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I've always felt alone. My whole life. For as long as I can remember. I don't
know if I like it or if I'm used to it, but I know this; being lonely does things to you.
Feeling shit and bitter and angry all the time just... eats away at you.

Curtis is a guy ordinary guy living in a random who suffers of depression due
to events he’s been going through out of life. Curtis wakes up in an unknown alley shortly
after being hit by a car. He sees himself in a strange situation, trapped in a city. And
suddenly the city where he is, seems to be empty and dozens of lunatics and strange
creatures begin to appear. He tries to call the police but for some reason his cell phone
does not work despite constantly receiving messages from an unknown entity. From then
on, he tries to survive and find a way out.

Throughout the game, it would be explained through dialogs or visuals that

those lunatics and creatures seem by Curtis are nothing but hallucinations he’s been

He may run into citizens, who are not hallucinations, and mention to them
that he’s been seeing strange things such as lunatics, creatures, part of the city in ruins
and so on. The citizens will tell him he went crazy and they haven’t seen anything out of
reality lately.

It’s sort of a parallel meeting between reality and insanity. I know it might
sound a bit like Silent Hill but it’s different.

All Curtis did not know was that he has been living his nightmares, since that
car accident. The dialogs and visuals will slightly lead him to the dark side of his thoughts
and he will find out it is all in his head.

Subway tunnels leading to the suburbs of a crowed city such as NY (it does
not necessarily need to be NY but a fictional city). Throughout the game and its scenarios,
it would be interesting to add alleys and that entire blue jazz vibes. Since I wanted it to
have some horror and drama, I think the environment ideas previously said would fit it
very well.


It would be of great relevance to tell the story behind the hallucinations,

lunatics and creatures he has been seeing throughout the game. Each and every of those
hallucinations, lunatics and creatures have something to do with his past.

In my opinion, the game itself should be divided into chapters just as a book
is. I can easily give some examples of chapters following the story idea previously said
in the introduction.

Chapter 1: Lost in a city

Chapter 2: Who’s that man? (Referring to one of those lunatics)

Chapter 3: The city is not safe

Chapter 4: Drowned in sorrow

Chapter 5: Is it all in my head?

Chapter 6: My life ends here


I got some these examples from a profile on Tumblr known as “1041uuu”.

His name is Yuuta Toyoi, an illustrator and pixel artist who is also part of Geek House, a
project that collects various creators and which was introduced in the Japanese TV
program The Non Fiction. His pixel works are beautiful and have a strong retro vibe, and
have gathered a lot of attention from media.
By the way, you can check Toyoi's beautiful pixel art works at:

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