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[DIVINE POWER YEAR FEBRUARY 2002 Volume 31 Issue 2 No. Hallowed in Halo! The promise of God for the year to BYM is that "God is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think" (Eph 3:20). Litile did we expect a fulfillment of this word right in the first major programme of the Mission for the year namely Halo 2002, the 3-day Camp for unmarried young men. Preparations had been made for just around 1750 delegates whereas the number swelled up to 2045! There were simply too many evangelistic and revival programmes during Pongal holidays, 12-15 January, in Tamiinadu, Abo January is a financially tight month for Christians, having spent so much during Christmastime. Purposely the local units of BYM ako played a low key in mobilizing delegates for the Camp. In spite of all these factors, ifthe Lord had brought so many youngsters in their prime age group, it humbles us to realize how much He and the parents trust us! For those who had come from the plains the climate up the Sitteri Hills of 3500 feet altitude was rather too cold. But the youth got so excited in the warmth of company that most of them had cold water bath as early as 5 inthe moming! At times it became difficult for the song leaders to control the free expressions of the delegates during worship times. Even after seating hundred delegates on the dais, not less than 200 had to be standing outside because the capacity of the auditorium was only 1750. The stay and other ground arrangements made by missionary Sundaramoorthy and his team were commendable, The Camp began with a light evening programme called Talent Night. There were skits, dances, ete, to make new-comers to such camps feel at home. Mr. Tango of Neyveli gave the indroductory talk. Mr. S. Devadoss of Nagercoil delivered the preparatory message before breakfast on the 13th, Brother Lionel spoke in the forenoon session on "Repentance and Forgiveness of Sins." With tears the delegates went on their knees for a time of self-examination and commitment, Brother Stanley's affemoon tak on "How to make Obedience Easy” both encouraged and challenged the youth, The evening session was a question-answer time, On the second day the Lord used Brother Lionel mightily to lead several hundreds into the Baptism with the Holy Spirit. Brother Stanley followed it up with his exhortations on Walking in the Spirit. An opportunity to be baptized in water was given to those who had difficulties in their places. 157 walked into the waters. The delegates were divided in the afternoon into four groups and sent forth to tribal vilages with our missionaries to get a feel of missionary work. They retumed thrilled! The Nagercoil team enacted the story of David Livingstone superbly well in the evening session. This was followed by a missionary call by Brother Stanley to which over 1000 delegates instantly responded, bringing tears in the eyes of the leaders who witnessed their heartery answered! About halfa dozen volunteers were on their knees in chain prayer round the clock. Dr. R. Jeyakumar of Neyyoor and Mr. David Christian Kumar of Aravaikurichi challenged the delegates respectively on campus evangelism and rural outreach and led them to form teams for these ministries. The delegates were dismissed at 12 noon on the 15th with the concluding talk of Brother Stanley on "Who is a True Christian?” The labour of hundreds of volunteers under the selfless leadership of our Tamilnadu Coordinator Mr. J. Shanthakumar can be rewarded duly only in Heaven, For the organizers it was quite an expensive and exhausting programme but it was worth it as so many young lives were hallowed! top. Students Page . . 8 Questions before Examination! Compiled by’Dr. Mrs. Lilian Stanley 1. The question of Fear "Don’t be afraid, for | am with you. Do not be dismayed for I am your God. I will strengthen you. I will help you. I will uphold you with My victorious right hand." (Isa 41:10) "Lam holding you by your right hand—l, the Lord your God. And I say to you, Do not be afraid. I am here to help you.” (isa 41:13) 2.Th ion of Anxic “Don't worry about anything: instead pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank Him ‘for all He has done. If you do this, you will experience God's peace, which is far more wonderful than the human mind can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.” (Phil 4:6,7) "Give all your worries and cares to God, for He cares about what happens to you." (1 Pet 5:7) 3.1} ic fi “For Ican do everything with te help of Christ who gives me the strength I need." (Phil 4:13) "In quietness and confidence is your strength.” (Isa 30:15) "Let the weak say: 1am strong.” (Joel 3:10) “When Lam weak, then Lam strong.” (2 Cor 12:10) 5. The question of Faith “Anything is possible if a person believes... I do believe, but help me not to doubt." (Mk 9:23,24) "I assure you that you can say to this mountain, Be lifted up and thrown into the sea, and your command will be obeyed. All that's required is that you really believe and do not doubt in your heart. Listen to Me! You can pray for anything, and if you believe, you will have it." (Mk 11:23,24) 6. The question of Past Failure "In a moment of anger I turned My face away for a little while. But with everlasting love I will have compassion on you, says the Lord your Redeemer." (Isa 54:8) “Twill give you back what you lost to the stripping locusts, the cutting locusts, the swarming locusts and the hopping locusts.” (Joel 2:25) 7. The question of Health "He gives power to those who are tired and worn out; He offers strength to the weak." (Isa 40:29) "My gracious favour is all you need. My power works best in your weakness." (2 Cor 12:9) 8. The question of Wisdom "If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without resentment, and it will be given to him.” (Js 1:5) "God gives wisdom, knowledge, and joy to those who please Him." (Eccl 2:26) 9. The question of Examiners "The king's heart is like a stream of water directed by the Lord; He turns it wherever He pleas (Prov 21:1) "God was with Joseph and delivered him from his anguish. And God gave him favour before Pharoah, king of Egypt” (Acts 7:9,10) 10, The question of Victory "Yours, O Lord, is the... Victory." (Chr 29:11) "How we thank God, who gives us victory... through our Lord Jesus Christ!" (1 Cor 15:57) top. Exploits for God! Anastounding statement Daniel heard in one of his visions was, "The people who know their God shall be strong, and carry out great exploits” (Dan 11:32), This statement was immortalized in the life and ministry of William Carey (1761-1834), Other than perhaps during the early first century, the word "power" was never used more frequently in Christendom than now. But the Church of today has hardly left any power impact on the society and the systems around it. We often use the slogan of William Carey— "Expect great things from God, and attempt great things for God"—but with litte understanding of what that man meant when he said it. Read this article with the prayer that the eyes of your understanding may be enlightened to know what is the exceeding greatness of God’s power towards us who believe! (Eph I:18,19), Imagine a quizmaster at the finals of the All India Universities’ Competition, He asks the best-informed Indian students, "Who was Wiliam Carey All hands go up simultaneously. So, he decides to give everyone a chance to answer. The audience is asked to judge which answers are correct. "William Carey was the botanist," answers a Science student, "who discovered a new species of Saktree in Bhutan, named Careya afier him by Dr. Roxburg. Dr. Carey was the frst to specialize in the Indian flowers of the Amaryllidaceae family, one of which is named after him. "Carey brought the English daisy to India and introduced the Linnacan system of gardening. He also published the first books on Science and Natural History in India such as the three-volume Flora Indica; because he believed the Biblical view, "All Your works praise You, O Lord." Carey believed that nature is declared "good" by its Creator, itis not maya (illusion) to be shunned, but a subject worthy of human study. He frequently lectured on science and tried to inject a basie scientific presupposition into the Indian mind that even Jowly insects are not ‘souls in bondage,’ but creatures worthy of our study." "William Carey was the first Englishman to introduce the steam-engine to India at the Serampore Mission Press, and the first to make indigenous paper for the publishing industry," pipes up the student of Mechanical Engineering. "Carey encouraged Indian blacksmiths to make indigenous copies of the steam-engine." "William Carey was the missionary," announces an Economics major, "who first introduced the concept of a Savings Bank to India, to fight the all-pervasive social evil of usury. Carey believed that God, being righteous, hated usury, and thought that lending at the rate of 36 to 72 percent interest made investment, industry, commerce and the economic development of India impossible." "The moral dimensions of Carey's economic efforts," the student continues, "have assumed special importance in India, since the trustworthiness of the Savings Banks has become questionable, due to the greed. and corruption of the bankers. The all-pervasive culture of bribery has, in many cases, pushed the interest rates up to as much as 100 percent, and made credit mavailable to honest entrepreneurs." "In order to attract European capital to India and to modemize Indian agriculture, economy and industry,

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