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Should PE be a required course?

Some people don’t think of PE as gaining knowledge and consider it a waste of time and
energy. They may say that when thinking of education, the idea of running, sweating, and
humiliation don’t come to mind. In every class there are the athletic students and the non-athletic
students. The non-athletic students and students who don’t want to be there get thrown on a team
and ruin the game for the people that want to be there. They don’t try or want to play. They may
be embarrassed, and it hits hard on their self-esteem. By not requiring these students to take a PE
course, you would have more engaging students because the students who don’t want to be there,
aren’t forced to take it. Being physically active should be a choice and it should be up to the
student to make their own health decisions. Not only that, but in middle school and high school,
it is important to focus on academics and not waste time taking a PE class.
For others, PE may be the only time they have to participate in physical activity. School
is the biggest factor in teaching children healthy skills and importance of being physically active.
If PE wasn’t required, then not every student would get this knowledge. The students who need
to knowledge the most are usually the ones who wouldn’t sign up for PE if it wasn’t required.
Students may hate the concept of getting sweaty, but they’ve never learned about the benefits of
physical activity which is why it would be important for PE to be a required class. We can’t help
what students do at home, but we can help them in school by requiring PE. Not only that, but
exercise has been proven to get their brain going which leads to better academics. PE helps
students learn sports skills, but it does much more than that like teach students about teamwork
and social skills. It’s a great time to just have fun with your friends and take a break from
learning what 2+X is. The students who think PE is absolute torture or didn’t have a good
experience probably just didn’t have the best teacher to create a positive environment.

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