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a = wn 2 ra 2B A 4 4 5 a A Fa EA 4 2 = = 5 Name. Date - Session 1 Assessment A. Circle the choice that best completes each sentence. 1. God wants us to be (happy _ love). 2. God created (nothing everything). 3. People can show God’s (power _ love) by helping others. 4. God is the (Creator saint), 5. Francis of Assisi was a (shepherd _ saint). 6. A saint shows (love nothing) for God in a special way. 7. When we end a prayer, we pray (Amen Thanks). 8. Saint Francis made friends with (“brother wolf” “sister lamb”). 9. We can show love for God by (praying arguing). 10. We begin and end our prayer with the (Sign of the Cross Bible). 11. When we pray, we (study talk) with God. 12. We use prayer to tell God our (thanks _ test scores). 13. Saint Vincent de Paul (helped stopped) people in need. 14, Saint Francis loved (big all) things. 15. When God saw everything he had made, he said it was (fresh good). Grade 1+ Unit + Session 1 Assessment - page 1 of 2 11872019 ___tps:aw loyolapress.convath-ormation/inding-godrtinding god-201catechiss-and-teachersicatechsts-and-teachers-t-Siresources!.. Name, Date Session 1 Assessment B. Draw a picture that shows some good things God made. DUO as Rests) C. Write two ways you can show your love for God’s world. Grade 1 «Unit 1» Session 1 Assessment page 2 of 2 “eh a+ a 7 rey na 7) 4 oe z = a a uw Z) . = =z S Name. Date Session 2 Assessment A. Write the word from the word box that best completes each sentence. good liturgy care enjoy thank stories |. We are loved and cared for by xv . Mass is a special kind of 3. At Mass we hear about God. 4. God wants us to take __ of others. 5. God givesus__ things. 6. We together at Mass. 7. We celebrate God’s_ through prayer at Mass. 8. We use our voices to sing and our to express our love. We should - the things God has given us. 2 10, At Mass we praiseand Gold. ‘ Grade 1 « Unit1 «Session 2 Assessment - page 1 of 2

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