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Weather, You’re Hot

Dessert, with the double “s”, is a wonderful and sweet thing that everybody loves and
would never refuse. On the other hand, by taking away one “s”, you get a whole different kind
of thing. Just like how people usually say that little things can make a big difference, desert
have nothing incommon with dessert. The desert connotes with people strugling to survive in
an environment of deprived water and suffering under the scorching sun. As a result not many
living things live there and not many people are able to permanently reside there. People,
mostly from the African tribes live in the desert, but I think their lives would certainly be easier
and more comfortable if they were to live in a generally more habitable areas. The main culprit
of this problem is actually the heat. Nobody can stand the heat for too long, certainly not me.

As a tropical country, Indonesia has always been hot and it is always summer all year
long. The summer here is way hotter than those in America. Some people may eventually get
used to it but having lived my whole life living in Indonesia, I still complain about how hot the
weather is. I’ve always stayed in my perfectly air conditioned room whenever possible to
escape the hot weather, but others would think that I’m just an introvert locking myself away
from society, preferring solitude and hating everybody else. But then, if you step outside, it all
started again, getting all sweaty with your clothes soaked wet. It is so uncomfortable and i truly
hate it. With my long hair clunging like thermal blankets, locking in the heat, it felt like my brain
is cooked well-done. You would have to fan yourself with any piece of paper or whatever you
have in hand just to, at least, make yourself cooler but all that is useless in the 32 degree celcius
Indonesian air. Talking scientifically, the impurities that sweating help to excrete can stay on
your skin but as the skin begins to re-absorb them, pH factors change and can lead to irritation
and rash. This often happens to me and all these made me so annoyed to the point that I would
get very grumpy and sensitive towards others. With that, other people would get the wrong
idea, leading to an even bigger problem of misunderstanding.

It all started with the discomfort of sweat that occurs as soon as the temperature goes
up. Even siting down anywhere, not even doing anything, you would sweat. It is uncomfortable
having to stand the humidity on your skin. Then, everything obtains a weird sticky feel to
everything else like everyday items such as chairs, your hair, public transport, door handles,
your phone, etc. Plus, it would not be just you that sweats. Other people under the same heat
would also be sweating and in addition to the bacteria in the air mixing to it, it gives you the
stale stench of body odor. It is just unbearable. Especially while traveling with a public
transport, as each and every individual stampeded into the bus, the pungent smell of sweat
rushed in together with them, invading every space left of fresh air. Bumping to each other is
definitely inevitable and it would add up to the list of sticky stuff, people.

Embarrassment, shame and social anxiety associated with sweat-soaked or stained

clothing can also be a result to all this. Firstly, it decreases confidence, with everyone’s judging
eye, their cringing face expressions to the smell of your body as you pass by or even hearing
others talk behind your back about how bad you smell. Second, it can cause anxiety as you
would be paranoid that you sweat everywhere, even in places that you don’t realize would. This
can interfere with the performance on tasks at work or school. Not only to those who sweat but
the body odor from those people can annoy others and disturb them, even lagging their work
performance too. You would not be able to think straight as your mind is clouded with the
discomfort of sweating. This would not result to a good work environment as it decreases labor
productivity and company output, putting the whole business at stake. These problems may not
lead to such extreme causes and it can be solved by putting more air conditioners or maybe
sharing life hacks with employees to advices for the employees. Even so, people would still
have to deal with it in the end.

There surely is many ways on how you can solve the sweating problem but there would
still be times where you complain about it. People would probably get annoyed as you have
said “UGH! It’s so hot” at least a hundred times but you just can’t help it because it really is hot.
You might as well hate to hear yourself complaining or seeming to be so childish and you don’t
need to tell people that as they might have already know it themselves but then again, you
can’t help it. There might as well be others uttering the same complains around you. There may
be some relatable moments that they experience the same things as you do and feel the same
way about it too, but eventually you will also get annoyed with their non-stop complains.
Adding up to the your already complaining self, it would really be unhealthy.

The hot weather had also caused social and environmental problems in many countries.
Recently it was reported that there are many Indonesian patients with heat stroke during the
Mecca pilgrimage. Heat waves have also occurred in many areas, causing wildfires, drought and
many other things that put many people at a disadvantage. It is not only the bad things that hot
weather has brought to us there are surely positive sides to everything but I don’t think it wins
over the negative ones.

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