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Dirt track racing is also known as stock car racing. There are many steps to stock car racing,

including having a car, knowing how to drive the car, having transportation for the car, and being

able to work on the car when things go wrong. It takes a lot of work and knowledge to be a stock

car driver. The first step to being a stock car driver is deciding what class or car you would like

to race. Second step is finding the car you want to race and purchasing it. Once you have the car

of your choice you have to get a lot of seat time and get a feel for the car. When getting a feel for

the car you should know how it drives. Knowing limits of your car is very important so you

know what you and your car can handle. Once you know how to drive the car you need to also

have transportation methods for your car. Whether you are buying a trailer renting one or even

just barrowing the trailer. Now you need to find out where you will race at, starting out on

smaller tracks where less people race is good. When first starting out its nicer to have less people

out there with you so there is less pressure on you. So after your first race you need to make sure

your car is still ok, having tool and a shop to work on your car is very important. Once you have

your car tuned to what you want and your racing every Saturday then it’s time to think about

sponsors. When building sponsors, you want the nicest car on the track. Keep it as clean as you

can and lots of time on the track. Sponsors are very nice to have because you will always need

help on and off the track.

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