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Literary Criticism-Completion


1. What View of life does the story present? Which character best articulate this view point?

The story presents a view of life that is miserable and full of inevitable Disasters. The protagonist
best best articulates this view point because he was been into a rare situation in which he and his
daughter was caught into tragic experience with the people who became Zombie. But because of
the situation the protagonist's point of view to life which is work-work-work and me-first attitude
was changed into a positive and selfless one. Aand this happened because of that miserable and
Inevitable disaster which led to a fruitful sacrifice.

2. According to this work's view of life, what is mankind's relationship to God?

From the story's view of life the relationship of Mankind to man is Incomparable and is
inseparetable. It was portrayed in the story that at times a man is in danger or in a hard situation
his relationship and communication to God strengthens even if this was implicit in the story and
their is no direct verbal pronunciation but it can be seen through the protagonist and some of the
character's action.

3. What moral statement,if any, does this story make? Is it explicit or implicit ?

A passenger says " Fathers get all bad reputation and receive no praise, it's all the sacrifice, isn't
it?" Is one of the moral statement of the story it talks about the doings of most fathers who
neglects their family because of steering work and it is explicit to the story. It was portrayed by the
protagonist well. He was one's a father who have a bad reputation that cause him his separation to
his wife and his estrangement to his daughter but at the end he sacrifice his self to save his
daughter And that sacrifice made his daughter's survival.
4. What is the movie's attitude toward world? Toward fate? Toward God?

The movie's attitude toward world is positive because at the end the Bad attitudes and situations
turned into a fruitful sacrifice. While the movie's attitude toward fate is negative because the
protagonist and the passengers do not think of fate at all but they think of how to make their own
fate or to have their fate to be manipulated by them. Each of them wants to survive regardless of
what was their fate. The stories attitude toward God is positive though it was implicit to the story.

5. What is the movie's conception of good or evil?

The movie's conception of Good or Evil is Evil will be changed into Good when people are with
in a situation that makes them realized how evil was their doings before. The conception of Evil
Towards Good is sometimes tragic because one needs to sacrifice same as the through the
conception of Good To Evil, one becomes evil because of selfishness, Wants and Needs. From the
story the protagonist is one's an irresponsible father but became a responsible one because of the

6. What does the work say about the nature of good or evil?

The work portrays that the nature of good or evil depends on the wants and needs of people.
People commits evil because of their wants and needs but they also do Good because of thesame
wants and needs . The nature Of Good or Evil depends on a personn's point of view to life,
positive or Negative.

7. What does the work say about human nature?

The work says that human nature is innate, human nature exist as they were born. From the story it
was portrayed that human is naturally selfish because at the first part of the story the protagonist
together with all the passengers just think of their own survival. They were selfish, they attack one
and everyone who endangers their safety because they only thought of their own survival. But at
the end the protagonist and the others realized that they need to sacrifice for some to survive.

8. What enduring thruth is revealed in the theme of this work?

The work reveals the enduring thruth of the me-first atitude or the greedy and selfish atitude that is
replaced to selfless sacrifice. From the story the protagonist sacrifice his self for the safety of his
daughter, even though before he was an irresponsible worcaholic father but because of the tragic
situation he gives up his life just for his daughter to survive.His realization to the wrongness of his
view to life before gives him the courage to protect and sacrifice for his daughter.

9. How are the actions of the protagonist rewarded and the actions of the antagonist punished?

The actions of the protagonist was rewarded to his daughter's survival and a pregnant woman from
the tragedy. The protagonist sacrifice is rewarded to his daughter's Memory of hin as a father who
is now a selfless one. His reputarion as a workaholic and irresponsible father is now changed into
a father who sacrifie his life for his daughter.

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