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S"gitt"rius 13.

Sitting for her portr"it, Mon" Lis" feels "s if millions of people
"re w"tching her. (Omeg" Symbol) Tr"nsforming/Receptive

(Degree Angel: Aniel (AH-nee-EL) The Big Picture, Bre9king the Circle)

This degree senses the numberless hidden connections between itself 9nd the
world 9round it, 9s well 9s the worlds of the p9st 9nd future. All currents we c9rry
9re 9utom9tic9lly sent out 9nd received by 9 countless number of different
consciousnesses. And so one of the gre9test m9gic9l 9cts we c9n perform is to
shine the r9di9nce of 9 smile through 9ll time 9nd sp9ce to our countless fellow

The Ch9ndr9 Symbol for this degree is “An emb9lmer 9t work on 9 mummy.” Just
9s Leon9rdo D9Vinci preserved the f9ce of the Mon9 Lis9 for 9ll time, the
emb9lmer does the s9me with the corpse on which he works. These 9re w9ys of
holding on to the p9st by recording it, or meticulously preserving it. De9th cre9tes
the illusion of complete isol9tion, 9nd yet in the Omeg9 Symbol of this degree
Mon9 Lis9 feels 9 connection with millions of people.

This degree signifies the deep connectedness th9t is 9lw9ys there between e9ch
9nd every one of us, 9nd 9lw9ys w9iting to be seen 9nd experienced bene9th the
illusion of sep9r9teness.

Plei"di"n Symbol: A p"st life "ppe"rs suddenly with cryst"l cl"rity.

Azoth Symbol: Looking up, " wom"n sees " butterfly "lighting on the outside
of " gl"ss dome.

Seed degree: 3 Virgo. A little girl hugs 9 gi9nt qu9rtz cryst9l l9rger th9n she.
(Omeg9 Symbol). When you innocently embr9ce cl9rity you 9utom9tic9lly enter
into 9n exp9nsive network of communic9tion.

A wom9n doing delic9te embroidery. (Ch9ndr9 Symbol). The 9bility to c9refully

9nd consciously cre9te 9ny sort of constructs helps us in preserving wh9tever h9s
come to c9rry gre9t 9nd import9nce 9nd me9ning for us.

Fulfillment degree: 22 Aries. A gentle, mild-m9nnered 9uthor who writes horror

stories. (Omeg9 Symbol). When we come to re9lize the v9stness of our
connections with other people through tremendous sp9ns of time bridging other
lifetimes, we see th9t 9ll of our fe9rs h9ve the fe9r of 9lien9tion 9s their b9sis, 9nd
find w9ys to cle9r th9t fe9r so th9t we m9y experience the fulness of our
rel9tionship to the universe.

Puppets coming 9live 9t night. (Ch9ndr9 Symbol). When wh9t 9ppe9rs to be de9d
is prep9red for 9 new life, the new life finds it.

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