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Jonathan Treminio Obando

Topic: Effects of Divorce on Children.

General purpose: To inform.

Specific purpose: To inform my audience about the most relevant effects or

challenges that children suffer after the divorce of their

Central Idea: Divorce creates a new lifestyle in children, causing in

them specific short-and long-term effects that change both
their personality and their social interaction.


I. Let's imagine that we are children and that our parents are getting divorced.
A. At that moment we began to ask ourselves.
1. Where will I live? Will I be able to see both of my parents? Did I contribute
to the divorce? Who will take care of me?
II. In Cathy Meyer's words, "A divorce is a legal action between married people to
terminate their marriage relationship.”
III. According to Mr. Reiner Bloem, divorce rates have risen since 1970 for most of the
A. The USA and Belgium have the highest divorce rates.
IV. But the decision of the parents will affect the happiness and health of the children.
V. For children, family and parents are centers of their universe.
VI. A divorce is a life-changing event for children.
VII. I learned from an arduous search that divorce is a challenge for children because of
the new circumstances in which they are going to live.
VIII. Today, I would like to inform you about the short-term and long-term effects that
children experience after their parents' divorce.

(Transition: First, let's take a look on the short-term effects. In other words, the not so
dangerous circumstances.)

I. Children may experience short-term effects as a result of their parents ' divorce.
A. There are five types of short-term effects caused by divorce in infants.

2 April 2019
Jonathan Treminio Obando

1. Mr. Reiner Bloem establishes those effects in his book: "How to

successfully support your children after your divorce."
2. The children of a divorced couple tend to suffer anxiety, which makes them
not concentrating enough on certain activities they are doing.
3. Because of the conflicts they look at among their parents, the divorce results
in children who suffer from stress.
a. According to the American Academy of child and adolescent
psychiatry, divorce can lead to immense stress and pressure on the
young minds.
4. All children are usually happy; however, those who have suffered the
divorce of their parents, go through mood swings and irritability.
a. Bloem explains that these children will become quiet and prefer to be
b. Reinier Bloem points out that children will respond emotionally
according to the personality they have had before the news of the
i. If children are intelligent and responsible, they will adapt very
well to the divorce and the changes it brings.
ii. If children have a good sense of humor, they are likely to get
support from other adults around them.
iii. If children are spoiled or aggressive, they will cost them too much
to adapt to the new life change that entails the divorce of their
c. The unconditional love of their parents is something children believe in.
So that is why the breakup damages their self-confidence.
i. The population most vulnerable to this factor are children from 5
to 10 years.
5. Divorce causes a degree of sadness in children.
a. They do not experience only superficial sadness; on the contrary, this
feeling goes through the heart and mind of the kid.
b. For these children, nothing feels good in life.
c. In Rebekah Lipps' words, "Children's emotions are as real as yours. Just
because they might get sad over the colour of their cup, doesn't make
their feelings any less real."

2 April 2019
Jonathan Treminio Obando

6. Disillusion is the last short-term effect that children can experience by their
parents' divorce.
a. They would want to have the emotional support of their parents;
nevertheless, they do not have it.
b. Seeing other children with their whole families, they feel unsuccessful.

(Transition: Just as important as was to mention short-term effects, we must know that
in more severe cases the child can experience long-term effects.)

II. The long-term effects of divorce interfere in the social development of children
during their growth.
A. In the post-divorce stage, children who are directly affected by the breakup of
their parents can develop four long-term effects.
1. Reinier Bloem explains in detail on his website called "Children and
divorce," the most severe effects that pre-schoolers can face after a divorce
2. Parental divorce makes children present behavioral and social problems.
a. These children do not like to relate to anyone, in addition to antisocial
behavior they can become violent in some cases.
b. But I agree with Janet Lansbury's view, "In my world there are no bad
kids, just impressionable, conflicted young people wrestling with their
emotions and impulses."
c. Studies carried out in the United States of America have shown that the
disobedience and hyperactivity in children are results of witnessing
their parents’ discussions.
3. Divorce will cause in these children some trouble in their future
relationships, because of the thoughts that they carry on them from
a. They develop doubts about love and harmony in a relationship.
b. Such children as adults will start any relationship with a negative
c. Ms. Judith Wallestern concluded from her long search project that the
highest impact of divorce on children come 15 to 25 years after the
divorce with romantic relationships.

2 April 2019
Jonathan Treminio Obando

4. As a result of the divorce, many children from separated parents can get into
the world of substance abuse.
a. Because of their loneliness, they seek refuge in false friendships that
lead them to drugs and alcohol, with a dark end in their lives.
5. Divorce causes academic and learning problems.
a. Children whose parents are divorced, they generally have poorer
b. Aggressive children get in trouble with school authorities.
c. Some studies have shown that the academic problems in these
children are given according to their gender.
i. Boys are more aggressive and have problems getting along
with their peers and teachers.
ii. Girls are more likely to experience depression and they can
no concentrate or not put enough effort.

(Transition: Having talked about how divorce affects children. In conclusion, we can
say that pre-schoolers can experience different effects or changes in their lives.)


I. For children, divorce can be an especially sad, stressful, and confusing time.
II. Divorce results in children some short-term effects such as anxiety, stress,
irritability, mood swings and disillusion.
III. Unfortunately, the more severe cases give long-term effects such as social
problems, troubles in romantic relationships, academic difficulties, drugs and
IV. Children are not to blame for the discussion between their parents; instead, they
must be loved and have a happy childhood.
V. Let’s us live according to that quote from Rebekah Bradley which says: “never
put your child in a place to where they have to pick a which parent they love.”

2 April 2019
Jonathan Treminio Obando

Bloem, R. (2013). Children Negative Effects of Divorce. Children-and-divorce.
Retrieved from

Bloem, R. (2015). Effects of Divorce on Children. Children-and-divorce. Retrieved


Ellis, E. (2000). Impact of parental conflict on children's adjustment following divorce.

In, Divorce wars: Interventions with families in conflict (pp. 37-59). Washington,
DC. US: American Psychological Association

Pickhardt, C. (2011). The Impact of Divorce on Young Children and Adolescents.

Psychology today. Retrieved from

Garoo, R. (2017). 10 Negative Effects Of Divorce On Children And Ways To Mitigate

Them. Mom Junction. Retrieved from

2 April 2019

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