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Calculus is concerned with comparing quantities which vary in a non-linear way. It is

used extensively in science and engineering since many of the things we are studying (like
velocity, acceleration, current in a circuit) do not behave in a simple, linear function. If
quantities are continually changing, we need calculus to solve. Calculus was developed
independently by the Englishman, Sir Isaac Newton, and by the German, Gottfried Leibniz.
They were both working on problems of motion towards the end of the 17th century. There
was a bitter dispute between the men over who developed calculus first.

Human beings know, research, and record for transferring knowledge from the Stone
Age. However, the knowledge that is within the scope and the starting point of calculus is the
knowledge of the measurement solution. The earliest discovered evidence is the Papyrus of the
ancient Egyptians. A record on the land of Babylon. However, it is not precisely know how the
people came to know these things. There is no evidence that there is a logical justification for
such knowledge. Some solutions cannot determine whether the result is an estimate or a real
value, such as in the Ames record (~ 1680 - 1620 BC, Egypt), indicating that the ancient
Egyptians knew that the volume of the base pyramid. The square is 1/3 the volume of the prism
with the same base and the same height. (Which nowadays finds that this knowledge is correct.
However, acquiring this knowledge It requires a mathematical system developed thousands of
years later to show the reason for the result.)

Ancient Greece It is the prosperous age of the use of logic in pursuit of knowledge.
There is a record of the knowledge of many Greek philosophers. However, that may be the
beginning of the calculus of this age: The Method of Exhaustion (who knows the integral of
the calculus we know today). Is

Antiphon the Sophist, ~ 480 - 411 BC, Greece). There is a process that gives us access
to the real value of an answer, starting with an arbitrary value, such as finding the area of ​a
circle. This method gives the process access to the actual value of the area of ​this circle. Start
by creating polygons attached to the circle. By observation. If the number of polygons. The
difference in the area of ​the two images is gone. However, there are practical arguments that
we can create polygons with many polygons. (The present metaphor is that. We can not find
the real value of πrithm with the existing computer.)

The ancient Greeks were clinging to the knowledge and logical reasoning that had to be
tightened. One contradiction to The Method of Exhaustion is that polygons are polygons. The
circle is a circle. The process of making multiple images changes to a circle. Is it reasonable?
Alternatively, in other words. Some people refuse to divide size, space, volume or time
indefinitely. Examples of this include, for example, the work of Zeno of Elea, ~ 490 - 430 BC,
Italy, who presented conflicting messages to common sense. We call it a paradox of Zeno's
paradoxes that hijack logic if we can size unlimited.

"Considering the movement of an object from point A to point B before reaching point
B, the object must move through the midpoint between the two points. The midpoint is that
M1. Before reaching point M1, the object must move through a point which is the midpoint
between point A and point M1. The second point is that M2 considers this to be the case. The
object is to travel through M3, M4, M5, ... as many as infinity. In other words, it is impossible
to move. A common sense of conflict. "
Xenophobia has led to the idea of ​what is called The size is not divisible again. Later,
Lucius (Leucippus, ~ 480 - 420 BC, Turkey) and Democritus (~ 460-37BC, Greece) extended
this concept to offer the concept of "infinitesimals."

The size will consist of A limited number of indivisible elements or atoms.

Aristotle, ~ 384 - 322 BC, Greece. The indivisible line, but not the size of the concept.
This was not sufficiently strong enough to be used in mathematical reasoning. In order to avoid
logical conflicts and to use the concept of subdivision size directly, Eudoxus of Cnidus (~
390-340 BC, Turkey) has improved the reasoning about the method of exhaustion. More
concise Based on geometric knowledge, it helps in determining the inequitable size again.
Considering the ratio of geometric measurements These later appear in the works of Euclid of
Alexandria (~ 365 - 275BC, Egypt).

Those who use the knowledge of this method to obtain a work that is conceptually close
to the concept of integration in the known calculus is Archimedes (~ 287 - 212BC). , Italy). A
notable example of the concept of real-time access to real values ​is the method of finding a
parabolic boundary with a straight line or a segment of a parabola. The Ebola (The quadrature
of the parabola) to get an idea of ​how that Archimedes was an excellent cook. Let's take a
sample from Wikipedia.

The procedure in this methodology starts with creating one triangle to be attached to the
parabola's segment. That is, one side of the triangle must be on the part of the enclosing line.
The other two sides of the triangle divide the area of ​the segment into two sub-segments. The
area of ​the two sub-segments, when combined with the area of ​the triangle, is equal to the area
of ​the initial segment. Create a triangle attached to both sub-segments, with the same
conditions as the first triangle attached to the first figure. That is, one side of the triangle is on
the straight line.

Calculus is the main branch of mathematics, which developed from algebraic geometry
and mathematical problems. Calculus has its origins in two main concepts: The first is the
differential calculus. Differential Calculus is the theory about the rate of change and related to
the derivative of mathematical functions. For example, to find the velocity, acceleration or
slope of a curve. On a given point, the theory of multiple derivatives inspired by physics
problems. The second concept is Integral Calculus is a theory that is inspired by the calculation
of space or volume of geometric shapes. This theory uses graphs of functions instead of
geometric shapes and use fundamental theory, or intrinsic, primarily for calculating the area
and volume — the two concepts that derive from different problems deeply connected to the
fundamental theorem of the calculus. Indeed, both theories are like the two sides of the same
coin. That is the same thing, but only in different angles. By and large, we can say that
derivatives and integrals are functions of each other to teach calculus for profound insight.
Two theories and relationships should be mentioned first. However, current studies
often refer to the differential calculus first because it is easier to use. Further study of calculus
at a later time. It has created many new mathematical sciences such as mathematical analysis
and measurement theory.

The derivative is the change in one variable when another variable change in tiny
quantities. Perhaps the derivative we will find at school is the speed formula = distance/time
for a moving object at constant speed. Your speed, which is a derivative that tells you a change
in position over time that calculus developed. To deal with more complex and natural
problems, your speed may change. Turning to further details about differential calculus,
differential calculus define the rate of change at any moment (derivative) between the value of
the function. The variable of the function is the definition of the derivative. The derivative of
the difference quotient. The derivative is the heart of the physical science. Newton's law of
motion = mass × acceleration is meaningful in calculus because acceleration is a derivative of
one. Maxwell's electromagnetic theory and Einstein's theory of gravity. General relativity is
discussed in the language of differential calculus, same with the basic theory of electrical
circuits. The derivative of the function refers to the graph of that function in a short period,
which allows us to find the maximum and minimum points of a function because, at those
points, the graph is parallel to the horizontal axis. The Faure Calculus also has other
applications, such as Newton's Method, which is a way to find the root of a function estimated
by the tangent line. Therefore, the differential calculus It can be applied to a variety of
questions. If you look at the surface may think calculus cannot be manipulated.

The integral calculus examines the integral (integral) function of a function, which may
be defined by the sum of the sums of the terms (which is called the Riemann sum limit), each
term is a rectangular area, each under the function graph. Make integration an effective way to
find areas under the graph, surface area and the volume of solids, such as the spherical and
cylindrical basis of the calculus. The rigorous basis of calculus is based on the concept of
functions and limits. It combines the techniques of basic algebra and mathematical induction.
An original study of modern calculus Known as realistic analysis contain with Strict definition
and proof of the theory of calculus. For instance, measurement theory and functional analysis
of fundamental theorems of basic calculus. The fundamental theorem of calculus. Derivative
and integral are the opposite ways, i.e., if we create an integral function of one function. The
derivative of the function we create. It is also possible to integrate the boundaries by setting the
value of the function. This fact appears to both Newton and Leibniz, which is the key to this.
Extensive analytical results after both of their work are known. This link So we can reverse all
the changes in the function in one session. The rate of change at any one moment. By the
integration of the back. This fundamental theorem also provides a way to calculate.
Confiscated zone With a lot of algebraic methods. Without limitation. By the way, this theorem
also allows us to solve the differential equation. This is a related equation: unknown function
And its derivatives. Differential equations are commonplace in science.

The development and use of calculus have expanded into almost every part of modern
life. It is the basis of almost all disciplines, especially physics. Nearly all modern
developments, such as construction techniques, aviation, and other technologies, are almost
entirely based on calculus. Calculus has extended to Differential equations Calculus vector
Calculus of change Complex Analysis Time calculus Calculus, kyun, and theological topology.

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