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 Internal Piles - are located far within the rectum, and can’t be seen or felt.
The only symptom is usually bleeding.
Internal piles can be classified into 4 grades:

o Grade1: These are tiny haemorrhoids within

the lining of the anus.
o Grade 2: These haemorrhoids too lie within
the anus and are slightly larger than grade 1
haemorrhoids. These haemorrhoids may get
pushed out while passing stool but return to
the original position on their own.
o Grade 3: These are also known as
'prolapsed haemorrhoids'. They appear
outside the anus. The patient can push them
back in by pressing against them with his
o Grade 4: These haemorrhoids cannot be
pushed back and stay outside the anus at all
times. They need to be treated by a doctor
who usually suggests a surgery.
 External Piles - are located around the anus right under the skin, where
there are many pain-sensing nerves. They, therefore, hurt as well as bleed.

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