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Pete Gorman

Physician Associate
 Overview of the acute abdomen presentation
and the pitfalls of diagnosis
 Overview of region related abdominal
 Revisiting the RED FLAGS
 A look at the potential medical causes
 3 interactive case studies
 Questions
 Term ‘ Acute abdomen‘ represents rapid onset of severe abdominal

 May indicate life-threatening intra-abdominal or on occasion extra

abdominal pathology

 Pain is usually but not always a feature

 Pain-free acute abdomen is more likely in the elderly, in children

and in the third trimester of pregnancy

 The numerous potential causes, numerous organs within the

peritoneal cavity and the potential for referred pain make definitive
diagnosis difficult

 Abdominal pain Ranks in the top three presenting complaints to

emergency departments, but only a few of those patients will have
an acute abdomen
Management should focus on careful assessment to reach a
differential diagnosis list

Close attention should be paid to history, symptoms and signs

Non surgical causes as well as surgical must be considered

Clinical scenario can change rapidly and conclusions previously

reached by you or your colleagues may need to be revised as events

Failure to be open-minded and review a previous diagnosis is often at

the heart of medico-legal claims relating to patients with an acute

This presentation will concentrate on diagnosing some important

medical causes in the acute setting.
 Confusion/impaired consciousness
 Signs of shock(hypotension/tachycardia)
 Systemically unwell/septic-looking
 Signs of dehydration
 Rigid abdomen
 Patient lying very still or writhing
 Absent or altered bowel sounds
 Associated testicular pathology
 Marked involuntary guarding/rebound tenderness
 Tenderness to percussion
 History of haematemesis/melaena or evidence of latter on PR
 Suspicion of a medical cause for abdominal pain
Inferior myocardial infarction
Lower Lobe pneumonia
Pulmonary Embolism –pleurisy
Sickle Cell crisis
Diabetic Ketoacidosis
opiate withdrawal,
HIV Associated Lymphadenopathy
Acute Intermittent Porphyria
 17 year old female
 Presented with a 2 day history of nausea, vomiting,
severe abdominal pain, thirst and increased frequency
and volume of urination
 Family had eaten take out Chinese food 3 days earlier
but no other member of the family had similar
 On Examination
 Temp 36.5, HR 96, BP, 85/62, RR 29, Sats 96% on air.
 Clinically dehydrated
 Cardiovascular and respiratory examination normal
 Abdomen was diffusely and severely tender.
 She had no documented significant medical history and
took no regular medication
 What does you diagnostic brain think of ?
 What condition(s) may this be?
 What tests would you order?
 The nurses are concerned that the patient is
breathing rapidly and report a sickly acetone smell
on the patients breath.
 The patient is very thin and family report that she
has never thrived compared to siblings
 Further thoughts ???
 Why could the patient be breathing so rapidly?
 What investigations might you do and why?
 Urine dip : positive for Ketones, glucose and nitrites
 BMG : 13 (formally confirmed with plasma glucose)
 U/Es:
 Urea 15
 Creatinine 150
 K+ 4
 Na+ 133
 WCC : 15 (why elevated?)
 CRP: 30
 ABG: (what does it show? why is C0₂ low ? )
 Pa0₂ 13
 C0₂ 4
 PH 7.25
 Bicarbonate 18
 Chloride 93
 Blood Ketones 5 (Ketones increased)
 ECG: (sinus tachycardia),
 Blood cultures sent (why?)
 Sputum samples sent (why?)
 Stool cultures sent (why?)
 Trop T initial 3 (why sent ?)
 We should work out the anion gap and
plasma osmolality why?
 Work it out for this patient?

 Formulae:
 Anion gap = (Na⁺ + K ⁺ ) – (HCO3⁻ + Cl ⁻)
 (133+4) - (18+93)
 Answer = ?
 26

 Anion gap is elevated at >13 mmol/L in DKA.

Plasma osmolality =

2 ([Na mmol/L] + [K mmol/L]) + [Urea mmol/L] + [glucose m mol/L].

= 2 (133+ 4) + 15 + 13
= 302

 Should be higher than 290 mOsm/Kg in cases of DKA.

 If it is higher than 320 mOsm/kg and there is not

significant ketonaemia/ketonuria, then HONK may be
the diagnosis.
What is the Diagnostic triad of DKA ?

1)Hyperglycaemia: plasma glucose>11

2)Ketones: blood ketones ≥ 3

or urinary ketones > 2+

3)Acidosis: Venous pH <7.3 or bicarbonate <15

What are the precipitants of DKA?
The four I’s

Infection (search for cause)


Insufficient Insulin

Iatrogenic –Corticosteroids, diuretics, surgery

 See local DKA pathway
 IV Insulin (fixed rate 0.1 unit/kg/hr),but don’t stop LA
insulin (levamir and glargine)
 IV fluids ( sodium chloride with potassium chloride if
 Monitor Potassium 2 hourly initially and adjust
potassium additive AP-Pathway
 Avoid Iatrogenic hypoglycaemia (when BM< 14 mmol/l
start 10% dextrose over 8hrs via separate line
 Escalate to ITU if: drowsy/aspiration risk, hemodynamic
compromise, young adult/risk of cerebral oedema, very
elderly, pregnant, or evidence of severe DKA.
 Severe DKA (blood ketones >6, Bicarb <5, pot <3.5 and
anion gap greater than 16). On admission!
 On basis of information about this case
should this patient be managed in ITU ?

 According to local pathway Yes as:

 Young adult greater risk of cerebral oedema

 Anion Gap >16

 55 year old male presented with sudden
onset severe unremitting pain in his
 Duration 60 minutes
 Associated with nausea and sweating
 Diabetes
 Obesity
 What are your thoughts so far?
 OBS :Temp 36,HR 115, BP 100/58, RR 20,
Sats 97% (air)
 General :Appeared pale and sweaty, JVP
 Abdominal examination : unremarkable,
could not elicit tenderness ,BS +
 Auscultation of the chest :Showed basal
 What is your differential diagnosis?
 What investigations would you order?
ST elevation in II, III and aVF.
Q-wave formation in III and aVF.
Reciprocal ST depression and T wave inversion
in aVL
ST elevation in lead II = lead III and absent
reciprocal change in lead I (isoelectric ST
segment) suggest a circumflex artery occlusion
 Initial Troponin was 150

 What is your diagnosis?

 Inferior STEMI

 What are you going to do now?

 STEMI transfer sheet PCI

 In meantime
 Give MONA if not given
 Beta Blocker and ACE (under specialist guidance)
 Cannula left hand
 Cardiac Monitor
 18 year old female presented to A/E with 5 day history of
severe abdominal pain.
 Located in epigastric and umbilical region
 Intermittent and severe in nature
 Associated with nausea and vomiting (not hematemesis)
 Denied dysurea, increased urinary frequency, chills ,fevers
or change in bowel habit.
 She was not sexually active and it was the first day of
 Periods tended to be irregular
 She had had previous admissions for severe abdominal
pain associated with menstruation and a mild
hyponatraemia was noted.
 No cause had been found.
 PMH depression, previous incidents of
pharmacological and physical DSH.
 Medication
Citalopram, tetracycline (for acne)
 Observations temp 37.5, HR 110, BP 138/77, RR 20,
Sats 97% air.
 Abdominal examination showed reduced bowel
sounds, tenderness on deep palpation in
periumbilical region.
 Pelvic exam revealed a normal cervix and no adnexal
 PR normal no blood
 Neurological Examination
 Showed hypo-reflexia
 What is your differential diagnosis?

 What further questions might you ask?

 What investigations would you undertake?

 FBC normal
 Serum electrolytes sodium 130
 Urea and creatinine normal
 LFT’s normal
 Urinalysis Showed a few erythrocytes and was
negative for nitrites
 US abdomen unremarkable
 CT abdomen Showed a mild ileus
 You are called by the nursing staff to observe
the urine in the patients Foley catheter which
had turned a deep red colour.

 Have you modified your diagnosis?

 Unexplained hyponatraemia,notable urinary
discolouration and recurrent abdominal pain
associated with menstruation.
 Suggestive of Acute Intermittent Porphyria
 A fresh urine sample protected from light was
sent to test for amino laevulininic acid and
porphobilogen. It was positive for both
Back to you!
 What are the other clues to diagnosis in this
 Mental health history
 Tachycardia,
 Hypo-reflexia
 What other potential precipitating factors are
notable in the patient history?
 Tetracycline, menstruation.
 One of a group of rare genetic disorder (1/100-1000)

 More common in females

 Caused by errors in pathway of haem biosynthesis

 Leads to toxic accumulation of porphyrin precursors (porphobilogen and amino

laevulininic acid).

 It is postulated that these precursors are neurotoxins

 Leads to neuro-visceral symptoms and crisis

 Autosomal dominant inheritance (qualify)

 Diagnosis by presence of porphyrin precursors in urine

Regency Crisis
 Hypertension (31%)
 Tachycardia caused by release of catecholamine's (80%)
 Shock
 Postural Hypotension/collapse
 Hyponatraemia (secondary to SIADH)
 Hypokalaemia
 Hypotonia/hyporeflexia
 Proteinurea
 Red coloured urine (light dependent polymerization reaction) (25%)
 Abdominal pain (80%)
 Constipation (50%)
 Nausea and vomiting (50%)
 Psychosis/agitation/ depression/mania/hallucinations
 Peripheral neuritis
 Paralysis
 Seizures (secondary to hyponatraemia)
 Pyrexia (16%)
 Sensory impairment
 Visual disturbance
 These are legion however here are a few:
 Menstruation
 stress
 Alcohol
 Crash Diet
 Anaesthetic agents(barbiturates, halothane)
 Antibiotics (tetracyclines,
sulfonamides,chloramphenicol )
 Analgesics (pentazocine)
 Oral hypoglycaemics
 Contraceptive pill
 Get senior and expert help
 Remove any precipitants if possible
 IV fluids to correct electrolyte imbalance
 High carbohydrate intake(NG if required) WHY?
 Prescribe with care see
 IV haematin is treatment of choice in most centres
now (How does this work?)
 Control nausea with prochlorperazine
 Pain control with asprin dihydrocodiene or morphine
 Seizures treated with Diazepam
 Tachycardia and Hypertension with propanolol
 Recomend Medi Alert bracelet
 Porphyrins are bi -products of intermediates in the heme biosynthetic pathway

 The precursors glycine and succinyl coenzyme A are converted to

aminolevulinic acid (ALA) in a reaction catalyzed by ALA synthetase

 This reaction is considered the rate-limiting step in heme biosynthesis and is subject to
feedback regulation by heme, the end product of the pathway.

 Two molecules of ALA combine to form porphobilinogen. Only protoporphyrin is used in

heme synthesis.

 The other porphyrins (eg, uroporphyrin, coproporphyrin) have no physiologic function

and must be excreted. Their fluorescent properties and reduced clearance account for
the diagnostic appearance of urine in some patients.

 AIP results from partial deficiency of PBG deaminase, leading to accumulation and
excess urinary excretion of toxic porphobilinogen and ALA.
 High doses of glucose (400 g/d) can inhibit heme synthesis and are
useful for treatment of mild attack by reducing the production of
toxic porphyrin precursers (ALA and porphobilogen).

 Intravenous heme therapy is also effective in managing acute


 Heme is taken up by hepatocytes, in which it causes negative

feedback for the activity and synthesis of ALA synthase the rate-
limiting enzyme. Less ALA synthetase= less toxic precursers.

 Early heme therapy for acute attacks is advocated and is associated

with improved outcomes as measured by length of hospitalization.
 Acute Intermittent Porphyria,Mubashir A. Shah, MD Roderick
Remoroza, MD .Khalid Aziz, MBBS, MRCP(UK), MRCP(Ire), FACG Hospital Physician February 2002
 Patient .co .uk . Acute Intermittent Porphyria
 Patient .co .uk . Diabetic Ketoacidosis
 Longmore,wilkinson ,Turmezei, Oxford handbook of clinical
medicine. 7th edn,oxford university press 2007
 Be gentle with me please !

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