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The Fall of Man (Genesis 3:1-19)

ǣlc, each, every; adjectival quantifier;
andwyrdan, to answer, weak verb class 1, andwyrde, andwyrd;
(be)bēodan, to command, strong verb class 2, bēad, budon, boden;
binnan, within, in, into, preposition;
cwēðan, to say, strong verb class 5, cwæð, cwǣdon, cwēden;
ēac also, adverb
eall, all, entire , adjectival quantifier
eorð, earth, weak feminine noun
etan, to eat, strong verb class 5, æt, ǣton, eten;
forbēodan, to forbid, strong verb class 2, forbēad, forbudon, forboden;
gēap, deceitful, cunning, adjective
hrepian, to touch, weak verb class 2, hrepode, hrepod;
hwȳ, why, interrogative adverb;
lǣs, less, lest, adverb;
nǣdre, serpent, snake, feminine weak noun;
neorxenawang, garden, masculine strong noun;
nīeten, animal, neuter strong noun
onmiddan, in the middle of, preposition;
ofer, over, (up)on, after, prep. (Dat/Acc)
ōÞer, other, indefinite pronoun/ adjective
Paradīsus, paradise, noun, Latin borrowing, Paradisum Dat, sg
swelc, such, the same, indefinite pronoun
sweltan, to perish, to die, strong verb class 3, swealt, swulton, swolten;
trēow, tree, neuter strong noun;
Þonne, then/ when, than, entirely, utterly, adverb
wæstm, fruit, masculine strong noun;
wīf, woman, wife, neuter strong noun;
wyrcan, to work, create, build, perform, weak verb class 1, worhte, worht
ǣgÞer, both, pronoun
ǣgÞer ge … ge, both, conjunction
cwēðan, to say, strong verb class 5, cwæð, cwǣdon, cwēden;
dēad, dead, adjective
ēage, eye, weak neuter noun;
eft again, afterwards, thereupon, adverb
etan, to eat, strong verb class 5, æt, ǣton, eten;
hwelc, which, what, whatever, interrogative pronoun
(ge)līce, like, alike, adverb
nāteshwon, not at all, adverb
nǣdre, serpent, snake, weak feminine noun;
openian, to open, weak verb class 2, openode, opened;
swa, so, such, in such a way, as, adverb
trēow, tree, neuter strong noun;
Þā, distal demonstrative pronoun, adjective
Þēah, though, nevertheless, adverb
Þonne, then/ when, than, entirely, utterly, adverb
wīf, woman, wife, neuter strong noun;
witan, to know, preterite-present verb, wāt, witon, wisse

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