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Dhini as Dhini
Ahya as Ahya
Esti as Esti
Inayati as Inayati
Niswah as Niswah
Ocha as Lecturer
Nilam as Nilam
Handika as Handika
Time signal : ever, never, already, yet, still, and just

At the cost
Dhini : tok...tok...tok “Assalamualaikum wr.wb Hello any body home?”
Ahya : “Oh.. you are Dhin. Enter and sit down, please”
Dhini : “By the way, Are you sleepy?”
Ahya : “Yes, I am sleepy now. I have already done the duty 30 minutes ago”
Dhini : “I am too. I am very tried. But, my duty has been done by Toro?
Ahya : “Who is Toro?”
Dhini : “Toro is my boyfriend hehehe”

A few minutes later.......

Inayati and Esti come to the Ahya’s room
Inayati : “Oh.....take it, nevermind”
Esti : “Yak, I want ask it too”
Ahya : “Ok.....take it”
Esti : “Loh....Dhini is coming to Ahya’s room.”
Inayati : “Oh yes, there is Dhini. What are you doing, Dhin?”
Dhini : “Hehe, I am just want playing in Ahya’s room. Oh have you done the
duty Es?”
Esti : ”Yes, I have. I have just done the duty?”
Dhini : “And you Inayati?”
Inayati : “I am forget. What time is it?”
Esti : “09.00 a.m clock, In. We are entering to the campus at 10.50 a.m”
Inayati : “Ok. I am doing the duty now. Wait me please :( “
Esti, Dhini, Ahya : “Okay, we will wait you.”
1 hour later...............
Inayati : “Have done. Thank you”
Esti : “Lets prepare to the campus, guys.”
Dhini, Ahya, Esti : “Okay

A few minutes later, They go to the campus together.

Arrive at the campus and meet a classmate.
Inayati : “Hello, Niswah”
Niswah : “Hello guys” (Handshake to Inayati, Ahya, and Dhini)
Inayati : “Have you done the duty?”
Niswah : “Yes, I have Jjust done the duty hehehe”
Inayati : “Same with me, I have just done the duty too.”
Esti : “Nevermind guys, the important, we can do the duty.”
Ahya : “Guys, hurry up. I don’t want come late to the class.”

To the lift..............and enter to the class

Niswah : “How lucky we are, because we are not come late”
Ahya : “Yes, I am happy.”

Lecturer come to the class.

Ocha : “Assalamualaikum wr.wb.”
Collage Students : “Waalaikumsalam wr.wb”
Ocha : “Before we start to the lesson. Let’s start to pray. Prayer begins..........
Are you do the homework?”
Handika : “Oh my God, I am forget”
Ocha : “Where is your duty, Han?”
Handika : “I am sorry, Miss. I am forget to the duty.”
Ocha : (Angry) “And now, you must do the dutty outdoor of the class.”
Handika : “Okey Miss” (and out of the class)
Ocha : (to the Nillam) “Where is your duty?”
Nilam : “Actually, I have done the duty but book that I take is wrong :(“
Ocha : “Are you know? What are you doing, Nilam?”
Nilam : “Yes, I know Miss” (Out of the class)
Ocha : “After you do the duty, collect your duty and Handika’s duty in my table
to the lecturer rooms.”
Nilam : “Ok. Miss.”

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