Dhinakaran’s mother, Mrs. Lucy
be delivered from evil spirit. Yesupatham (92 years) went to be with
➢ Bansilal and Danishram to be delivered the Lord on 5th February. Pray for the
from drunkenness. consolation of the bereaved.
BLESSING / March 2019 17
Blossoms in Tamil Nadu, Odisha and Andra
The day was January 13 when the flowers aged between 16 to 25 from all over Tamil
Nadu gathered in the Sitheri Hills of Tamil Nadu. The registered students numbered 1301
apart from scores of volunteers and other leaders. Some participated with much interest,
while some others had come out of their parents’ initiation. For all the first-timers, the first
day was a bit shocking and exciting. The place, the forest, the auditorium, the crowd, all
would have left them mystified.
But as the sessions started, the flowers started to receive the Heavenly dew. 75%
of them committed their lives to God following the message of salvation on the first day.
There was a session on victorious Christian living and the Question and Answer session
dealt with the practical problems that the flowers faced. During the following day, God
poured out His Holy Spirit and the participants were anointed by Him. 93 obeyed the Lord
in baptism.
The field trip was an unforgettable one. The participants traveled to the interiors
and had a foretaste of the Mission field. During evening, the life of Dr. Ida Scudder
became a living reality on the stage. Following the call for full time missionary work,
157 people committed their life to God. As the 3 day camp came to a close, 127 decided
to start a prayer cell in their locality. The resource persons were Mrs. Sophia Godfrey,
Mrs. Lalitha Benedict, Mrs. Baby Raja, Mrs. Shyla Immanuel, Mrs. Minville Sapphire,
Mrs. Emerald Isaiah, Mrs. Angel Oswald, Mrs. Mahiba Victor, missionaries Premalatha
Chezhian & Bercy Jason. Literature worth Rs. 1,50,000/- were sold during the camp. All
Glory to Him!

AROMA was held for the first time in our Dhanpur Campus from 2nd evening
to 5th noon January 2019. Although it was organized when the schools reopened, 182
participated from 4 districts. All the messages were timely and based on the theme, “Dare
to be Different.” Women missionaries of Odisha enacted a drama on Dr. Ida Scudder
which impacted everyone. The Question & Answer session was practical & fruitful. 75
were filled with the Holy Spirit. 39 committed to start youth prayer cells in their places.
8 committed for full time. The resource persons were Sis. Jemimah Alex, missionaries
Premalatha Chezhian & Bercy Jason. Thank God for His goodness!

AROMA was organised in Andhra during 14-16, January 2019. 210 girls, 20 staff
& volunteers, 8 resource people made the event, a colourful one. More than 50% girls
witnessed that this programme enhanced their spiritual life. 80 girls decided to have
systematic Bible reading, 40 decided to do Gospel work, 10 have committed for full time
ministry. The resource persons were Mrs.Tabitha, Mrs.Anita, Dr. Madhulata, Mrs. Beulah,
Mrs.Kala, Dr. Manonmani, missionaries Malli Ramana and Suganthini Saravannan. Praise
BLESSING / March 2019 18

sha& Andhr


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